66 research outputs found

    Evolution to a singular measure and two sums of Lyapunov exponents

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    We consider dissipative dynamical systems represented by a smooth compressible flow in a finite domain. The density evolves according to the continuity (Liouville) equation. For a general, non-degenerate flow the result of the infinite time evolution of an initially smooth density is a singular measure. We give a condition for the non-degeneracy which allows to decide for a given flow whether the infinite time limit is singular. The condition uses a Green-Kubo type formula for the space-averaged sum of forward and backward-in-time Lyapunov exponents. We discuss how the sums determine the fluctuations of the entropy production rate in the SRB state and give examples of computation of the sums for certain velocity fields.Comment: 4 pages, published versio

    Dispersion of particles in an infinite-horizon Lorentz gas

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    We consider a two-dimensional Lorentz gas with infinite horizon. This paradigmatic model consists of pointlike particles undergoing elastic collisions with fixed scatterers arranged on a periodic lattice. It was rigorously shown that when tt\to\infty, the distribution of particles is Gaussian. However, the convergence to this limit is ultraslow, hence it is practically unattainable. Here we obtain an analytical solution for the Lorentz gas' kinetics on physically relevant timescales, and find that the density in its far tails decays as a universal power law of exponent 3-3. We also show that the arrangement of scatterers is imprinted in the shape of the distribution.Comment: Article with supplemental material: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Attempted density blowup in a freely cooling dilute granular gas: hydrodynamics versus molecular dynamics

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    It has been recently shown (Fouxon et al. 2007) that, in the framework of ideal granular hydrodynamics (IGHD), an initially smooth hydrodynamic flow of a granular gas can produce an infinite gas density in a finite time. Exact solutions that exhibit this property have been derived. Close to the singularity, the granular gas pressure is finite and almost constant. This work reports molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of a freely cooling gas of nearly elastically colliding hard disks, aimed at identifying the "attempted" density blowup regime. The initial conditions of the simulated flow mimic those of one particular solution of the IGHD equations that exhibits the density blowup. We measure the hydrodynamic fields in the MD simulations and compare them with predictions from the ideal theory. We find a remarkable quantitative agreement between the two over an extended time interval, proving the existence of the attempted blowup regime. As the attempted singularity is approached, the hydrodynamic fields, as observed in the MD simulations, deviate from the predictions of the ideal solution. To investigate the mechanism of breakdown of the ideal theory near the singularity, we extend the hydrodynamic theory by accounting separately for the gradient-dependent transport and for finite density corrections.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication on Physical Review

    A nonlinear theory of non-stationary low Mach number channel flows of freely cooling nearly elastic granular gases

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    We use hydrodynamics to investigate non-stationary channel flows of freely cooling dilute granular gases. We focus on the regime where the sound travel time through the channel is much shorter than the characteristic cooling time of the gas. As a result, the gas pressure rapidly becomes almost homogeneous, while the typical Mach number of the flow drops well below unity. Eliminating the acoustic modes, we reduce the hydrodynamic equations to a single nonlinear and nonlocal equation of a reaction-diffusion type in Lagrangian coordinates. This equation describes a broad class of channel flows and, in particular, can follow the development of the clustering instability from a weakly perturbed homogeneous cooling state to strongly nonlinear states. If the heat diffusion is neglected, the reduced equation is exactly soluble, and the solution develops a finite-time density blowup. The heat diffusion, however, becomes important near the attempted singularity. It arrests the density blowup and brings about novel inhomogeneous cooling states (ICSs) of the gas, where the pressure continues to decay with time, while the density profile becomes time-independent. Both the density profile of an ICS, and the characteristic relaxation time towards it are determined by a single dimensionless parameter that describes the relative role of the inelastic energy loss and heat diffusion. At large values of this parameter, the intermediate cooling dynamics proceeds as a competition between low-density regions of the gas. This competition resembles Ostwald ripening: only one hole survives at the end.Comment: 20 pages, 15 figures, final versio

    Shocks and Universal Statistics in (1+1)-Dimensional Relativistic Turbulence

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    We propose that statistical averages in relativistic turbulence exhibit universal properties. We consider analytically the velocity and temperature differences structure functions in the (1+1)-dimensional relativistic turbulence in which shock waves provide the main contribution to the structure functions in the inertial range. We study shock scattering, demonstrate the stability of the shock waves, and calculate the anomalous exponents. We comment on the possibility of finite time blowup singularities.Comment: 37 pages, 7 figure

    New relations for correlation functions in Navier-Stokes turbulence

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    We consider the steady-state statistics of turbulence sustained by a large-scale force. The Kolmogorov flux relation (4/5-law) is shown to be a particular case of the general relation on the current-density correlation function. Using that, we derive an analog of the flux relation for compressible turbulence and a new exact relation for incompressible turbulence.Comment: 11 page

    Supersymmetric Extension of GCA in 2d

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    We derive the infinite dimensional Supersymmetric Galilean Conformal Algebra (SGCA) in the case of two spacetime dimensions by performing group contraction on 2d superconformal algebra. We also obtain the representations of the generators in terms of superspace coordinates. Here we find realisations of the SGCA by considering scaling limits of certain 2d SCFTs which are non-unitary and have their left and right central charges become large in magnitude and opposite in sign. We focus on the Neveu-Schwarz sector of the parent SCFTs and develop, in parallel to the GCA studies recently in (arXiv:0912.1090), the representation theory based on SGCA primaries, Ward identities for their correlation functions and their descendants which are null states.Comment: La TeX file, 32 pages; v2: typos corrected, journal versio

    Ergodic properties of a model for turbulent dispersion of inertial particles

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    We study a simple stochastic differential equation that models the dispersion of close heavy particles moving in a turbulent flow. In one and two dimensions, the model is closely related to the one-dimensional stationary Schroedinger equation in a random delta-correlated potential. The ergodic properties of the dispersion process are investigated by proving that its generator is hypoelliptic and using control theory