232 research outputs found

    Interactive Visual Feature Search

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    Many visualization techniques have been created to help explain the behavior of convolutional neural networks (CNNs), but they largely consist of static diagrams that convey limited information. Interactive visualizations can provide more rich insights and allow users to more easily explore a model's behavior; however, they are typically not easily reusable and are specific to a particular model. We introduce Visual Feature Search, a novel interactive visualization that is generalizable to any CNN and can easily be incorporated into a researcher's workflow. Our tool allows a user to highlight an image region and search for images from a given dataset with the most similar CNN features. It supports searching through large image datasets with an efficient cache-based search implementation. We demonstrate how our tool elucidates different aspects of model behavior by performing experiments on supervised, self-supervised, and human-edited CNNs. We also release a portable Python library and several IPython notebooks to enable researchers to easily use our tool in their own experiments. Our code can be found at https://github.com/lookingglasslab/VisualFeatureSearch

    Occlusions for Effective Data Augmentation in Image Classification

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    Deep networks for visual recognition are known to leverage "easy to recognise" portions of objects such as faces and distinctive texture patterns. The lack of a holistic understanding of objects may increase fragility and overfitting. In recent years, several papers have proposed to address this issue by means of occlusions as a form of data augmentation. However, successes have been limited to tasks such as weak localization and model interpretation, but no benefit was demonstrated on image classification on large-scale datasets. In this paper, we show that, by using a simple technique based on batch augmentation, occlusions as data augmentation can result in better performance on ImageNet for high-capacity models (e.g., ResNet50). We also show that varying amounts of occlusions used during training can be used to study the robustness of different neural network architectures.Comment: Accepted to 2019 ICCV Workshop on Interpreting and Explaining Visual Artificial Intelligence Models (v2: corrected references

    Net2Vec: Quantifying and Explaining how Concepts are Encoded by Filters in Deep Neural Networks

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    In an effort to understand the meaning of the intermediate representations captured by deep networks, recent papers have tried to associate specific semantic concepts to individual neural network filter responses, where interesting correlations are often found, largely by focusing on extremal filter responses. In this paper, we show that this approach can favor easy-to-interpret cases that are not necessarily representative of the average behavior of a representation. A more realistic but harder-to-study hypothesis is that semantic representations are distributed, and thus filters must be studied in conjunction. In order to investigate this idea while enabling systematic visualization and quantification of multiple filter responses, we introduce the Net2Vec framework, in which semantic concepts are mapped to vectorial embeddings based on corresponding filter responses. By studying such embeddings, we are able to show that 1., in most cases, multiple filters are required to code for a concept, that 2., often filters are not concept specific and help encode multiple concepts, and that 3., compared to single filter activations, filter embeddings are able to better characterize the meaning of a representation and its relationship to other concepts.Comment: Camera-Ready for CVPR18; supplementary materials: http://ruthcfong.github.io/files/net2vec_supps.pd

    Understanding Deep Networks via Extremal Perturbations and Smooth Masks

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    The problem of attribution is concerned with identifying the parts of an input that are responsible for a model's output. An important family of attribution methods is based on measuring the effect of perturbations applied to the input. In this paper, we discuss some of the shortcomings of existing approaches to perturbation analysis and address them by introducing the concept of extremal perturbations, which are theoretically grounded and interpretable. We also introduce a number of technical innovations to compute extremal perturbations, including a new area constraint and a parametric family of smooth perturbations, which allow us to remove all tunable hyper-parameters from the optimization problem. We analyze the effect of perturbations as a function of their area, demonstrating excellent sensitivity to the spatial properties of the deep neural network under stimulation. We also extend perturbation analysis to the intermediate layers of a network. This application allows us to identify the salient channels necessary for classification, which, when visualized using feature inversion, can be used to elucidate model behavior. Lastly, we introduce TorchRay, an interpretability library built on PyTorch.Comment: Accepted at ICCV 2019 as oral; supp mat at http://ruthcfong.github.io/files/fong19_extremal_supps.pd

    Improving Fine-Grain Segmentation via Interpretable Modifications: A Case Study in Fossil Segmentation

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    Most interpretability research focuses on datasets containing thousands of images of commonplace objects. However, many high-impact datasets, such as those in medicine and the geosciences, contain fine-grain objects that require domain-expert knowledge to recognize and are time-consuming to collect and annotate. As a result, these datasets contain few annotated images, and current machine vision models cannot train intensively on them. Thus, adapting interpretability techniques to maximize the amount of information that models can learn from small, fine-grain datasets is an important endeavor. Using a Mask R-CNN to segment ancient reef fossils in rock sample images, we present a general paradigm for identifying and mitigating model weaknesses. Specifically, we apply image perturbations to expose the Mask R-CNN's inability to distinguish between different classes of fossils and its inconsistency in segmenting fossils with different textures. To address these shortcomings, we extend an existing model-editing method for correcting systematic mistakes in image classification to image segmentation and introduce a novel application of the technique: encouraging a greater separation between positive and negative pixels for a given class. Through extensive experiments, we find that editing the model by perturbing all pixels for a given class in one image is most effective (compared to using multiple images and/or fewer pixels). Our paradigm may also generalize to other segmentation models trained on small, fine-grain datasets

    There and Back Again: Revisiting Backpropagation Saliency Methods

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    Saliency methods seek to explain the predictions of a model by producing an importance map across each input sample. A popular class of such methods is based on backpropagating a signal and analyzing the resulting gradient. Despite much research on such methods, relatively little work has been done to clarify the differences between such methods as well as the desiderata of these techniques. Thus, there is a need for rigorously understanding the relationships between different methods as well as their failure modes. In this work, we conduct a thorough analysis of backpropagation-based saliency methods and propose a single framework under which several such methods can be unified. As a result of our study, we make three additional contributions. First, we use our framework to propose NormGrad, a novel saliency method based on the spatial contribution of gradients of convolutional weights. Second, we combine saliency maps at different layers to test the ability of saliency methods to extract complementary information at different network levels (e.g.~trading off spatial resolution and distinctiveness) and we explain why some methods fail at specific layers (e.g., Grad-CAM anywhere besides the last convolutional layer). Third, we introduce a class-sensitivity metric and a meta-learning inspired paradigm applicable to any saliency method for improving sensitivity to the output class being explained.Comment: CVPR 202

    UFO: A unified method for controlling Understandability and Faithfulness Objectives in concept-based explanations for CNNs

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    Concept-based explanations for convolutional neural networks (CNNs) aim to explain model behavior and outputs using a pre-defined set of semantic concepts (e.g., the model recognizes scene class ``bedroom'' based on the presence of concepts ``bed'' and ``pillow''). However, they often do not faithfully (i.e., accurately) characterize the model's behavior and can be too complex for people to understand. Further, little is known about how faithful and understandable different explanation methods are, and how to control these two properties. In this work, we propose UFO, a unified method for controlling Understandability and Faithfulness Objectives in concept-based explanations. UFO formalizes understandability and faithfulness as mathematical objectives and unifies most existing concept-based explanations methods for CNNs. Using UFO, we systematically investigate how explanations change as we turn the knobs of faithfulness and understandability. Our experiments demonstrate a faithfulness-vs-understandability tradeoff: increasing understandability reduces faithfulness. We also provide insights into the ``disagreement problem'' in explainable machine learning, by analyzing when and how concept-based explanations disagree with each other
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