122 research outputs found
Chemotherapy-induced alopecia management: Clinical experience and practical advice
Chemotherapy-induced alopecia (CIA) is probably one of the most
shocking aspects for oncological patients and underestimated by physicians. Among
hair loss risk factors, there are treatment-related aspects such as drug dose, admin-
istration regimen, and exposure to X-rays, but also patient-related characteristics. To
the best of our knowledge, no guidelines are available about CIA management.
Aims and methods:
With this study, based on literature background and our clinical
experience, we would like to propose a list of actions in order to estimate the risk
of hair loss before starting chemotherapy and to manage this condition before, dur-
ing, and after drug administration and to create a sort of practical guide for derma-
tologists and oncologists.
Results and conclusion:
There is an urgent need for prospective studies to clarify
the mechanistic basis of alopecia associated with these drugs and consequently to
design evidence-based management strategies
Multi-therapies in androgenetic alopecia: review and clinical experiences.
Androgenetic alopecia (AGA) is a genetically determined progressive hair-loss condition
which represents the most common cause of hair loss in men. The use of the medical term
androgenetic alopecia reflects current knowledge about the important role of androgens and genetic
factors in its etiology. In addition to androgen-dependent changes in the hair cycle, sustained
microscopic follicular inflammation contributes to its onset. Furthermore, Prostaglandins have been
demonstrated to have the ability in modulating hair follicle cycle; in particular, PGD2 inhibits hair
growth while PGE2/F2a promote growth. Due to the progressive nature of AGA, the treatment should
be started early and continued indefinitely, since the benefit will not be maintained upon ceasing
therapy. To date, only two therapeutic agents have been approved by the Food and Drug
Administration and European Medicines Agency for the treatment of AGA: topical minoxidil and oral
finasteride. Considering the many pathogenetic mechanisms involved in AGA, various treatment
options are available: topical and systemic drugs may be used and the choice depends on various
factors including grading of AGA, patients’ pathological conditions, practicability, costs and risks. So,
the treatment for AGA should be based on personalized therapy and targeted at the different
pathophysiological aspects of AG
Neuobičajeno opažanje prugastog dupina (Stenella coeruleoalba) u Kvarneriću, Sjeverni Jadran
An adult striped dolphin, Stenella coeruleoalba, was encountered east of the island of Lošinj on 6 May 1996, and observed from a small inflatable boat for 5 hours. The only cetacean species that has been consistently observed in the Northern Adriatic Sea in the last decades is the bottlenose dolphin, Tursiops truncatus.
Occasional reports of striped dolphins in the Central and Northern Adriatic Sea may simply reflect the occurrence of stray individuals, but the fact that such observations have only occurred recently might be indicative of a progressive extension of the striped dolphin\u27s range, as has been reported for other Mediterranean areas.Odrasli prugasti dupin, Stenella coeruleoalba, opažen je istočno od otoka Lošinja 6. svibnja 1996. godine i promatran tijekom pet sati iz malog gumenog čamca. Jedina vrsta reda Cetacea (kitovi) koja je redovito viđana u Sjevernom Jadranu posljednjih desetljeća, bio je dobri dupin, Tursiops truncatus.
Povremena opažanja prugastog dupina u Srednjem i Sjevernom Jadranu možda su samo pojave zalutalih jedinki, ali činjenica da su se ta opažanja zbila nedavno možda su indikacija progresivnog širenja areala prugastog dupina, a zabilježena su i u drugim dijelovima Sredozemlja
A case of Scalp Rosacea treated with low dose doxycycline and probiotic therapy and literature review on therapeutic options
Rosacea is a common chronic inflammatory disorder showing a wide range of clinical features such as telangiectasia, erythema, papules, and pustules primarily involving the central part of face (forehead, cheeks and nose) although extra facial manifestation have been described. We describe a case of rosacea with predominant scalp involvement successfully treated with a 8-week-course of doxycycline 40 mg once a day and probiotic therapy twice a day (Bifidobacterium breve BR03, Lactobacillus salivarius LS01 1 × 10(9) UFC/dose)
Androgenetic alopecia: a review
Androgenetic alopecia, commonly known as male
pattern baldness, is the most common type of progressive
hair loss disorder in men. The aim of this paper is to review
recent advances in understanding the pathophysiology and
molecular mechanism of androgenetic alopecia.
Using the PubMed database, we conducted a
systematic review of the literature, selecting studies pub-
lished from 1916 to 2016.
The occurrence and development of androgenetic
alopecia depends on the interaction of endocrine factors and
genetic predisposition. Androgenetic alopecia is character-
ized by progressive hair follicular miniaturization, caused
by the actions of androgens on the epithelial cells of
genetically susceptible hair follicles in androgen-dependent
areas. Although the exact pathogenesis of androgenetic
alopecia remains to be clari
ed, research has shown that it is
a polygenetic condition. Numerous studies have unequi-
vocally identi
ed two major genetic risk loci for androge-
netic alopecia, on the X-chromosome AR
EDA2R locus and
the chromosome 20p11 locus.
Candidate gene and genome-wide association
studies have reported that single-nucleotide polymorphisms
at different genomic loci are associated with androgenetic
alopecia development. A number of genes determine the
predisposition for androgenetic alopecia in a polygenic fashion. However, further studies are needed before the
specific genetic factors of this polygenic condition can be
fully explaine
Clinical, Histological and Trichoscopic Correlations in Scalp Disorders
Trichoscopy is the term coined for the dermoscopic imaging of scalp and hair. This diagnostic technique, simple and noninvasive, can be used as a handy bedside tool for the diagnosis and follow-up of hair and scalp disorders. It allows the recognition of morphologic structures not visible by the naked eye and provides the clinician with a range of dermoscopic findings necessary for differential diagnosis. Trichoscopy observation can be broadly grouped as interfollicular patterns and follicular patterns. Recently, a third mixed class, called the follicular plus interfollicular pattern, has been introduced. Some of these features are specific to a certain scalp disease, while others can be found in many hair disorders. Although studies suggest that the use of trichoscopy can improve clinical accuracy, further investigation is needed. This review provides update information on the trichoscopic features of the most common scalp disorders, striving to show a histopathological and clinical correlation
Dugoročno praćenje samotnog prugastog dupina (Stenella coeruleoalba) u priobalnom području Vinodolskog kanala, sjeverni Jadran
The striped dolphin (Stenella coeruleoalba) is not a common cetacean species in the northern Adriatic Sea. Its presence is generally related to deeper offshore areas beyond the continental shelf. Despite this fact, the analysis of data collected over the past 5 years indicates unusual site fidelity of a single individual in the relatively shallow Vinodol Channel of the northern Croatian Adriatic Sea. Summarizing the available data on its recent occurrence, this paper contributes to the current limited knowledge on striped dolphin presence and associations not only in this region.Prugasti dupin (Stenella coeruleoalba) ne predstavlja uobičajenu vrstu za hrvatski dio sjevernog Jadrana. Obično nastanjuje duboka i otvorena mora iza kontinentalnog šelfa. Unatoč tome, analiza podataka sakupljenih tijekom proteklih 5 godina ukazuje na neuobičajenu privrženost jedinke prugastog dupina relativno plitkom području Vinodolskog kanala u hrvatskom dijelu sjevernog Jadrana. Sveukupni podaci o njegovom pojavljivanju predstavljeni su u ovom radu, pridonoseći time dosadašnjim ograničenim saznanjima o prisutnosti prugastih dupina, i to ne samo na ovom području
Chemotherapy-induced alopecia: A novel observation
no abstract avaibl
Dermoscopy and methyl aminolevulinate: A study for detection and evaluation of field cancerization
Actinic keratosis (AK) is a keratinocyte intraepidermal neoplasia UV light
induced that frequently appears in
sun-exposed areas of the skin. Although historically AK was de
ned as
, actually it is considered
as the earliest stage of squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) in situ. Since AKs can progress into invasive SCC, their
treatment isrecommended. AKsrarely developasa singlelesion;usually multiplelesions commonly affect anen-
tire area of chronically actinic damaged skin. This has led to the concept of
eld cancerization
, an area chroni-
cally sun-exposed that surrounds peripherally visible lesions, in which are individualized subclinical alterations.
One of the main principles endpoint in the management of AKs is the evaluation and the treatment of
cancerization. In this view, in order to detect and quantify
eld cancerization, we employed a method based
on the topical application of methyl aminolevulinate (MAL) and the detection of the
uorescence emitted by
its metabolite Protoporphyrin IX (PpIX); then, considering the extension and the intensity of measured
cence, we create a score of
eld cancerization. The results show that patients underwent to daylight PDT had a
reduction of total score, from T0 to T2. Whereas in the group untreated we observed a stability of total score or
a slightly worse. So, the method and the score used allows to evaluate with a good approximation the dimension
eld cancerization and show the modi
cation of it after treatment
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