4,263 research outputs found

    Two-dimensional one-component plasma in a quadrupolar field

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    The classical two-dimensional one-component plasma is an exactly solvable model, at some special temperature, even when the one-body potential acting on the particles has a quadrupolar term. As a supplement to a recent work of Di Francesco, Gaudin, Itzykson, and Lesage [{\it Int. J. Mod. Phys.} {\bf A9}, 4257 (1994)] about an NN-particle system (NN large but finite), a macroscopic argument is given for confirming that the particles form an elliptical blob, the analogy between the classical plasma and a quantum NN-fermion system in a magnetic field is used for the microscopic approach, and a microscopic calculation of the surface charge-surface charge correlation function is performed; an expected universal form is shown to be realized by this correlation function.Comment: 11 pages,TE

    The Ideal Conductor Limit

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    This paper compares two methods of statistical mechanics used to study a classical Coulomb system S near an ideal conductor C. The first method consists in neglecting the thermal fluctuations in the conductor C and constrains the electric potential to be constant on it. In the second method the conductor C is considered as a conducting Coulomb system the charge correlation length of which goes to zero. It has been noticed in the past, in particular cases, that the two methods yield the same results for the particle densities and correlations in S. It is shown that this is true in general for the quantities which depend only on the degrees of freedom of S, but that some other quantities, especially the electric potential correlations and the stress tensor, are different in the two approaches. In spite of this the two methods give the same electric forces exerted on S.Comment: 19 pages, plain TeX. Submited to J. Phys. A: Math. Ge

    Exact and asymtotic formulas for overdamped Brownian dynamics

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    Exact and asymptotic formulas relating to dynamical correlations for overdamped Brownian motion are obtained. These formulas include a generalization of the ff-sum rule from the theory of quantum fluids, a formula relating the static current-current correlation to the static density-density correlation, and an asymptotic formula for the small-kk behaviour of the dynamical structure factor. Known exact evaluations of the dynamical density-density correlation in some special models are used to illustrate and test the formulas.Comment: 18 pages,LaTe

    The averaged characteristic polynomial for the Gaussian and chiral Gaussian ensembles with a source

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    In classical random matrix theory the Gaussian and chiral Gaussian random matrix models with a source are realized as shifted mean Gaussian, and chiral Gaussian, random matrices with real (β=1)(\beta = 1), complex (β=2)\beta = 2) and real quaternion (β=4(\beta = 4) elements. We use the Dyson Brownian motion model to give a meaning for general β>0\beta > 0. In the Gaussian case a further construction valid for β>0\beta > 0 is given, as the eigenvalue PDF of a recursively defined random matrix ensemble. In the case of real or complex elements, a combinatorial argument is used to compute the averaged characteristic polynomial. The resulting functional forms are shown to be a special cases of duality formulas due to Desrosiers. New derivations of the general case of Desrosiers' dualities are given. A soft edge scaling limit of the averaged characteristic polynomial is identified, and an explicit evaluation in terms of so-called incomplete Airy functions is obtained.Comment: 21 page

    Derivation of an eigenvalue probability density function relating to the Poincare disk

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    A result of Zyczkowski and Sommers [J.Phys.A, 33, 2045--2057 (2000)] gives the eigenvalue probability density function for the top N x N sub-block of a Haar distributed matrix from U(N+n). In the case n \ge N, we rederive this result, starting from knowledge of the distribution of the sub-blocks, introducing the Schur decomposition, and integrating over all variables except the eigenvalues. The integration is done by identifying a recursive structure which reduces the dimension. This approach is inspired by an analogous approach which has been recently applied to determine the eigenvalue probability density function for random matrices A^{-1} B, where A and B are random matrices with entries standard complex normals. We relate the eigenvalue distribution of the sub-blocks to a many body quantum state, and to the one-component plasma, on the pseudosphere.Comment: 11 pages; To appear in J.Phys

    Another Derivation of a Sum Rule for the Two-Dimensional Two-Component Plasma

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    In a two-dimensional two-component plasma, the second moment of the number density correlation function has the simple value {12π[1(Γ/4)]2}1\{12 \pi [1-(\Gamma/4)]^2\}^{-1}, where Γ\Gamma is the dimensionless coupling constant. This result is derived directly by using diagrammatic methods.Comment: 10 pages, uses axodraw.sty, elsart.sty, elsart12.sty, subeq.sty; accepted for publication in Physica A, May 200

    Algorithms to solve the Sutherland model

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    We give a self-contained presentation and comparison of two different algorithms to explicitly solve quantum many body models of indistinguishable particles moving on a circle and interacting with two-body potentials of 1/sin21/\sin^2-type. The first algorithm is due to Sutherland and well-known; the second one is a limiting case of a novel algorithm to solve the elliptic generalization of the Sutherland model. These two algorithms are different in several details. We show that they are equivalent, i.e., they yield the same solution and are equally simple.Comment: 15 pages, LaTe

    Two-component plasma in a gravitational field: Thermodynamics

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    We revisit the model of the two-component plasma in a gravitational field, which mimics charged colloidal suspensions. We concentrate on the computation of the grand potential of the system. Also, a special sum rule for this model is presented.Comment: 7 pages, LaTeX2

    A Combinatorial Interpretation of the Free Fermion Condition of the Six-Vertex Model

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    The free fermion condition of the six-vertex model provides a 5 parameter sub-manifold on which the Bethe Ansatz equations for the wavenumbers that enter into the eigenfunctions of the transfer matrices of the model decouple, hence allowing explicit solutions. Such conditions arose originally in early field-theoretic S-matrix approaches. Here we provide a combinatorial explanation for the condition in terms of a generalised Gessel-Viennot involution. By doing so we extend the use of the Gessel-Viennot theorem, originally devised for non-intersecting walks only, to a special weighted type of \emph{intersecting} walk, and hence express the partition function of NN such walks starting and finishing at fixed endpoints in terms of the single walk partition functions