2 research outputs found

    Solar Decathlon ME18 competition as a 'learning by doing' experience for students: The case of the team HAAB

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    HAABitat is the name of the project developed by a team of students from three different Italian Universities: The University of Pisa, the University 'D'Annunzio' of Pescara, and the Second University of Naples. The aim of the project is to design, build and test an innovative self-sufficient house, which works with the sun as the only source of energy, employing advanced technologies and sustainable materials. HAABitat is one of the finalist projects of the Solar Decathlon Middle East competition, where students from all over the world challenge, to achieve the best 'solar house', which combine efficiency, comfort, engineering, and architectural design to sustainability. Students of Team HAAB, supported by professors of the three Universities, have the chance to complete the knowledges learned in their course of studies with a practical application, relating to professionals and companies, in order to learn how to deal with responsibilities and challenges the world of work introduces. The aim is to reach a thorough education, which involves the whole aspects of the product design and realization, with a 'learning by doing' experience