1,479 research outputs found

    National Forest Recreation in Utah

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    National Strategy and Implementation Plan for Invasive Species Management

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    The Chief of the U.S.Department of Agriculture Forest Service has identified invasive species as one of the four critical threats to our Nation’s ecosystems. In response to this national threat,we have evaluated the role of the Forest Service as a leading forest research, forest health, and Federal resource management agency.We are aware of our significant role in addressing invasive species threats at the local, State, and national levels, as well as internationally.We have found the best opportunity for success comes from working strategically, using all our scientific, management, and partnership resources in unison. This document is not designed to serve as a comprehensive, all-encompassing strategy. Instead it is intended to identify a strategic direction for Forest Service programs spanning Research and Development, International Programs, State and Private Forestry, and the National Forest System. To that end, a multidisciplinary team of specialists, managers, and researchers developed this National Strategy and Implementation Plan for Invasive Species Management (national strategy). The strategy is predicated on the following elements: 1. Prevention—Stop invasive species before they arrive. 2. Early detection and rapid response—Find new infestations and eliminate them before they become established. 3. Control and management—Contain and reduce existing infestations. 4. Rehabilitation and restoration—Reclaim native habitats and ecosystems. Interwoven with these program elements is the need to employ a science-based approach,work collaboratively and expand our partnerships, apply a prioritized system for taking action, and improve our efficacy and accountability.This national strategy builds from existing field information, policy, strategic plans, and authorities from Forest Service program areas

    Prehistory of Long Valley, Idaho

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    This thesis deals with a group of artifact collections gathered by local amateurs from a series of sites along the western shoreline of Cascade Reservoir. This study uses these artifacts as a basis to put together a preliminary view of Long Valley prehistory. Outlines of the basic artifact types are formulated and placed into a chronology based upon typological comparisons and obsidian hydration. Previous archaeological work, the ethnohistory, and local geology of the valley are discussed and related ot the sites, used in this study, in order to determine their patterns and characteristics. From these efforts directions for further research and questions concerning the valley\u27s prehistory will be fostered

    Quaking Aspen - Seed Germination and Early Seedling Growth

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    The suckering of aspen (Populus tremuliodes Michx.) as a highly effective means of vegetative propagation is well known and has been widely studied (Baker 1918; Day 1944; Maini 1967; Schier 1974). Less is known about seed propagation, sometimes viewed as having only minor importance because early research (Baker 1918) had indicated that rare seedling establishment was due to low or nonexistent germinability

    Predicting Regeneration Establishment with the Prognosis Model

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    Conifer establishment following regeneration timber harvests is predicted by version 2 of the Regeneration Establishment Model, a submodel of the Prognosis Model. The regeneration model covers 10 species for forests in Montana, central Idaho, and northern Idaho. Most harvest and site preparation methods can be simulated so that alternative treatments can be evaluated. Also included in the model is the influence of western spruce budworm (Choristoneura accidentalis) on regeneration success. The model predicts the probability of stocking, seedling density, species composition, and seedling heights 2 to 20 years after harvest. This paper describes the study design, equation development, model formulation, and model behavior for the Regeneration Establishment Model

    Evaluating Nonindustrial Private Landowners for Forestry Assistance Programs: A Logistic Regression Approach

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    As budgets in forest management agencies become more restrictive, cost-effective programs become more important. This paper describes a quantitative tool for setting priorities for the forestry assistance program administered by the Montana Division of Forestry. Logistic regression was used to better identify the type of forest owners to which assistance should be directed. (In logistic regression, the dependent variable is a probability that a certain event or activity will occur.) Data supporting model development were obtained from a questionnaire survey of forest landowners in the western portion of Montana. Four models were developed that pertain to past use of technical assistance, intention to harvest timber, and timber benefits as motivation for forest ownership. The most consistently useful independent variables were geographic region and past timber harvest activity. The author discusses procedures for interpreting results and for rating land ownerships for assistance. One model is discussed in detail, but the discussion is applicable to the other three models. Supporting data are presented for all models

    Soil Water and Temperature in Harvested and Nonharvested Pinyon-Juniper Stands

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    Tree harvesting increased soil water content, but the effect diminished over 4 years. The mean increase in soil water content was 2 to 4 percent the first year following harvest and 0 to 3 percent after 4 years. Although tree harvesting released soil water previously used by tree species, other biotic and abiotic demands increased. We speculate postharvest increases in wind and solar energy at the ground surface and increased understory transpiration in part explain the decline in soil water content differences between harvested and nonharvested plots over time

    Production and Product Recovery for Complete Tree Utilization in the Northern Rockies

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    In this study, a whole-tree harvesting system designed to produce logs and chips was evaluated on four sites, each with a different silvicultural prescription. The system consisted of: feller-bunchers, grapple-equipped rubber-tired skidders, a tree processor, a whole-tree chipper, and a hydraulic log loader. Production rates for the overall system and for its various components were developed with time-motion study techniques. Variation in productivity between study areas was analyzed with respect to stand and site characteristics

    The Delphi Method: Application to Elk Habitat Quality

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    This paper reports on the results of a study designed both to gather important information through Delphi and to evaluate several key features of the Delphi process. We intend to present information developed, and also describe and discuss Delphi so as to make resource managers more comfortable with it, aware of its potential, and willling to consider it along with other information gathering tools
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