16 research outputs found

    Picturing Mato Grosso: The Royal Society and Royal Geographic Society Xavantina Cachimbo expedition 1967-69

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    This thesis explores the archival collections linked to the Xavantina-Cachimbo expedition to Mato Grosso, Central Brazil, from 1967-69. It focuses primarily on the collection of the expedition leader, Iain Bishop, donated to the Royal Society by his family in 2008. Drawing on photographs, films, fieldwork notebooks, papers and published materials, the thesis examines the role of photography and film in expeditionary science in the mid-twentieth century using lens-based media as a tool to approach emergent issues in expeditionary science archival collections. Engaging with cataloguing for narrative recovery, embedded literature review and critical analysis, the thesis aims to investigate and understand fieldwork science paradigms in their complexity. In eight chapters, the thesis explores the blended association between imperialist and postcolonial ways of thinking in twentieth-century expeditionary science; the intersections between the autobiographical and institutional in the archive; the boundaries between private and public, domestic, and wild; the balances between marginal and dominant narrative-making; and the blended transitions between ways of publicising and communicating expeditionary science in the mid-twentieth century. The geographical location of base camp, situated in the cerrado, the ecological border between dry forest and campo, a dramatic-looking shift between arboreal and savanna ecosystems, is employed as a useful metaphor for the findings of this research project: using the research areas above as navigation guidelines, I explore and highlight borders and boundaries as a consistent theme which emerges through the collection. Finally, this thesis invites a mission to further uncover the collective nature of expeditionary fieldwork, making visible the work of marginal collaborators, and presenting the argument that the second half of the twentieth century saw a transitional and blended approach to thinking about and communicating fieldwork and expeditionary science, from scientific institutions, the media, and scientists themselves. The thesis further concludes that, at this time, borders, and boundaries between previously established social and scientific canons began to blur and productively collapse

    Creative Exchange 'Mapping Emergence' In Progress Report

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    This report highlights the progress and current outputs of the funded Creative Exchange collaborative research project 'Mapping Emergence'. This art / science collaboration set out to conduct an experimental creative exchange with social insects, mapping their colonies’ emergent properties. During 2023 the project evaluated the meaning of ‘creative exchange’ from a non-anthropocentric perspective, and indeed to consider the boundaries of human | non-human collaboration

    The Living Image: Falmouth Flexible Photography Symposium 2019

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    Whenever the photograph is shared it casts out a limb and clings to a new current of significance. While there may still be territories where its liberties are curtailed, there are many more where it thrives rampantly, and even threatens indigenous imagery. The goal is survival and it will shift, expand, transfigure, and even shed its glassy skin to keep it that way. As far as we know, there is no limit to what it can do, and we are way out of our depth if we think ourselves risk-free. If there is a so-called 'sea of images,' then we would do well to remember that there must also be a food-chain

    Bagaza virus in wild birds, Portugal, 2021

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    Bagaza virus emerged in Spain in 2010 and was not reported in other countries in Europe until 2021, when the virus was detected by molecular methods in a corn bunting and several red-legged partridges in Portugal. Sequencing revealed high similarity between the 2021 strains from Portugal and the 2010 strains from Spain.Peer reviewe

    Handbook of Research on the Relationship Between Autobiographical Memory and Photography

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    Over the past year colleagues from LCC and UAL's Experimental Pedagogies Research Group (EPRG), Dr Nela Milic (EPRG), Dr Paul Lowe, Dr Mark Ingham (EPRG), along with two UAL PhD alumni, Dr Vasileios Kantas and Dr Sara Andersdotter (EPRG) have editied the Handbook of Research on the Relationship Between Autobiographical Memory and Photography. This key volume of research has 27 chapters by leading practitioners in the fields of memory, photography, and autobiography. It includes chapters from Dr Jennifer Good and Sophy Rickett from LCC, with contributions from two LCC doctoral students, Elin Karlsson (EPRG and Mireia Ludevid Llop (EPRG). Other UAL colleagues who successfully submitted chapters were Natalie Payne from LCF and Tim Stephens (EPRG) from the Exchange. Description: Autobiographical memory and photography have been inextricably linked since the first photographs appeared during the 19th century. These links have often been described from each other's discipline in ways that often have led to misunderstandings about the complex relationships between them. The Handbook of Research on the Relationship Between Autobiographical Memory and Photography covers many aspects of the multiple relationships between autobiographical memory and photography such as the idea that memory and photography can be seen as forms of mental time travel and the effect photography has on autobiographical memory. Covering key topics such as identity, trauma, and remembrance, this major reference work is ideal for industry professionals, sociologists, psychologists, artists, researchers, scholars, academicians, practitioners, educators, and students

    O turismo e os territórios da espiritualidade : os caminhos de Santiago em Portugal

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Lazer, Património e Desenvolvimento, apresentada à Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de CoimbraA indústria turística tem vindo a assumir um papel cada vez mais preponderante, traduzindo-se num crescente investimento, tanto pelas entidades públicas como privadas, em diferentes segmentos da actividade. Consequentemente, o interesse sobre a área, o desenvolvimento de estudos e investigações neste âmbito têm-se multiplicado. Além do mais, hoje, o turismo e a indústria a si associada são considerados como uma âncora de salvamento para uma economia que se assume cada vez mais instável. “O Turismo e os Territórios da Espiritualidade: os Caminhos de Santiago em Portugal”, constitui um trabalho de investigação, tendo como principal foco o Turismo, numa pesquisa entre a Religião, Espiritualidade, os Caminhos de Santiago e o caso particular de um dos percursos que liga Braga à cidade do Apóstolo mártir. No entanto, tem um carácter interdisciplinar, devido à proximidade com outras áreas de conhecimento, de forma a potencializar a inteligibilidade e a compreensão, não sendo uma pesquisa teológica, apesar da proximidade com a temática. Na área geográfica onde desenvolvemos o nosso estudo, o caminho a Santiago a partir de Braga, o turismo é considerado uma área em expansão e, ao que tudo indica, a actividade ali desenvolvida já apresenta sinais de crescimento, evidenciando impactos significativos, muito devido aos esforços desenvolvidos pelos órgãos de poder das regiões. No entanto, considera-se que no caso particular do Caminho a Santiago Português, por muitos esforços que já se tenham feito, a quantidade de órgãos com poder sobre ele não se uniram num esforço para alcançar em conjunto objectivos, acabando por cada órgão estabelecer as suas estratégias e prioridades até à fronteira do poder vizinho. Queremos dizer com isto que não existe uma consciência colectiva, e que muitas vezes as questões políticas acabam por ser barreiras ao desenvolvimento coerente e harmonioso, num caminho que devia ser visto como um só, e não dividido por fronteiras regionais ou municipais. Tudo isto também contribui para que haja uma fraca divulgação e conhecimento a respeito desta tradição e é neste sentido que esta proposta também pretende seguir