85 research outputs found

    Who Must Take the Lead in Immigration Reform?

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    What gets us closer to a world where people are living in right relationship with one another, with creation, and with God? Posting about a responsive immigration system from In All Things - an online hub committed to the claim that the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ has implications for the entire world. http://inallthings.org/who-must-take-the-lead-in-immigration-reform

    Considering Citizenship: Dare to be a Daniel

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    In order to be good and attentive citizens, we should consider using our freedom to devote time and resources to the health of our local churches, civic organizations, and communities. Posting about Daniel\u27s example of service from In All Things - an online journal for critical reflection on faith, culture, art, and every ordinary-yet-graced square inch of God’s creation. https://inallthings.org/considering-citizenship-dare-to-be-a-daniel

    Growing Where You Are Planted: A Review of Them

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    To live in community with people is to know that people and relationships are both sources of joy and great frustration. Posting about ­­­­­­­­a review of the book Them from In All Things - an online journal for critical reflection on faith, culture, art, and every ordinary-yet-graced square inch of God’s creation. https://inallthings.org/growing-where-you-are-planted-a-review-of-them

    Hole in Our Gospel: The Answer that Changed My Life and Might Just Change the World (Book Review)

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    Reviewed Title: Stearns, Richard. The Hole in our Gospel: The Answer that Changed my Life and Might Just Change the World. Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson, 2010. ISBN: 0849947001

    Seek Justice, Encourage the Oppressed

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    Many of us can easily be convicted to be compassionate in these ways; to give food, money, clothing and even our time. We know that we are doing what God calls us to. But is this all that God is calling us to in our response to the poor and vulnerable? Posting about poverty and justice from In All Things - an online hub committed to the claim that the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ has implications for the entire world. http://inallthings.org/seek-justice-encourage-the-oppressed

    In the Era of Mean Tweets… And Much, Much Worse

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    Each year, the Dordt College junior social work students create a theme for Social Work Month which is in March. This year, the class has decided to focus on the ideal of community, and in doing so, specifically focusing in on the breakdown of community that happens from bullying and incivility. Posting about about what it means to engage civilly in a world that has accepted incivility as par for the course from In All Things - an online hub committed to the claim that the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ has implications for the entire world. http://inallthings.org/in-the-era-of-mean-tweetsand-much-much-worse

    Scrolling Alone

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    We should ask ourselves how we can create community that is hospitable and encourages positive connections with one another. Posting about the problem of social isolation from In All Things - an online journal for critical reflection on faith, culture, art, and every ordinary-yet-graced square inch of God’s creation. https://inallthings.org/scrolling-alone

    Advent: True Peace

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    Viewing peace as quiet or the end of fighting is not a full enough vision of what God’s peace truly is. Posting about ­­­­­­­­Advent peace from In All Things - an online journal for critical reflection on faith, culture, art, and every ordinary-yet-graced square inch of God’s creation. https://inallthings.org/advent-true-peace

    Collaboration in Public and Private Partnerships

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    For the past few decades, there has been a shift in the public sector, which has been documented by academics and thoroughly felt by public administrators. The increase of public-private partnerships as a result of contracting, privatization, and other mechanisms has changed expectations and created new demands for managers

    Slacktivism: Social Media Activism and Its Effectiveness

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    Engagement is costly in terms of time and often money. Posting about the pros and cons of slacktivism from In All Things - an online journal for critical reflection on faith, culture, art, and every ordinary-yet-graced square inch of God’s creation. https://inallthings.org/slacktivism-social-media-activism-and-its-effectiveness
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