2 research outputs found

    Superconducting Qubits and Quantum Resonators

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    Superconducting qubits are fabricated "loss-free" electrical circuits on a chip with size features of tens of nanometers. If cooled to cryogenic temperatures below -273 °C they behave as quantum elements, similar to atoms and molecules. Such a qubit can be manipulated by fast-oscillating magnetic fields and its resulting quantum state can be measured using a proper magnetic detector. These qubits could be the basic elements for a quantum processor. To that order, multiple qubits have to controllably interact, and to that purpose very high quality resonators are fabricated on the same chip. Effectively the interaction results from the phase-coherent exchange of a single photon between qubit and resonator. In this way it is highly analogous to the so-called cavity QED in atomic physics where single atoms couple to a single trapped photon, all inside a cavity resonator. In this thesis, a superconducting flux qubit has been coupled to an LC resonator and coherent exchange of a single photon between qubit and resonator has been achieved. A striking option in these superconducting circuits, not attainable in "common" atomic cavity-QED, is that the interaction between qubit and photon can be made very large, up to the limit that one no longer can talk about the qubit and resonator as such. This limit requires a fully different description and it leads to novel effects, e.g. in the energy spectrum of the qubit-resonator composite. The Bloch-Siegert spectral shift is experimentally demonstrated in this thesis. As a small but critical technical aside a new type of control line filter has been developed, which allows strong suppression of excess electrical noise that forms a threat for qubit coherence. Having two modes of operation, it shorts all low-frequency noise if control is idle while being transparent if control is active, where short or open is determined by the control line signal level itself.Quantum Transport GroupApplied Science

    Strong Coupling of a Quantum Oscillator to a Flux Qubit at Its Symmetry Point

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    A flux qubit biased at its symmetry point shows a minimum in the energy splitting (the gap), providing protection against flux noise. We have fabricated a qubit of which the gap can be tuned fast and have coupled this qubit strongly to an LC oscillator. We show full spectroscopy of the qubit-oscillator system and generate vacuum Rabi oscillations. When the gap is made equal to the oscillator frequency ?osc we find the largest vacuum Rabi splitting of ?0.1?osc. Here being at resonance coincides with the optimal coherence of the symmetry point.Kavli Institute of NanoscienceApplied Science