238 research outputs found

    Identification des dermatophytes par spectrométrie de masse MALDI-TOF

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    Introduction L’identification des dermatophytes par les méthodes microbiologiques conventionnelles est souvent longue et fastidieuse. La technique de spectrométrie de masse et sa variante MALDI-TOF (Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption Ionisation-Time of Flight) est un nouvel outil utilisé pour l’identification des bactéries et des levures dans les laboratoires d’analyses médicales. Nous avons récemment développé une méthode standardisée pour l’identification en routine des champignons filamenteux à partir de culture en milieu solide. L’objectif de cette étude est d’étendre cette méthode standardisée à l’identification des dermatophytes dans l’activité de routine du laboratoire. Matériel et méthode Une banque de référence contenant les spectres de masse de 44 souches parfaitement caractérisées correspondants à 13 espèces de dermatophytes a été générée sur un UltraFlex (BruckerDaltonics, Allemagne) couplé au logiciel MaldiBiotyper v2.1. Par la suite, 133 souches isolées de prélèvements cliniques ont été identifiées en comparant leur spectre à ceux inclus dans la banque de référence : l’identification d’espèce a été retenue si le Log Score (LS) obtenu était supérieur ou égal à 1,7. Enfin, l’identification par MALDI-TOF a été considérée comme correcte en cas de concordance avec l’identification morphologique ou moléculaire des isolats cliniques. Résultats L’identification par spectrométrie de masse(SM) a été correcte pour 130 (97,8 %) des isolats. Pour 2 isolats identifiés conventionnellement comme Microsporum canis, l’identification par SM n’a pas pu générer de spectre avec un LS valide. Pour un isolat correspondant à Microsporum audouinii, la SM a généré une mauvaise identification. Tous les isolats ont pu être identifiés après seulement 3 à 6 jours de culture avant l’apparition des caractères morphologiques conventionnels d’identification. Conclusion Le protocole de SM utilisé pour l’identification des champignons filamenteux au laboratoire est applicable aux dermatophytes. Une identification d’espèce peut être obtenue en 3 à 6 jours alors qu’une identification conventionnelle qui nécessite notamment des milieux de cultures complémentaires demande 2 à 3 semaines

    Altered Protein Networks and Cellular Pathways in Severe West Nile Disease in Mice

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    Background:The recent West Nile virus (WNV) outbreaks in developed countries, including Europe and the United States, have been associated with significantly higher neuropathology incidence and mortality rate than previously documented. The changing epidemiology, the constant risk of (re-)emergence of more virulent WNV strains, and the lack of effective human antiviral therapy or vaccines makes understanding the pathogenesis of severe disease a priority. Thus, to gain insight into the pathophysiological processes in severe WNV infection, a kinetic analysis of protein expression profiles in the brain of WNV-infected mice was conducted using samples prior to and after the onset of clinical sympt

    Fungal colonization in Cystic Fibrosis (CF): Epidemiology and antifungal resistance in a French cohort of CF patients – Focused on Aspergillus fumigatus colonization

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    Introduction: Cystic fibrosis (CF) is the major genetic inherited disease in the European Caucasian population, with an average of 1 in 3000 living births in France. Prognostic depend essentially on the lung impairments. While considerable attention therefore has been paid over recent decades to prevent and treat bacterial respiratory infections, we observed emergence of fungi colonization in CF respiratory tract. In particular, Aspergillus fumigatus represents the most common causative agent colonizing the airways of CF patients; it can be responsible for Allergic Bronchopulmonary Aspergillosis (ABPA). Since oral corticosteroids and itraconazole represent the mainstay of ABPA treatment, long-term therapy may increase the risk of acquired resistance to azoles that is mainly associated with amino acid substitutions in the CYP51A gene of A. fumigatus. Objective: First, we managed to have exhaustive epidemiological data on species of filamentous fungi able to colonize the airway tract of 300 CF patients followed-up in our national prospective study ("MucoFong" study – PHRC1902). Second, CF patients being chronically exposed to azole (especially to itraconazole), our study aimed to evaluate the prevalence of azole resistance in isolates prospectively collected from CF patients followed-up in seven French hospitals involved in our national prospective study. Third, we focused on the most prevalent species: Aspergillus fumigatus, studying the azole resistance at molecular level. To our knowledge, it is the first multicenter study focused on azole resistance of A. fumigatus in CF. Methods: A total of 243 sputa were analyzed using the same protocol in each centre. The MICs of antifungal drugs were evaluated for each isolate using the E-test ® strips. Focusing on A. fumigatus, a total of 87 isolates was collected in 85 patients. These isolates were characterized at the molecular level by targeting ITS, ß-tubulin and MAT-A/α genes. The CYP51A gene as well as its promoter was sequenced; a 3D Cyp51A protein homology model was built. Results and discussion: 300 patients were enrolled in this study. At inclusion time, most of them were adults colonized with A. fumigatus (about 35% of the patients). Scedosporium was isolated in 5%, and Exophiala in about 2%. Regarding antifungal susceptibility, isolates of Scedosporium and Exophiala exhibited antifungal resistance comparable with published data. Regarding A. fumigatus, a majority of isolates (88.1%) were found sensitive to itraconazole (MIC≤ 2μg/ml), and 2 new mutations were identified and localized within 3-dimensional Cyp51A protein model. To obtain insight into azole resistance of A. fumigatus, the results are analyzed taking into account clinical data, itraconazole exposition, and the potential correlation between the identified CYP5IA mutations and azole resistance is discussed based on the Cyp51A protein homology model

    ALS-FTLD associated mutations of SQSTM1 impact on Keap1-Nrf2 signalling

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    The transcription factor Nrf2 and its repressor protein Keap1 play key roles in the regulation of antioxidant stress responses and both Keap1-Nrf2 signalling and oxidative stress have been implicated in the pathogenesis of the ALS-FTLD spectrum of neurodegenerative disorders. The Keap1-binding partner and autophagy receptor SQSTM1/p62 has also recently been linked genetically to ALS-FTLD, with some missense mutations identified in patients mapping within or close to its Keap1-interacting region (KIR, residues 347–352) of SQSTM1/p62. Here we report the effects on protein function of four different disease associated mutations of SQSTM1/p62 which affect the KIR region. Only mutations mapping precisely to the KIR (P348L and G351 A) were associated with a loss of Keap1 binding in co-immunoprecipitations comparable to wild-type SQSTM1/p62. These selective effects on Keap1 recognition were entirely rational based on protein structural models. Consistent with impaired Keap1 binding, the P348L and G351A KIR mutants showed reduced ability to activate Nrf2 signalling compared to wild-type SQSTM1/p62 in antioxidant response element (ARE)-luciferase reporter assays. The results suggest that SQSTM1 mutations within the KIR of SQSTM1/p62 contribute to aetiology of some cases of ALS-FTLD through a mechanism involving aberrant expression or regulation of oxidative response genes

    Developing Creativity: Artificial Barriers in Artificial Intelligence

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    The greatest rhetorical challenge to developers of creative artificial intelligence systems is convincingly arguing that their software is more than just an extension of their own creativity. This paper suggests that “creative autonomy,” which exists when a system not only evaluates creations on its own, but also changes its standards without explicit direction, is a necessary condition for making this argument. Rather than requiring that the system be hermetically sealed to avoid perceptions of human influence, developing creative autonomy is argued to be more plausible if the system is intimately embedded in a broader society of other creators and critics. Ideas are presented for constructing systems that might be able to achieve creative autonomy

    A New Model for Raf Kinase Inhibitory Protein Induced Chemotherapeutic Resistance

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    Therapeutic resistance remains the most challenging aspect of treating cancer. Raf kinase inhibitory protein (RKIP) emerged as a molecule capable of sensitizing cancerous cells to radio- and chemotherapy. Moreover, this small evolutionary conserved molecule, endows significant resistance to cancer therapy when its expression is reduced or lost. RKIP has been shown to inhibit the Raf-MEK-ERK, NFκB, GRK and activate the GSK3β signaling pathways. Inhibition of Raf-MEK-ERK and NFκB remains the most prominent pathways implicated in the sensitization of cells to therapeutic drugs. Our purpose was to identify a possible link between RKIP-KEAP 1-NRF2 and drug resistance. To that end, RKIP-KEAP 1 association was tested in human colorectal cancer tissues using immunohistochemistry. RKIP miRNA silencing and its inducible overexpression were employed in HEK-293 immortalized cells, HT29 and HCT116 colon cancer cell lines to further investigate our aim. We show that RKIP enhanced Kelch-like ECH-associated protein1 (KEAP 1) stability in colorectal cancer tissues and HT29 CRC cell line. RKIP silencing in immortalized HEK-293 cells (termed HEK-499) correlated significantly with KEAP 1 protein degradation and subsequent NRF2 addiction in these cells. Moreover, RKIP depletion in HEK-499, compared to control cells, bestowed resistance to supra physiological levels of H2O2 and Cisplatin possibly by upregulating NF-E2-related nuclear factor 2 (NRF2) responsive genes. Similarly, we observed a direct correlation between the extent of apoptosis, after treatment with Adriamycin, and the expression levels of RKIP/KEAP 1 in HT29 but not in HCT116 CRC cells. Our data illuminate, for the first time, the NRF2-KEAP 1 pathway as a possible target for personalized therapeutic intervention in RKIP depleted cancers

    Second malignancies after breast cancer: the impact of different treatment modalities

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    Treatment for non-metastatic breast cancer (BC) may be the cause of second malignancies in long-term survivors. Our aim was to investigate whether survivors present a higher risk of malignancy than the general population according to treatment received. We analysed data for 16 705 BC survivors treated at the Curie Institute (1981–1997) by either chemotherapy (various regimens), radiotherapy (high-energy photons from a 60Co unit or linear accelerator) and/or hormone therapy (2–5 years of tamoxifen). We calculated age-standardized incidence ratios (SIRs) for each malignancy, using data for the general French population from five regional registries. At a median follow-up 10.5 years, 709 patients had developed a second malignancy. The greatest increases in risk were for leukaemia (SIR: 2.07 (1.52–2.75)), ovarian cancer (SIR: 1.6 (1.27–2.04)) and gynaecological (cervical/endometrial) cancer (SIR: 1.6 (1.34–1.89); P<0.0001). The SIR for gastrointestinal cancer, the most common malignancy, was 0.82 (0.70–0.95; P<0.007). The increase in leukaemia was most strongly related to chemotherapy and that in gynaecological cancers to hormone therapy. Radiotherapy alone also had a significant, although lesser, effect on leukaemia and gynaecological cancer incidence. The increased risk of sarcomas and lung cancer was attributed to radiotherapy. No increased risk was observed for malignant melanoma, lymphoma, genitourinary, thyroid or head and neck cancer. There is a significantly increased risk of several kinds of second malignancy in women treated for BC, compared with the general population. This increase may be related to adjuvant treatment in some cases. However, the absolute risk is small
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