19 research outputs found

    Mineralizációs dinamika és humifikáció ökológiai összefüggései természetes és művelt talajokban

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    A természetes állapot a talajokban a nyers szerves anyag felhalmozódásnak és a humifikációnak kedvez, a művelés pedig a mineralizációs folyamatoknak. Ezért kisebb a lehetőség a bomlásnak ellenálló humuszanyagok kialakulására. A művelés még a nagy biomassza tömeget adó erdős területeken is érezteti a hatását. Azonos körülmények között az erdőgazdálkodással fenntartott erdők talajában kisebb a stabil humuszanyagok aránya, mint a háborítatlan erdős területeken. A haszonnövény is hatással van a talaj szerves anyagaira, legkedvezőbbek a gabonafélék. A talaj környezeti terhelésekkel szembeni védelmében és ellenállásában a talaj felszínén lévő nyers szerves anyagoknak van a legnagyobb szerepük. A legstabilabb, ásványi-humusz komplexek kialakulására viszont ott van meg a lehetőség, ahol a szerves bomlás termékek mellett ásványi anyagok is jelen vannak, vagyis a mélyebb talajrétegekben (20-40 cm). A szénsavas mész jelenléte még fenyvesekben is javítja a humuszanyagok stabilitását. Komposztálás során csak fegyelmezett technológia mellett képződnek stabil humuszanyagok. | The natural condition of soils is favourable to the accumulation of raw organic matter and humification, while the cultivation to the processes of mineralization. Therefore the possibility of the development of humus substances resistant to decomposition in smaller. The impact of cultivation is detectable even in the large biomass producing forest areas. The ratio of stable humic substances is lower in the soil of forests maintained by silviculture. The cultivated plant has an effect on the organic matters of the soils, the most favourable one are cereals. The raw organic matters of the soil surface play an important role in the protection and resistance of the soil against environmental burden. However the possibility of the development of the most stable mineral-humus comlexes is in the deeper soil layers (20-40 cm), where together with the product of organic matter decomposition mineral matters are also present. The presence of lime improves the stability of humus matters even in pine forest. Compost production is an artificial humus production, according to our results stable humus substances are producted only disciplined technology

    Az iskolakert talaja és vizsgálata

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    Talajtani ismeretek a rendszerszemléletű környezeti nevelésben

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    Inosine-arginine salt as a promising agent for in vitro activation of waterborne actinospores of fish pathogenic myxozoans

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    Since the recent finding that mucus-derived nucleosides serve as the key host cues for myxozoan actinospore fish host recognition, their use for experimental actinospore activation in the laboratory or application in disease prevention has not progressed yet. One obstacle has been the low solubility of pure inosine and guanosine. To overcome this, we used inosine-arginine salt, which was found to incorporate both high activation properties and high solubility. We tested its efficacy both in microassays directly observing reactions of actinospores of two distantly related myxozoan species, Myxobolus cerebralis and Myxobolus pseudodispar in comparison to inosine, as well as its actinospore-inactivation properties by preliminary polar capsule discharge in an infection experiment. The substance was considerably more effective in eliciting polar capsule discharge and sporoplasm emission at much lower concentrations than pure inosine and, in contrast to the latter, remained dissolved in aqueous solution. Ionsine-arginine exposure of M. pseudodispar actinospores apparently resulted in polar capsule discharge and sporoplasm emission before host contact and subsequently in a lower infection rate in roach, Rutilus rutilus

    Developing Hungarian cadastral database of green roofs and the trends in green roof construction industry

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    Our research goal was – taking into account the needs mentioned above – developing a cadastral database of green roofs, as well as the presentation of the first results. Main data used in the database: year of construction, type of green roof (extensive, intensive), dimensions (m2), customer's name, contractor company's name, maintenance services (presence, absence), irrigation system (presence, absence). The big advantage of the database is that it can be expanded to meet additional demande, the downside is its voluntary basis. Based on the results of three years of research we can say that spreading of green roofs in the 90s in Hungary was slow. Real breakthrough was observed from 2000, mainly due to large investments in the city. Based on the analysis of the customers, it became clear that the growth was not due to a general increase in environmental awareness of the people, but to the stricter rules for creating green spaces in the National Requirements Regarding Town Planning and Construction (OTÉK, annex No. 5.) The amount of green roofs constructed (m2) has a hectic fluctuation in the studied period (1991-2012), which comes from the fact that both office and residential buildings are mostly developed in a project-like way. The analysis of the database showed that a total of 287,843 m2 green roofs were built in Hungary by 31/12/2012 – of which 64,799 m2 (22.75%) was extensive green roof, and 219,943 m2 (77.25%) was intensive green roof. We evaluated the analysis of the model with SPSS 20.0 for Windows software package, based on the research of HARNOS and LADÁNYI (2005). The coefficient of determination R2= 0.996, so the model offers a good explanation for the data dispersion. Processing the related ANOVA we obtained F = 1678.52, which is very high so we can claim that the choosen bi-logistic model fits well. Based on the t-tests related to the parameters (calculated values are: tχ1 = 16.43; tχ2 = 7.99; tm1 = 61.80, Tm2 = 58.75; Δt1 = 6.4, Δt2 = 4.34), we accept the parameter estimates as good ones. In the last two years decline in the construction industry has a significant influence on the development volume of green roofs which is mainly due to global trends

    Method for the rapid determination of soil physical parameters of extensive green roofs

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    Optimization of soil mixes used for extensive green roofs is essential in a long-term, well-functioning system design and implementation. One of the key elements of this is determining the soil physical characteristics of the used components with the following critical elements: rock mass, rock volume, space between particles, water absorption and water retention capacity, surface water retention. In our research we developed a new method for rapid identification of soil physical performance characteristics of extensive green roofs. The performance indicators were divided into three groups: 1. density-related indicators: loose density, wet loose density, rock material density, wet density of the rock, crystal structure density, rock mass per unit rock volume; rock volume per unit rock volume, rock mass per unit wet rock volume, rock mass per unit wet rock mass. 2. Water content related indicators: water content (porosity) per unit mass of wet rock, water content (porosity) per unit wet rock volume, water content per unit volume of wet granules, surface water per unit volume of granules, surface water per unit mass of granules. 3. Indicators related to space between particles: space between grains per unit volume of granules, space between grains per unit mass of granules. During the development of the procedure and method it was important for us that the parameters should have been determined simply and easily. Further advantages of the developed method are that they are fast, cheap and reasonably accurate and help rock/soil mixture characterization and quantitative comparability. We illustrate the method and the system of performance indicators on examples of growing media mixes for extensive use

    Method for the rapid determination of soil physical parameters of extensive green roofs

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    Optimization of soil mixes used for extensive green roofs is essential in a long-term, well-functioning system design and implementation. One of the key elements of this is determining the soil physical characteristics of the used components with the following critical elements: rock mass, rock volume, space between particles, water absorption and water retention capacity, surface water retention. In our research we developed a new method for rapid identification of soil physical performance characteristics of extensive green roofs. The performance indicators were divided into three groups: 1. density-related indicators: loose density, wet loose density, rock material density, wet density of the rock, crystal structure density, rock mass per unit rock volume; rock volume per unit rock volume, rock mass per unit wet rock volume, rock mass per unit wet rock mass. 2. Water content related indicators: water content (porosity) per unit mass of wet rock, water content (porosity) per unit wet rock volume, water content per unit volume of wet granules, surface water per unit volume of granules, surface water per unit mass of granules. 3. Indicators related to space between particles: space between grains per unit volume of granules, space between grains per unit mass of granules. During the development of the procedure and method it was important for us that the parameters should have been determined simply and easily. Further advantages of the developed method are that they are fast, cheap and reasonably accurate and help rock/soil mixture characterization and quantitative comparability. We illustrate the method and the system of performance indicators on examples of growing media mixes for extensive use

    Developing Hungarian cadastral database of green roofs and the trends in green roof construction industry

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    Our research goal was – taking into account the needs mentioned above – developing a cadastral database of green roofs, as well as the presentation of the first results. Main data used in the database: year of construction, type of green roof (extensive, intensive), dimensions (m2 ), customer's name, contractor company's name, maintenance services (presence, absence), irrigation system (presence, absence). The big advantage of the database is that it can be expanded to meet additional demande, the downside is its voluntary basis. Based on the results of three years of research we can say that spreading of green roofs in the 90s in Hungary was slow. Real breakthrough was observed from 2000, mainly due to large investments in the city. Based on the analysis of the customers, it became clear that the growth was not due to a general increase in environmental awareness of the people, but to the stricter rules for creating green spaces in the National Requirements Regarding Town Planning and Construction (OTÉK, annex No. 5.) The amount of green roofs constructed (m2 ) has a hectic fluctuation in the studied period (1991-2012), which comes from the fact that both office and residential buildings are mostly developed in a project-like way. The analysis of the database showed that a total of 287,843 m2 green roofs were built in Hungary by 31/12/2012 – of which 64,799 m2 (22.75%) was extensive green roof, and 219,943 m2 (77.25%) was intensive green roof. We evaluated the analysis of the model with SPSS 20.0 for Windows software package, based on the research of HARNOS and LADÁNYI (2005). The coefficient of determination R2 = 0.996, so the model offers a good explanation for the data dispersion. Processing the related ANOVA we obtained F = 1678.52, which is very high so we can claim that the choosen bi-logistic model fits well. Based on the t-tests related to the parameters (calculated values are: tχ1 = 16.43; tχ2 = 7.99; tm1 = 61.80, Tm2 = 58.75; Δt1 = 6.4, Δt2 = 4.34), we accept the parameter estimates as good ones. In the last two years decline in the construction industry has a significant influence on the development volume of green roofs which is mainly due to global trends

    Effect of Temperature on the Size of Sedimentary Remains of Littoral Chydorids

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    The body size of aquatic invertebrates is, to a great extent, dependent on ambient temperature, but size distributions are also determined by other factors like food supply and predation. The effect of temperature on organisms is formulated in the temperature–size hypothesis, which predicts a smaller body size with increasing temperature. In this study, the effect of temperature on the subfossil remains of three littoral Cladocera (Alona affnis, A. quadrangularis, and Chydorus cf. sphaericus) was investigated. Exoskeletal remains of these species can be found in large numbers in lacustrine sediments and over a wide north–south range in Europe. The total length of both headshield and postabdomen for A. affinis and A. quadrangularis and carapace length for C. cf. sphaericus were measured to observe their response to changes in latitude and temperature. A different response to ambient temperature in the growth of body parts was observed. The size of the headshields of both Alona species and of the carapace of Chydorus was significantly larger in colder regions as opposed to warm ones. It turned out that the postabdomen was not a good predictor of ambient temperature. While the sizes of all remains increased with latitude, the sizes of the Alona remains was smaller in the mountain lakes of the Southern Carpathians than in other cold lakes, in this case in Finland, a fact indicative of the importance of other factors on size distribution. This study demonstrates that a morphological response to climate is present in littoral cladocerans, and, therefore, changes in the length of headshield and carapace may be used as a proxy for climate changes in paleolimnological records