10 research outputs found

    Insulinoma as a rare cause of hypoglycemia - a case report

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    Insulinoma is a rare neuroendocrine tumor originating from pancreatic Ī²- cells. Hypoglycemia is seen in patients with diabetes treated with insulin and sulfonylureas, alcohol abuse, and starvation. Severe spontaneous hypoglycemia is uncommon and can be caused by this rare tumor

    Pilonidalni sinus interdigitalnog prostora Ŕake

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    Pilonidal disease is an acquired skin disease, usually in the sacrococcygeal region, rarely in the umbilical or intermammary region. It occurs as an abscess, cyst, or sinus. The considered cause is folliculitis caused by hair indentation into the follicles. Interdigital pilonidal sinus is a rare professional disease of hairdressers, barbers, and dog groomers. Short-cut hair is sharp, electrostatic, and adhesive, so it easily perforates and lags in the interdigital epidermis.Pilonidalna bolest stečena je bolest kože najčeŔće sakrokokcigealne regije, rjeđe umbilikalno ili intermamarno. Javlja se u obliku apscesa, ciste ili sinusa, a uzrokom se smatra folikulitis nastao uvlačenjem dlaka u folikule. Pilonidalni sinus smjeÅ”ten interdigitalno rijetka je profesionalna bolest frizera, brijača i njegovatelja pasa. Kratka odrezana dlaka izrazito je oÅ”tra te se ponaÅ”a elektrostatski i adhezivno, stoga lako perforira i zaostaje u interdigitalnom epidermisu

    From Azoospermia to Fertility: A Successful Case of mTESE Treatment

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    Infertility is diagnosed clinically in heterosexual couples who cannot achieve pregnancy after a year of having intercourse without using birth control. Statistically, every sixth couple in Croatia is infertile and 50% of infertility cases are male-originated

    Primarna rekonstrukcija ulnarnog živca nakon prostrijelne rane

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    Penetrating injuries of the forearm can be presented with neurovascular injuries. Damage of nulnaris can result in sensory and motor disorders in the patient\u27s hands. Primary or delayed reconstruction is required to maintain nerve continuity and preserve nerve function.Penetrantne ozljede u području podlaktice mogu se prezentirati, među ostalim, ozljedama neurovaskularnih struktura toga područja. Traumatska ozljeda n. ulnaris rezultira gubitkom osjeta i motorike njegovog inervacijskog područja. Terapijska rekonstrukcija ozlijeđenog živca može biti primarna ili sekundarna sa svrhom uspostavljanja anatomskog kontinuiteta i očuvanja funkcije

    Transkateterska implantacija aortnog zaliska (TAVI) umjesto transplantacije srca kod pacijenta s dila- tativnom kardiomiopatijom

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    Dilated cardiomyopathy is myocardial dysfunction that predominantly presents with ventricular dilation and systolic dysfunction. Onset is usually gradual, except in acute myocarditis. Generally, the prognosis is poor; up to 70% of patients die within five years of diagnosis. Therefore, these patients are usually candidates for heart transplantation.Dilatativna kardiomiopatija predstavlja disfunkciju miokarda u kojoj prevladavaju dilatacija ventrikula i sistolička disfunkcija. Početak je često postupan, osim u akutnom miokarditisu. Prognoza je općenito loÅ”a te čak do 70% bolesnika umire unutar 5 godina od dijagnoze. Zbog loÅ”e prognoze ovi pacijenti često su kandidati za transplantaciju srca

    Uncovering the Connection Between Stress and Cancer: A Case Report

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    Many research studies show the connection between a previous stressful event and an increase in health problems. These usually include heart disease, diabetes, and hypertension. However, whether this could affect the immune system and be a trigger for developing carcinoma remains open for discussion

    Pilonidalni sinus interdigitalnog prostora Ŕake

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    Pilonidal disease is an acquired skin disease, usually in the sacrococcygeal region, rarely in the umbilical or intermammary region. It occurs as an abscess, cyst, or sinus. The considered cause is folliculitis caused by hair indentation into the follicles. Interdigital pilonidal sinus is a rare professional disease of hairdressers, barbers, and dog groomers. Short-cut hair is sharp, electrostatic, and adhesive, so it easily perforates and lags in the interdigital epidermis.Pilonidalna bolest stečena je bolest kože najčeŔće sakrokokcigealne regije, rjeđe umbilikalno ili intermamarno. Javlja se u obliku apscesa, ciste ili sinusa, a uzrokom se smatra folikulitis nastao uvlačenjem dlaka u folikule. Pilonidalni sinus smjeÅ”ten interdigitalno rijetka je profesionalna bolest frizera, brijača i njegovatelja pasa. Kratka odrezana dlaka izrazito je oÅ”tra te se ponaÅ”a elektrostatski i adhezivno, stoga lako perforira i zaostaje u interdigitalnom epidermisu

    Primarna rekonstrukcija ulnarnog živca nakon prostrijelne rane

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    Penetrating injuries of the forearm can be presented with neurovascular injuries. Damage of nulnaris can result in sensory and motor disorders in the patient\u27s hands. Primary or delayed reconstruction is required to maintain nerve continuity and preserve nerve function.Penetrantne ozljede u području podlaktice mogu se prezentirati, među ostalim, ozljedama neurovaskularnih struktura toga područja. Traumatska ozljeda n. ulnaris rezultira gubitkom osjeta i motorike njegovog inervacijskog područja. Terapijska rekonstrukcija ozlijeđenog živca može biti primarna ili sekundarna sa svrhom uspostavljanja anatomskog kontinuiteta i očuvanja funkcije


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    NajčeŔće ozljede prenaprezanja kod penjača po stijenama su istezanje ili rupture sustava remenica fleksora prstiju Å”ake. Mehanizam nastanka ovih ozljeda je ā€žkrimp stisakā€œ koji se koristi u penjanju. Remenice A2, A3 i A4 izložene su najvećem riziku od ozljeda, posebno kada su opterećene ekscentrično. Fizikalni pregled može otkriti kliničko ā€žstruganje tetiveā€œ, definirano kao volarni pomak tetiva fleksora iz falangi, međutim, za konačnu dijagnozu potreban je slikovni prikaz ozljede. Ultrazvuk je vrlo osjetljiv i specifičan za dijagnozu te se preporučuje kao početna slikovna tehnika izbora. Magnetska rezonancija preporučuje se kao dodatna slikovna metoda ako ultrazvuk nije dao jasne rezultate. Smatra se da pravilno zagrijavanje sprječava nastanak ozljeda. Ozljede remenica mogu se klasificirati od I. do IV. stupnja. Za ozljede I. do III. stupnja preporuča se konzervativno liječenje, uključujući imobilizaciju, metodu H-trake i koriÅ”tenje zaÅ”titne udlage remenica. KirurÅ”ko liječenje primjenjuje se za ozljede IV. stupnja.The most common overuse injuries in rock climbers are stretching or rupture of the flexor pulley system of the fingers of the hand. The mechanism of these injuries is the ā€œcrimp gripā€ used in climbing. Pulleys A2, A3 and A4 are exposed to the greatest risk of injury, especially when loaded eccentrically. Physical examination may reveal clinical ā€œtendon scraping,ā€ defined as volar displacement of the flexor tendon from the phalanges, however, definitive diagnosis requires imaging of the injury. Ultrasound is very sensitive and specific for diagnosis and is recommended as the initial imaging technique of choice. Magnetic resonance is recommended as an additional imaging method if ultrasound did not give clear results. A proper warm-up is thought to prevent injury. Pulley injuries can be classified from I to IV degree. For injuries I to III degree, conservative treatment is recommended, including immobilization, the H-band method, and the use of a protective pulley splint. Surgical treatment is used for IV degree injuries

    Transkateterska implantacija aortnog zaliska (TAVI) umjesto transplantacije srca kod pacijenta s dila- tativnom kardiomiopatijom

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    Dilated cardiomyopathy is myocardial dysfunction that predominantly presents with ventricular dilation and systolic dysfunction. Onset is usually gradual, except in acute myocarditis. Generally, the prognosis is poor; up to 70% of patients die within five years of diagnosis. Therefore, these patients are usually candidates for heart transplantation.Dilatativna kardiomiopatija predstavlja disfunkciju miokarda u kojoj prevladavaju dilatacija ventrikula i sistolička disfunkcija. Početak je često postupan, osim u akutnom miokarditisu. Prognoza je općenito loÅ”a te čak do 70% bolesnika umire unutar 5 godina od dijagnoze. Zbog loÅ”e prognoze ovi pacijenti često su kandidati za transplantaciju srca