7 research outputs found

    New mammalian remains from the Late Cretaceous La Colonia Formation, Patagonia, Argentina

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    Knowledge of the latest Late Cretaceous mammalian fauna in the South America was, until now, mostly based on dentally known taxa recovered at Los Alamitos (Río Negro, Argentina). Here we describe new mammalian remains collected in outcrops of the La Colonia Formation (Campanian–Maastrichtian) exposed in Chubut Province, Argentina, warranting the recognition of a new mesungulatid: Coloniatherium cilinskii gen. et sp. nov. The mammalian high−level taxonomic compositions of the localities in the La Colonia Formation and at Los Alamitos are roughly similar (Reigitheriidae, Mesungulatidae, and Ferugliotheridae are represented in both localities), but gondwanatheriids and the more plesiomorphic dryolestoids from Los Alamitos are missing from La Colonia. The most abundant mammalian remains collected at La Colonia correspond to large−sized mesungulatids. Coloniatherium cilinskii is recognized by the dentition and lower jaw, and we assign five isolated petrosal bones, focusing our study primarily on the analysis of the ear regions. The morphology of the petrosals suggests a phylogenetic position similar to Vincelestes, but sharing some derived features, possibly convergent, with therians. Attribution of the petrosals to the mesungulatid Coloniatherium cilinskii is supported by overall morphology, size, and relative abundance among the mammalian remains from La Colonia

    New Early Cretaceous spalacotheriid symmetrodont mammal from Japan

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    We describe a new spalacotheriid (acute−angled) “symmetrodont” (Mammalia, Trechnotheria), Symmetrolestes parvus gen. et sp. nov., from the Lower Cretaceous, likely Barremian, Kitadani Formation of the Tetori Group, central Japan. The specimen consists of a fragmentary right lower jaw with first incisor and five preserved postcanine teeth (interpreted as p5–m4). Symmetrolestes has acute−angled molariforms with complete shearing surfaces on the para– and protocristids, and relatively tall crowns, features that are referable to Spalacotheriidae. Symmetrolestes is more derived than zhangheotheriids in having complete shearing surfaces, taller crowns, and more complete cingulids. It differs from other spalacotheriids in having fewer molariforms (m1–4), higher number of premolariforms (p1–5), and gradual transition between premolariforms and molariforms. Our cladistic analysis of 29 characters shows Symmetrolestes as the sister group of the remaining Spalacotheriidae. This node is supported by only one character (Bremer support: 1) and therefore not particularly stable. The remaining spalacotheriids are arranged in a fully pectinated tree conforming to the topology of the previous researchers, in which Spalacolestinae occupy an apical position. The combination of the occurrences of a primitive spalacotheriid, Symmetrolestes, in Japan and of Zhangheotheriidae, which is the sister taxon of Spalacotheriidae, in China suggests a possibility for an East Asian origin of Spalacotheriidae, although it implies long ghost lineages for the latest Jurassic to Early Cretaceous East Asian “symmetrodonts”