11 research outputs found

    Dmodel and Dalgebra : a data model and algebra for office documents

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    This dissertation presents a data model (called D_model) and an algebra (called D_ algebra) for office documents. The data model adopts a very natural view of modeling office documents. Documents are grouped into classes; each class is characterized by a frame template , which describes the properties (or attributes) for the class of documents. A frame template is instantiated by providing it with values to form a frame instance which becomes the synopsis of the document of the class associated with the frame template. Different frame instances can be grouped into a folder. Therefore, a folder is a set of frame instances which need not be over the same frame template. The D_model is a dual model which describes documents using two hierarchies: a document type hierarchy which depicts the structural organization of the documents and a folder organization, which represents the user\u27s real-world document filing system. The document type hierarchy exploits structural commonalities between frame templates. Such a hierarchy helps classify various documents. The folder organization mimics the user\u27s real-world document filing system and provides the user with an intuitively clear view of the filing system. This facilitates document retrieval activities. The D_algebra includes a family of operators which together comprise the fundamental query language for the D_model. The algebra provides operators that can be applied to folders which contain frame instances of different types. It has more expressive power than the relational algebra. It extends the classical relational algebra by associating attributes with types, and supporting attribute inheritance. Aggregate operators which can be applied to different frame instances in a folder are also provided. The proposed algebra is used as a sound basis to express the semantics of a high level query language for a document processing system, called TEXPROS. In the model, frame instances can represent incomplete information. Null values of the form value at present unknown are used to denote missing information in some fields of the incomplete frame instances. This dissertation provides a proof-theoretic characterization of the data model and defines the semantics of the null values within the proof-theoretic paradigm

    Implementing recovery-oriented practice in mental health services: a qualitative case study

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    Although the recovery philosophy has been adopted in mental health services in various Western countries including England, its implementation in practice has been described as “slow and patchy”. Furthermore, there are suggestions in the literature that there is a lack of clarity around the implementation of recovery-oriented practice (ROP) and a dearth of research exploring the phenomenon. This study aimed to discover how recovery-oriented practice is implemented in an NHS Trust providing care for people experiencing mental health problems, in order to add to what is already known about the implementation of ROP to inform future practice A qualitative case study approach was employed to investigate the implementation of ROP from strategic to grassroots level in two practice settings (Community Mental Health Team and Rehabilitation ward) within one NHS Trust providing mental health services in the South of England. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 16 participants (senior managers, practitioners, service users) investigating their perceptions and experiences of ROP. Data were analysed using thematic analysis and further interpreted by situating it in the literature

    ‘Coaching and Peer Assisted Learning’ (C‐PAL) ‐ the mental health nursing student experience: a qualitative evaluation

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    Introduction: This paper presents findings from a study that evaluated mental health nursing students’ experience of a team mentoring model called Coaching and Peer Assisted Learning (C-PAL). At present there are no published research studies into the effectiveness of team mentorship utilised by nursing students within inpatient mental health settings. Aim: The study utilised an interpretist methodology where the focus was on individuals in their social world. Method: Two focus groups were held with fifteen students who had experienced C-PAL in four in-patient wards. Findings: Students’ overall experience of piloting C-PAL was positive. Learning opportunities (Theme 3) appeared to be dependent on the quality of peer support (Theme 5) which in turn, enhanced the learner experience and increased the level of student confidence (Theme 6). Less positive experiences included inadequate preparation (Theme 1), poor understanding of the model and competition for learning experiences. Implications for practice: We tentatively suggest that team mentorship models such as C-PAL may be suitable for acute in-patient mental health settings. The success of C-PAL depends upon the preparation of nursing staff, mentors (Theme 4), coaches and students in relation to role expectations, shift rostering (Theme 2) and the implementation of ‘huddling’ to promote opportunistic learning

    Implementing service improvement projects within pre-registration nursing education: A multi-method case study evaluation

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    Background Preparing healthcare students for quality and service improvement is important internationally. A United Kingdom (UK) initiative aims to embed service improvement in pre-registration education. A UK university implemented service improvement teaching for all nursing students. In addition, the degree pathway students conducted service improvement projects as the basis for their dissertations. Aim The study aimed to evaluate the implementation of service improvement projects within a pre-registration nursing curriculum. Method A multi-method case study was conducted, using student questionnaires, focus groups with students and academic staff, and observation of action learning sets. Questionnaire data were analysed using SPSS v19. Qualitative data were analysed using Ritchie and Spencer's (1994)) Framework Approach. Results Students were very positive about service improvement. The degree students, who conducted service improvement projects in practice, felt more knowledgeable than advanced diploma students. Selecting the project focus was a key issue and students encountered some challenges in practice. Support for student service improvement projects came from action learning sets, placement staff, and academic staff. Conclusion Service improvement projects had a positive effect on students' learning. An effective partnership between the university and partner healthcare organisations, and support for students in practice, is essential

    Information Systems Education Journal In this issue: 4. Full Flip, Half Flip and No Flip: Evaluation of Flipping an Introductory Programming Course The Relative Efficacy of Video and Text Tutorials in Online Computing Education 44. Use of Failure in IS De

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    The Information Systems Education Journal (ISEDJ) is a double-blind peer-reviewed academic journal published reviewed published by ISCAP, Information Systems and Computing Academic Professionals. The first year of publication was 2003. ISEDJ is published online (http://isedj.org). Our sister publication, the Proceedings of EDSIGCon (http://www.edsigcon.org) features all papers, panels, workshops, and presentations from the conference. The journal acceptance review process involves a minimum of three double-blind peer reviews, where both the reviewer is not aware of the identities of the authors and the authors are not aware of the identities of the reviewers. The initial reviews happen before the conference. At that point papers are divided into award papers (top 15%), other journal papers (top 30%), unsettled papers, and non-journal papers. The unsettled papers are subjected to a second round of blind peer review to establish whether they will be accepted to the journal or not. Those papers that are deemed of sufficient quality are accepted for publication in the ISEDJ journal. Currently the target acceptance rate for the journal is under 40%. Information Systems Education Journal is pleased to be listed in the 1st Edition of Cabell's Directory of Publishing Opportunities in Educational Technology and Library Science, in both the electronic and printed editions. Questions should be addressed to the editor at [email protected] or the publisher at [email protected]. Special thanks to members of AITP-EDSIG who perform the editorial and review processes for ISEDJ. AITP Education Special Interest Group (EDSIG) Board of Directors Abstract This paper discusses how cloud computing can be leveraged to add value to academic programs in information systems and other fields by improving financial sustainment models for institutional technology and academic departments, relieving the strain on overworked technology support resources, while adding richness and improving pedagogical delivery of course content. A literature review on cloud definitions and how cloud paradigms are being implemented in academia is conducted. The author suggests that for smaller programs and institutions, cloud hosting of applications, services and platforms in support of information systems programs may be the only financially viable solution to course technology requirements. The impact of transitioning core information systems courses to a cloud paradigm is discussed, and examples of how the transition can improve course content and delivery are provided. Finally, details are presented on how a transition to the cloud is being accomplished in the information systems program of the school of continuing studies at the author's small liberal arts university

    2017 AITP Education Special Interest Group (EDSIG) Board of Directors Information Systems Education Journal Editors 2016 ISEDJ Editorial Board Programming in the IS Curriculum: Are Requirements Changing for the Right Reason?

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    Abstract All curricula for any given academic discipline evolves over time. This is also true for the Information Systems (IS) model curriculum. Curriculum evolution is driven by several factors, such as changes in technologies, industry shifts to meet customer needs, and perceived student deficiencies. One outcome of such factors has been a change in the entry point into the IS major due to the perception that IS majors need a different method of entry from other computing majors (e.g., Computer Science (CS)). The current entry point for many IS majors is a programming course, often taken by a variety of majors. This paper addresses the question: is there a difference in performance in this initial programming course for students of different majors? More precisely, does major differentiate performance in the first programming course, such as CS1? The data clearly show this is not the case when there is a level playing field. The paper demonstrates that non-computing majors perform as well as computing majors given equal preparation. It is a misconception that changes to the IS curriculum are necessary when based on the belief that IS majors, as compared to other computing majors, need a different entry point. The data presented in this paper suggest the underlying presuppositions for IS curricular changes are misguided -supporting the need for preparation prior to a first programming course

    The Application of Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC) Techniques in a Systems Analysis & Design Flipped Classroom 35. Themed Learning with Music and Technology 45. Assessing Faculty Perceptions and Techniques to Combat Academic Dishonesty in Online Cours

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    The Information Systems Education Journal (ISEDJ) is a double-blind peer-reviewed academic journal published reviewed published by ISCAP, Information Systems and Computing Academic Professionals. The first year of publication was 2003. ISEDJ is published online (http://isedj.org). Our sister publication, the Proceedings of EDSIGCon (http://www.edsigcon.org) features all papers, panels, workshops, and presentations from the conference. The journal acceptance review process involves a minimum of three double-blind peer reviews, where both the reviewer is not aware of the identities of the authors and the authors are not aware of the identities of the reviewers. The initial reviews happen before the conference. At that point papers are divided into award papers (top 15%), other journal papers (top 30%), unsettled papers, and non-journal papers. The unsettled papers are subjected to a second round of blind peer review to establish whether they will be accepted to the journal or not. Those papers that are deemed of sufficient quality are accepted for publication in the ISEDJ journal. Currently the target acceptance rate for the journal is under 40%. Information Systems Education Journal is pleased to be listed in the 1st Edition of Cabell's Directory of Publishing Opportunities in Educational Technology and Library Science, in both the electronic and printed editions. Questions should be addressed to the editor at [email protected] or the publisher at [email protected]. Special thanks to members of AITP-EDSIG who perform the editorial and review processes for ISEDJ. AITP Education Special Interest Group (EDSIG) Board of Directors Abstract Research utilizing the Theory of Planned Behavior to understand behavior should first elicit beliefs about the phenomenon from the target population. In order to understand the reasons why students choose to major or not major in Management Information Systems (MIS), we elicited beliefs from 136 students attending university in the United States and in Zambia. We employed a questionnaire with open-ended questions to elicit beliefs about majoring in MIS. The gender split of study participants was 52%-48% with a female majority and their ages ranged from 19 to 35. Using content analysis of the generated qualitative data, we identified 11, 5 and 9 categories of behavioral, normative and control beliefs respectively. The results of our study indicate that student beliefs about the MIS major and profession have changed over the past decade; students now favorably perceive the MIS job market and attach importance to the opinions of industry professionals when making the decision to major in MIS. Analysis of the ranked elicited beliefs shows that most students believe that the MIS degree grants them competitive advantage in the employment marketplace

    Parental Perceptions and Recommendations of Computing Majors: A Technology Acceptance Model Approach Cloud-based Versus Local-based Web Development Education: An Experimental Study in Learning Experience Role-Playing and Problem-Based Learning: The Use of

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    Abstract For the past several years, there has been an increase in the number of job opportunities in the computing field. As a result, many schools and universities are facing a significant increase in the number of students seeking to major in one of several computing disciplines. This increase in the numbers and variety of majors in the computing field poses challenges for higher education institutions in the areas of advising, retention, scheduling, and enrollment management. This paper builds upon prior research documenting the association of personality type and affinity for a computing career, and proposes using personality testing early in a student's university experience by including it as one factor in the advising process. This study employs the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) as a tool to help students select an appropriate computing major better suited for their given personality. This initial exploratory study shows that there is a significant difference in personalities among computing majors, specifically in the area of introversion versus extroversion, and intuition versus sensing. Testing students early, before starting a specific major, allows institutions to provide better advising to students as they choose their major, with the goal of increasing retention, degree satisfaction and completion of the degree