338 research outputs found

    Indirectly estimated absolute lung cancer mortality rates by smoking status and histological type based on a systematic review

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    BACKGROUND: National smoking-specific lung cancer mortality rates are unavailable, and studies presenting estimates are limited, particularly by histology. This hinders interpretation. We attempted to rectify this by deriving estimates indirectly, combining data from national rates and epidemiological studies. METHODS: We estimated study-specific absolute mortality rates and variances by histology and smoking habit (never/ever/current/former) based on relative risk estimates derived from studies published in the 20(th) century, coupled with WHO mortality data for age 70–74 for the relevant country and period. Studies with populations grossly unrepresentative nationally were excluded. 70–74 was chosen based on analyses of large cohort studies presenting rates by smoking and age. Variations by sex, period and region were assessed by meta-analysis and meta-regression. RESULTS: 148 studies provided estimates (Europe 59, America 54, China 22, other Asia 13), 54 providing estimates by histology (squamous cell carcinoma, adenocarcinoma). For all smoking habits and lung cancer types, mortality rates were higher in males, the excess less evident for never smokers. Never smoker rates were clearly highest in China, and showed some increasing time trend, particularly for adenocarcinoma. Ever smoker rates were higher in parts of Europe and America than in China, with the time trend very clear, especially for adenocarcinoma. Variations by time trend and continent were clear for current smokers (rates being higher in Europe and America than Asia), but less clear for former smokers. Models involving continent and trend explained much variability, but non-linearity was sometimes seen (with rates lower in 1991–99 than 1981–90), and there was regional variation within continent (with rates in Europe often high in UK and low in Scandinavia, and higher in North than South America). CONCLUSIONS: The indirect method may be questioned, because of variations in definition of smoking and lung cancer type in the epidemiological database, changes over time in diagnosis of lung cancer types, lack of national representativeness of some studies, and regional variation in smoking misclassification. However, the results seem consistent with the literature, and provide additional information on variability by time and region, including evidence of a rise in never smoker adenocarcinoma rates relative to squamous cell carcinoma rates

    Quantitative sheaf theory

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    We introduce a notion of complexity of a complex of ell-adic sheaves on a quasi-projective variety and prove that the six operations are "continuous", in the sense that the complexity of the output sheaves is bounded solely in terms of the complexity of the input sheaves. A key feature of complexity is that it provides bounds for the sum of Betti numbers that, in many interesting cases, can be made uniform in the characteristic of the base field. As an illustration, we discuss a few simple applications to horizontal equidistribution results for exponential sums over finite fields.Comment: v3, 68 pages; the key ideas of this paper are due to W. Sawin; A. Forey, J. Fres\'an and E. Kowalski drafted the current version of the text; revised after referee report

    The effect of quitting smoking on HDL-cholesterol - a review based on within-subject changes

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    A higher concentration of high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) in ex-smokers than smokers has consistently been observed. Better evidence of quitting effects comes from within-subject changes. We extend an earlier meta-analysis to quantify the reduction, and investigate variation by time quit and other factors. We conducted Medline and Cochrane searches for studies measuring HDL-C in subjects while still smoking and later having quit. Using unweighted and inverse-variance weighted regression analysis, we related changes (in mmol/l) to intra-measurement period, and estimated time quit, and to study type, location and start year, age, sex, product smoked, validation of quitting, baseline HDL-C, baseline and change in weight/BMI, and any study constraints on diet or exercise. Forty-five studies were identified (17 Europe, 16 North America, 11 Asia, 1 Australia). Thirteen were observational, giving changes over at least 12 months, with most involving >1000 subjects. Others were smoking cessation trials, 12 randomized and 20 non-randomized. These were often small (18 of <100 subjects) and short (14 of <10 weeks, the longest a year). Thirty studies provided results for only one time interval. From 94 estimates of HDL-C change, the unweighted mean was 0.107 (95% CI 0.085-0.128). The weighted mean 0.060 (0.044 to 0.075) was lower, due to smaller estimates in longer term studies. Weighted means varied by time quit (0.083, 0.112, 0.111, 0.072, 0.058 and 0.040 for <3, 3 to <6, 6 to <13, 13 to <27, 27 to <52 and 52+ weeks, p=0.006). After adjustment for time quit, estimates varied by study constraint on diet/exercise (p=0.003), being higher in studies requiring subjects to maintain their pre-quitting habits, but no other clear differences were seen, with significant (p<0.05) increases following quitting being evident in all subgroups studied, except where data were very limited. For both continuing and never smokers, the data are (except for two large studies atypically showing significant HDL-C declines in both groups, and a smaller decline in quitters) consistent with no change, and contrast markedly with the data for quitters. We conclude that quitting smoking increases HDL-C, and that this increase occurs rapidly after quitting, with no clear pattern of change thereafter

    The relationship of cigarette smoking in Japan to lung cancer, COPD, ischemic heart disease and stroke: A systematic review [version 1; referees: 2 approved]

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    Background:  To present up-to-date meta-analyses of evidence from Japan relating smoking to major smoking-related diseases.  Methods:  We restricted attention to lung cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), ischemic heart disease (IHD) and stroke, considering relative risks (RRs) for current and ex-smokers relative to never smokers.  Evidence by amount smoked and time quit was also considered.  For IHD and stroke only, studies had to provide age-adjusted RRs, with age-specific results considered.  For each disease we extended earlier published databases to include more recent studies.  Meta-analyses were conducted, with random-effects RRs and tests of heterogeneity presented.  Results:  Of 40 studies, 26 reported results for lung cancer and 7 to 9 for each other disease.  For current smoking, RRs (95%CIs) were lung cancer 3.59 (3.25-3.96), COPD 3.57 (2.72-4.70), IHD 2.21 (1.96-2.50) and stroke 1.40 (1.25-1.57).  Ex-smoking RRs were lower.  Data for lung cancer and IHD showed a clear tendency for RRs to rise with increasing amount smoked and decrease with increasing time quit.  Dose-response data were unavailable for COPD and unclear for stroke, where the association was weaker.  Conclusions:  Compared to studies in other Asian and Western countries, current smoking RRs were quite similar for IHD and stroke.  The comparison is not clear for COPD, where the Japanese data, mainly from cross-sectional studies, is limited.  For lung cancer, the RRs are similar to those in other Asian countries, but substantially lower than in Western countries.  Explanations for this are unclear, but less accurate reporting of smoking by Japanese may contribute to the difference

    Central GIP signaling stimulates peripheral GIP release and promotes insulin and pancreatic polypeptide secretion in nonhuman primates

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    Glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP) has important actions on whole body metabolic function. GIP and its receptor are also present in the central nervous system and have been linked to neurotrophic actions. Metabolic effects of central nervous system GIP signaling have not been reported. We investigated whether centrally administered GIP could increase peripheral plasma GIP concentrations and influence the metabolic response to a mixed macronutrient meal in nonhuman primates. An infusion and sampling system was developed to enable continuous intracerebroventricular (ICV) infusions with serial venous sampling in conscious nonhuman primates. Male baboons (Papio sp.) that were healthy and had normal body weights (28.9 ± 2.1 kg) were studied (n = 3). Animals were randomized to receive continuous ICV infusions of GIP (20 pmol·kg−1·h−1) or vehicle before and over the course of a 300-min mixed meal test (15 kcal/kg, 1.5g glucose/kg) on two occasions. A significant increase in plasma GIP concentration was observed under ICV GIP infusion (66.5 ± 8.0 vs. 680.6 ± 412.8 pg/ml, P = 0.04) before administration of the mixed meal. Increases in postprandial, but not fasted, insulin (P = 0.01) and pancreatic polypeptide (P = 0.04) were also observed under ICV GIP. Effects of ICV GIP on fasted or postprandial glucagon, glucose, triglyceride, and free fatty acids were not observed. Our data demonstrate that central GIP signaling can promote increased plasma GIP concentrations independent of nutrient stimulation and increase insulin and pancreatic polypeptide responses to a mixed meal

    Smokers making a quit attempt using e-cigarettes with or without nicotine or prescription nicotine replacement therapy : impact on cardiovascular function (ISME-NRT) - a study protocol

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    Background: The estimated number of cigarette smokers in the world is 1.3 billion, expected to rise to 1.7 billion by 2025, with 10 million smokers living in the U.K. Smoking is the leading, preventable death-cause worldwide, being responsible for almost 650,000 deaths in the E.U. annually. A combination of pharmacological interventions, including nicotine replacement therapy, bupropion and varenicline, and behavioural support is the most effective approach to smoking cessation. However, even the best methods have high relapse rates of approximately 75% within 6 months. Electronic (or “e-“) cigarettes use battery power to disperse a solution that usually contains propylene glycol or glycerine, water, flavouring and nicotine. E-cigarettes have become the most popular smoking cessation aid in England, however, information on their effects on cardiovascular function is limited and contradictory. As e-cigarettes are not solely nicotine-based products, existing research exploring the effects of nicotine on the cardio-vasculature provides only limited information, while their extensive uptake urges the need of evidence to inform the general public, smokers and policy-makers. Methods: This is a pragmatic, 3-group, randomised, assessor-blinded, single-centre trial exploring the cardiovascular physiological effects of the use of e-cigarettes (nicotine-free and nicotine-inclusive, assessed separately) combined with behavioural support as a smoking cessation method in comparison to the combination of NRT and behavioural support. The primary outcome will be macro-vascular function, determined by a Flow Mediated Dilatation ultrasound assessment, 6 months following participants’ “quit date”. Discussion: Participants will be assessed at baseline, 3 days following their self-determined “quit date”, at intervention end (3 months) and 6 months following their “quite date”. Findings are expected to give an indication of the cardiovascular effects of e-cigarettes both in the short- and in the medium-term period, informing the general public,policy holders and researchers, helping to define the future role of e-cigarettes as a smoking cessation aid

    Assessment of resolution and intercenter reproducibility of results of genotyping Staphylococcus aureus by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis of SmaI macrorestriction fragments: a multicenter study

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    Twenty well-characterized isolates of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus were used to study the optimal resolution and interlaboratory reproducibility of pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) of DNA macrorestriction fragments. Five identical isolates (one PFGE type), 5 isolates that produced related PFGE subtypes, and 10 isolates with unique PFGE patterns were analyzed blindly in 12 different laboratories by in-house protocols. In several laboratories a standardized PFGE protocol with a commercial kit was applied successfully as well. Eight of the centers correctly identified the genetic homogeneity of the identical isolates by both the in-house and standard protocols. Four of 12 laboratories failed to produce interpretable data by the standardized protocol, due to technical problems (primarily plug preparation). With the five rel
