22 research outputs found
An intervention protocol proposal to modify the body image disturbance using Virtual Reality
A negative experience with one's own body has been theorized as a common antecedent of eating disorders (EDs). In fact, body image disturbance (BID) is considered a key factor in the development, maintenance and relapse of Anorexia Nervosa (AN). As yet, the mechanisms underlying this disturbance in body representation remain unclear. In this paper we present the study protocol of this novel Virtual Reality (VR) multisensorial paradigm to assess and treat BID. Participants will be asked to perform a real and virtual body size estimation task. Then, they will be assigned to one condition (experimental vs, control), and they will have to perform a task from 1st or 3rd point-ofview, in a counterbalanced manner. The 'experimental' condition task consists of touching the real abdomen while looking at the virtual one. The 'control' condition task consisted of making slow movements meanwhile looking at the virtual abdomen. Thereafter, participants will perform again the real and virtual body size estimation tasks. After ten minutes, they will perform the procedure from the other point-of-view (1st vs. 3rd). This protocol is intended to be an effective tool that allows the development of a more realistic corporal representation adjusted to the own body size. Keywords: Body Image Disturbance, Virtual Reality, Body Size Estimation, Protocol
Psychological assessment of parents of people diagnosed with borderline personality disorder and comparison with parents of people without psychological disorders
Background: To date, several evidence-based interventions have been created
to help relatives of people with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), but few
studies have analyzed the clinical situation of the family members. The aim of
this study was twofold: (1) to explore the clinical symptomatology in a sample
of parents of people diagnosed with BPD and compare them with a sample of
a sample of people without a relative with a personality disorder, (2) to explore
whether the parents of people diagnosed with BPD have psychopathology
related to personality disorders (PD) or meet the diagnostic criteria for PD.
Method: Participants were 42 (39.6%) fathers and 64 (60.4%) were mothers
and mothers (n = XX, −%) of people diagnosed with BPD, who were selected
from a specialized PD unit for treatment. The sample of people without a
relative with a PD was obtained from social network announcements. To test
for differences between the two groups, Student’s t tests were performed for
quantitative variables, and Chi-square tests were performed for categorical
variables. Cohen’s d was calculated as a measure of the effect size.
Results: Parents of people with BPD showed greater depressive and anxious
symptomatology, higher levels of expressed emotion, and worse quality of
life than the sample of people without a relative with a personality disorder.
In addition, a high percentage of the parents of people diagnosed with BPD
(50%) met the diagnostic criteria for different PD.
Conclusion: Parents of people diagnosed with BPD may need psychological
help in various aspects. Therapists are therefore advised to bear in mind the
importance of carrying out a psychological assessment of family members
and, if necessary, to offer psychological intervention. It is crucial to invite the
family to be part of the treatment, since they can be part of the solution
Multicultural quality of life index in relatives of people with borderline personality disorder
Purpose: The aim of the present study was to confirm the original factor structure of
the Multicultural Quality of Life Index (MQLI) and analyze its psychometric properties in a
sample of caregivers of people with borderline personality disorder (BPD).
Methods: The MQLI was administered to 233 relatives of people with BPD. Participants
completed the MQLI, the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS-21), and the
Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC).
Results: Factor analysis of the relatives indicated that the MQLI generated a one-factor
solution. The MQLI showed good internal consistency, ̟ = 0.91 [95% CI (0.90, 0.93)]
and correlated significantly and positively with the CD-RISC (rs = 0.576) and negatively
with the DASS-21 (rs = −0.583).
Conclusion: Consistent with other studies, the MQLI demonstrated feasibility, strong
internal consistency, and good convergent and discriminant validity, which means it is
a psychometrically robust measure for the assessment of quality of life in relatives of
people with BPD. Along with other validation studies, this measure will be a useful tool
for assessing quality of life in relatives of people with mental disorders
Spanish adaptation of the Burden Assessment Scale in family caregivers of people diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder
Bakground. Caregiving is a strong source of stress and leads the family caregiver to experience the burden of being responsible for the care of a severely mentally ill family member. The Burden Assessment Scale (BAS) assesses burden in family caregivers. This study aimed to analyze the psychometric properties of the BAS in a sample of family caregivers of people diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). Methods. Participants were 233 Spanish family caregivers (157 women and 76 men aged between 16-76 years old, M = 54.44, SD = 10.09) of people diagnosed with BPD. The BAS, the Multicultural Quality of Life Index, and the Depression Anxiety Stress Scale-21 were used. Results. An exploratory analysis resulted in a three-factor 16-item model (Disrupted Activities; Personal and Social Dysfunction; Worry, Guilt, and Being Overwhelmed) with an excellent fit (χ²(101) = 56.873, p = 1.000, CFI = 1.000, TLI = 1.000, RMSEA = .000, SRMR = .060), good internal consistency (ω = .93), a negative correlation with quality of life, and a positive correlation with anxiety, depression, and stress. Conclusion. The model obtained for the BAS is a valid, reliable, and useful tool for assessing burden in family caregivers of relatives diagnosed with BPD
Un programa de entrenamiento para familiares de pacientes con trastorno límite de la personalidad basado en la terapia dialéctica comportamental
Los familiares de pacientes con trastorno de la personalidad límite (TLP) experimentan ansiedad y depresión, y están inmersos en un clima familiar disfuncional. Aunque existen tratamientos eficaces para el TLP, se ha prestado menos atención a los familiares. El objetivo de este trabajo fue adaptar para familiares el entrenamiento grupal en habilidades de la terapia dialéctica comportamental, en 14 sesiones. La muestra estuvo formada por 12 familiares: 50% madres, 41,7% padres y 8,3% parejas. Se evaluaron los niveles de depresión (BDI-II), ansiedad (OASIS) y emoción expresada (LEE-S) antes y después de la intervención. Los resultados indican una mejoría estadística y clínicamente significativa en depresión, y clínicamente significativa en ansiedad. La actitud negativa hacia la enfermedad mejora estadísticamente, y la hostilidad, la baja tolerancia a la frustración y la emoción expresada total mejoran clínicamente. Por su parte, la intrusión empeora tanto estadística como clínicamente, sin embargo, sus niveles son similares a los de la población general tras la intervención. Resulta imprescindible seguir investigando sobre la efectividad de las intervenciones para familiares
Healthy Teens @ School: Evaluating and disseminating transdiagnostic preventive interventions for eating disorders and obesity for adolescents in school settings
The worldwide prevalence of overweight and obesity is at alarming levels. Nearly one in three children in Europe is overweight or obese. Disordered eating and body image concerns are equally widespread and increase risk for more chronic and severe weight-related problems. Research has shown that online interventions that address both healthy weight regulation and body image can reduce risk for eating disorders and obesity simultaneously and are feasible to implement in school settings. To date, evaluation and dissemination of such programs in Europe is scant.
The Healthy Teens @ School study is a multi-country cluster-randomized controlled trial (RCT) comparing the effectiveness of an unguided, online, multi-level intervention for promoting a healthy lifestyle and reducing problematic eating behavior, eating disorder and obesity risk among students aged 14 to 19 years with control condition. As part of the Horizon 2020 funded project ICare (GA No. 634757) the trial is conducted in Austria and Spain. Cluster randomization by school is used. The intervention is an adapted version of an evidence-based program developed in the USA (StayingFit). Participants of the intervention group are assigned to one of two possible program tracks based on the results of the initial online-assessment: Overweight adolescents are assigned to the “Weight Management” track emphasizing balanced eating and exercise for weight maintenance, and all other individuals are assigned to the “Healthy Habits” track which aims at promoting healthy habits related to e.g., nutrition, physical activity, sleep. The participants of both tracks work on ten modules (one 20–30 min module per week) during school hours and/or at home. Assessments are conducted at pre- and post-intervention, and at 6- and 12-months after baseline assessment. The primary outcome is intuitive eating, secondary outcomes are eating disorder symptomatology, body image concerns, body mass index, food intake, physical activity, self-esteem, stress coping, depression, and anxiety. Following the initial assessment, individuals in the control group do not have access to the prevention program but continue as normal and are only prompted to the assessments at all time points. At the end of the 12-month study they will get access to the program.
The results from this study will add to the understanding of how to address eating and weight related problems in adolescents and will shed light on the feasibility of implementing online prevention programs in school routine in Austria and Spain. As part of the larger ICare project this RCT will determine how an adapted version of StayingFit is disseminated within Europe
Familiares de personas con trastornos de la personalidad: evaluación de su psicopatología e intervenciones para mejorar su bienestar
Los trastornos de la personalidad afectan tanto a los individuos que los sufren, como a las personas que les rodean. La presente tesis doctoral plantea tres estudios con el objetivo de abordar la problemática sufrida por los familiares de personas con trastornos de la personalidad.
El estudio 1 analiza el impacto que tiene la carga derivada del proceso de cuidado de una persona con trastorno de la personalidad límite en la calidad de vida y la sintomatología ansioso-depresiva de los familiares, explorando el papel mediador de las dificultades en la regulación emocional en ese proceso, en una muestra de 167 familiares de personas con trastorno de la personalidad límite. Los resultados obtenidos aportan algunas evidencias de que los familiares que no presentan dificultades en la regulación de sus emociones tienen más probabilidades de experimentar una mayor calidad de vida, así como menores niveles de depresión, ansiedad y estrés, debido al efecto mediador de la regulación emocional entre los niveles de carga y la calidad de vida y la salud mental del familiar.
El estudio 2 analiza la eficacia de una adaptación breve del Entrenamiento en habilidades para pacientes de la Terapia dialéctica conductual dirigida a familiares de personas con trastorno de la personalidad límite. La intervención grupal tuvo una duración total de 14 sesiones dirigidas por dos psicólogos expertos en Terapia dialéctica conductual, con una frecuencia semanal de dos horas, y fue sometida a prueba en una muestra de 12 familiares. Los resultados indican que tras la intervención se produce una mejoría estadística y clínicamente significativa en los niveles de depresión de los familiares; clínica en ansiedad, hostilidad, tolerancia a la frustración y emoción expresada; y estadística de la actitud negativa hacia la enfermedad.
El estudio 3 analiza la eficacia de Family Connections para dirigida a familiares de personas con trastornos de la personalidad, y analiza su eficacia al aplicarla en formato online y en formato presencial. La intervención grupal tuvo una duración total de 12 sesiones dirigidas por dos psicólogos con formación específica en la intervención, con una frecuencia semanal de dos horas. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 45 familiares. Los resultados indican que tras la intervención los familiares sienten que han disminuido sus niveles de carga, depresión, ansiedad y estrés, así como una mejora en el empoderamiento familiar, el funcionamiento familiar y en su calidad de vida. Por otro lado, no hubo diferencias estadísticamente significativas en función del formato de aplicación.
En conclusión, la presente tesis doctoral expone tres estudios con el objetivo de abordar la problemática sufrida por los familiares de personas con trastornos de la personalidad. Concretamente, aumenta el conocimiento acerca del impacto que tiene en los familiares el proceso de cuidado de una persona con trastorno de la personalidad límite, consolidando las bases sobre las cuales estructurar un marco teórico que defina claramente cuáles son las variables implicadas en este proceso de cuidado y cómo actúan entre sí, generando un modelo explicativo que sirva de guía a la hora de planificar un tratamiento. Posteriormente, plantea algunas maneras de optimizar las intervenciones dirigidas a los familiares, a través de la adaptación de dos intervenciones, y de su aplicación en diferentes formatos, con resultados prometedores
Estructura factorial del Driving Log en una muestra española
The present study aimed the adaptation of the Driving Log, a questionnaire that assesses aggressive and risky driving behaviors in a day by day basis, with 395 Spanish participants. Confirmatory factor analysis showed that the questionnaire fitted properly in two correlated factors, labeled as Risky Driving and Aggressive Driving. Subsequent analyses showed that the number of drives is significantly associated to Risky Driving, while the number of occasions in which anger is experimented correlated with Risky Driving as well as Aggressive Driving. Other findings suggest that men behave in a more risky and aggressive mannerthan women. Young people follow this same tendency in comparison to their eldersEl presente estudio tuvo como objetivo la adaptación del Driving Log, un cuestionario que valora los comportamientos agresivos y arriesgados al volante, en una muestra española de 395 personas. El análisis factorial confirmatorio mostró que el cuestionario ajustaba satisfactoriamente en dos factores, etiquetados como Conducción Arriesgada y Conducción Agresiva. Los análisis posteriores mostraron que el número de trayectos realizados se asoció significativamente a la Conducción Arriesgada, mientras que el número de veces en que se experimentó ira lo hizo tanto con la Conducción Arriesgada como con la Conducción Agresiva. Igualmente, se vio que los hombres se comportaban de forma más arriesgada y agresiva que las mujeres, y que los jóvenes lo hacían en mayor grado que los mayore
Estructura factorial del Driving Log en una muestra española
The present study aimed the adaptation of the Driving Log, a questionnaire that assesses aggressive and risky driving behaviors in a day by day basis, with 395 Spanish participants. Confirmatory factor analysis showed that the questionnaire fitted properly in two correlated factors, labeled as Risky Driving and Aggressive Driving. Subsequent analyses showed that the number of drives is significantly associated to Risky Driving, while the number of occasions in which anger is experimented correlated with Risky Driving as well as Aggressive Driving. Other findings suggest that men behave in a more risky and aggressive mannerthan women. Young people follow this same tendency in comparison to their elders.El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo la adaptación del Driving Log, un cuestionario que valora los comportamientos agresivos y arriesgados al volante, en una muestra española de 395 personas. El análisis factorial confirmatorio mostró que el cuestionario ajustaba satisfactoriamente en dos factores, etiquetados como Conducción Arriesgada y Conducción Agresiva. Los análisis posteriores mostraron que el número de trayectos realizados se asoció significativamente a la Conducción Arriesgada, mientras que el número de veces en que se experimentó ira lo hizo tanto con la Conducción Arriesgada como con la Conducción Agresiva. Igualmente, se vio que los hombres se comportaban de forma más arriesgada y agresiva que las mujeres, y que los jóvenes lo hacían en mayor grado que los mayores
History of Spanish research in psychology seen through the scientific journals collected in the Web of Science during the period 2003-2012
La abundancia y nivel de las publicaciones científicas, constituye un indicador de la capacidad, trayectoria y calidad científica de un país, área temática o grupo de investigación. El grado de visibilidad internacional de una revista es un importante indicador sobre su calidad y cada vez es más considerado por las agencias de evaluación de los meritos científicos. Este estudio ofrece un análisis de la evolución de la actividad española en psicología, vista a través de su producción científica en las revistas de psicología recogidas en las base de datos JCR del SSCI (Social Sciences Citation Index) y del SCI (Science Citation Index) durante los años 2003-2012. Los resultados indican un crecimiento en la producción científica española en este período y un crecimiento en el número de revistas españolas y latinoamericanas en las bases de datos JCR (SCI y SSCI), lo que es un indicador del esfuerzo que están realizando los editores de las revistas de estos países en cuidar los aspectos formales de las publicaciones y aumentar su calidad, obteniendo una mayor proyección internacional y un aumento de su presencia en bases de datos internacionales. El comportamiento de los investigadores en psicología, es diferente, dependiendo de las áreas temáticas. Como conclusión destacar que a lo largo del período estudiado se observa un aumento en el número de revistas utilizadas para publicar los trabajos de psicología. Durante el quinquenio 2008-2012 las revistas más utilizadas por los investigadores españoles fueron las editadas en España, Francia, Inglaterra, Estados Unidos y Colombia.The level and great number of scientific publications is an indicator of the ability, experience and scientific quality of a country, subject area or research group. Nowadays, the importance of a journal is given in many cases by their visibility degree. The international visibility degree is an important indicator of the quality of a magazine that is increasingly considered by most evaluating scientific merits agencies. This study analysis the evolution of Spanish psychology activity, as seen through its scientific production in psychology journals listed in the JCR database of SSCI (Social Sciences Citation Index) and SCI (Science Citation Index) during the years 2003-2012. The results indicate a growth in the Spanish scientific production during the period studied and a growth in the number of Spanish and Latin American journals in the JCR data bases (SCI and SSCI), which is an indicator of the effort made by the journal editors of these countries in the formal aspects of their publications and making the necessary changes to improve their quality. It is also observed that the behavior of psychology researchers is different depending on the subject field in which they work. In conclusion, it is outstanding that throughout the study period the most commonly number of magazines that used to publish psychology articles increased. Being the most extended, during the five years period between 2008-2012, the ones published in Spain, France, England, United States and Colombia