11 research outputs found

    Model-Checking CSP-OZ Specifications with FDR

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    CSP-OZ is a formal method integrating two different specifications formalisms into one: the formalism Object-Z for the description of static aspects, and the process algebra CSP for the description of the dynamic behaviour of systems. The semantics of CSP-OZ is failure divergence taken from the process algebra side. In this paper we propose a method for checking correctness of CSP-OZ specifications via a translation into the CSP dialect of the model checker FDR

    Combining CSP and Object-Z: Finite or Infinite Trace Semantics?

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    In this paper we compare and contrast two alternative semantics as a means of combining CSP with Object-Z. The purpose of this combination is to more effectively specify complex, concurrent systems: while CSP is ideal for modelling systems of concurrent processes, Object-Z is more suitable for modelling the data structures often needed to model the processes themselves. The first semantics, the finite trace model, is compatible with the standard CSP semantics but does not allow all forms of unbounded nondeterminism to be modelled (i. e. where a choice is made from an infinite set of options) . The second semantics, the infinite trace model, overcomes this limitation but is no longer compatible with the standard CSP semantics. Issues involving specification, refinement and modelling fairness are discussed. Keywords CSP, Object-Z, concurrent systems, combining FDTs, semantics, refinement 1 INTRODUCTION CSP [15] is a process algebra developed for the formal specification of concurrent ..

    CSP-OZ: A Combination of Object-Z and CSP

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    In this paper we define a combination of Object-Z and CSP called CSP-OZ. The basic idea is to define a CSP-semantics for every Object-Z class. Special care is taken to capture the characteristics of input and output parameters properly and to preserve the expected refinement rules. CSP-OZ is well suited for the specification and development of communicating distributed systems. It provides powerful techniques to model data- and control-aspects in a common framework. The language is easy to use for Z and Object-Z users. A shorter version of this paper appeared as [10]