39 research outputs found

    Evidences of Palaeocene marine breccias unconformably overlying the Cretaceous orogenic axis of the Pyrenees, between Garonne and Gave de Pau

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    A la suite de la dĂ©couverte de foraminifĂšres planctoniques palĂ©ocĂšnes (intervalle P1c – P3, Danien supĂ©rieur- SĂ©landien infĂ©rieur) dans la matrice de brĂšches post-mĂ©tamorphes et postĂ©rieures Ă  la tectonique fini-crĂ©tacĂ©e Ă  l’est de la Garonne et dans les hĂ©mipĂ©lagites microrythmĂ©es qui leur sont souvent associĂ©es, le problĂšme du prolongement occidental du « sillon » marin palĂ©ocĂšne sur l’orogĂšne pyrĂ©nĂ©en (Zone interne mĂ©tamorphique, Zone nord-pyrĂ©nĂ©enne) se posait. Dans cinq gisements « nord-pyrĂ©nĂ©ens » du Comminges/Barousse (St-BĂ©at, Bramevaque/ Troubat/GembriĂ© et Lortet) et de la Bigorre (MĂ©dous-AstĂ© et Lourdes-Pibeste), des brĂšches semblables, remplissant Ă©galement des morphologies de canyon sous-marin, ont Ă©tĂ© identifiĂ©es et attribuĂ©es au Dano-SĂ©landien (« globigĂ©rinidĂ©s »). Elles sont discordantes sur un substratum jurassico-Ă©ocrĂ©tacĂ© (qu’elles remanient), dĂ©jĂ  plissĂ© au CrĂ©tacĂ© supĂ©rieur (phases nĂ©o- Ă  fini-crĂ©tacĂ©es), par l’intermĂ©diaire d’une palĂ©osurface karstique irrĂ©guliĂšre ennoyĂ©e en domaine marin. Elles ont subi un Ă©pimĂ©tamorphisme (hydrothermal ?) prĂ©cĂ©dant la compression « pyrĂ©nĂ©enne » d’ñge Ă©ocĂšne supĂ©rieur. Des brĂšches de cet Ăąge, mais ne remaniant que des Ă©lĂ©ments de socle hercynien, existent un peu plus au sud, le long de segments de la Faille nord-pyrĂ©nĂ©enne (col de Gembre). En conclusion nous proposons, Ă  titre d’hypothĂšse, un transect palinspastique Nord-Sud, Nay-Lourdes-Gavarnie, montrant l’opposition pendant le Danien-SĂ©landien (intervalle 63-59 Ma) entre : (a) une zone centrale, localisĂ©e sur l’axe de l’orogĂšne, tectonisĂ©e vers la fin du CrĂ©tacĂ© et le dĂ©but du PalĂ©ocĂšne, Ă©mergĂ©e, karstifiĂ©e et Ă©rodĂ©e, puis abaissĂ©e, ennoyĂ©e et recouverte en discordance par les brĂšches marines dano-sĂ©landiennes ; (b) de part et d’autre, deux domaines pĂ©riphĂ©riques beaucoup plus stables (Nay, Gavarnie/ Mont-Perdu) oĂč les calcaires de plate-forme externe, Ă©galement Ă  « globigĂ©rinidĂ©s », reposent en parfaite concordance sur un Maastrichtien marin non Ă©rodĂ©, avec cependant une lacune locale du Danien infĂ©rieur

    Biocompatible polymeric microparticles produced by a simple biomimetic approach

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    The use of superhydrophobic surfaces to produce polymeric particles proves to be biologically friendly since it entails the pipetting and subsequent cross-linking of polymeric solutions under mild experimental conditions. Moreover, it renders encapsulation efficiencies of ∌100%. However, the obtained particles are 1 to 2 mm in size, hindering to a large extent their application in clinical trials. Improving on this technique, we propose the fabrication of polymeric microparticles by spraying a hydrogel precursor over superhydrophobic surfaces followed by photo-cross-linking. The particles were produced from methacrylamide chitosan (MA-CH) and characterized in terms of their size and morphology. As demonstrated by optical and fluorescence microscopy, spraying followed by photo-cross-linking led, for the first time, to the production of spherical particles with diameters on the order of micrometers, nominal sizes not attainable by pipetting. Particles such as these are suitable for medical applications such as drug delivery and tissue engineering.We thank Ivo Aroso and Ana Isabel Neto for their valuable support with FTIR and compression experiments, respectively. A.M.S.C. thanks FCT for financial support through grant BIM/PTDC/CTM-BPC/112774/2009_02. M.A.-M. thanks CONACyT (Mexico) for financial support through post-doc grant no. 203732. N.M.O. thanks FCT for financial support through Ph.D. scholarship no. SFRH/BD/73172/2010. This work was funded by the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement no. REGPOT-CT2012-316331-POLARIS, by FEDER through the Competitive Factors Operation Program-COMPETE, and by national funds through FCT - Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia in the scope of project PTDC/CTM-BIO/1814/2012

    Wetting laws for polymer solutions

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    We measure the contact angle Ξ(ϕ)\theta(\phi) of polymer solutions (polymer volume fraction ϕ) on a solid surface. The polymer is repelled at both solid and air interfaces. The pure solvent wets the solid, but the polymer does not. Thus the spreading coefficient S(ϕ)S(\phi) is positive for ϕ=0\phi=0 and negative for ϕ=1\phi=1. Naively we could expect a wetting transition at the concentration ϕw\phi_{\rm w} such that S(ϕw)S(\phi_{\rm w}) vanishes. We show here that Ξ(ϕ)\theta(\phi) has a plateau (Ξ=ΞL)(\theta=\theta_{\rm L}) for ϕ below a critical value ϕL\phi_{\rm L} larger than ϕw\phi_{\rm w}. For ϕ>ϕL\phi > \phi_{\rm L}, Ξ(ϕ)\theta(\phi) increases monotonously. In the plateau regime, the solution droplet is in equilibrium with a precursor film of pure solvent. At ϕL\phi_{\rm L}, we have a “leak-out transition”, and the value of ϕL\phi_{\rm L} results from a balance between the osmotic pressure of the polymer solution and the disjoining pressure of the solvent film. These ideas can be extended to other liquid mixtures, again assuming that the solute does not adsorb at the interfaces and, more precisely, that the thickness of the depletion layers is larger than the natural thickness of the solvent film

    Essai de biozonation par les ForaminifÚres pélagiques du Sénonien sud-pyrénéen. Description d'une nouvelle espÚce "Hedbergella aubertae n. sp."

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    A study of the Upper Cretaceous planktonic foraminifera from the South Pyrenean versant indicates that the Turonian and Senonian can be subdivided into nine biozones. A new species of Hedbergella is described from the Coniacian and the latest Turonian : " Hedbergella aubertae".A partir de l'Ă©tude biostratigraphique d'une coupe de rĂ©fĂ©rence choisie dans la vallĂ©e de la Noguera Ribagorzana (Versant Sud des PyrĂ©nĂ©es centrales) une Ă©chelle de ForaminifĂšres pĂ©lagiques, comportant 9 biozones, est proposĂ©e pour le Turonien et le SĂ©nonien pyrĂ©nĂ©ens. Une espĂšce nouvelle est dĂ©couverte dans le Turonien supĂ©rieur — Coniacien et dĂ©crite sous le nom de " Hedbergella aubertae".Fondecave-Wallez Marie-JosĂ©. Essai de biozonation par les ForaminifĂšres pĂ©lagiques du SĂ©nonien sud-pyrĂ©nĂ©en. Description d'une nouvelle espĂšce "Hedbergella aubertae n. sp.". In: GĂ©ologie MĂ©diterranĂ©enne. Tome 2, numĂ©ro 1, 1975. pp. 5-10

    Polymers as Dewetting Agents

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    Diachronisme des bassins turbiditiques d'avant-pays méso/néocrétacés du pays de Sault (Aude, Pyrénées françaises)

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    International audienceThe cartographic, sedimentological and micropalaeontological analysis of remnants of Middle-Upper Cretaceous turbiditic basins from the 'Pays de Sault' (Aude, French Pyrenees) shows their diachronism (interpreted on a wider scale) and their sequence diversity. The 'Gesse breccias' are regarded as the proximal deposits of a Turonian narrow foreland basin, principally supplied by the erosion of the Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous cover of the High Primary Range to the south, induced by a strike-slip and overthrusting faulting within the en-Ă©chelon North-Pyrenean Fault Zone. More to the north, the North-Pyrenean 'Axat Basin' consists of two successive backstepping turbiditic wedges, respectively corresponding to an Upper Albian distal flysch and to a Middle-Upper Cenomanian more proximal flysch, all the series unconformably overlying structures that were folded then eroded before the Upper Albian. The previous concept of carbonate olistoliths included within the Axat Cenomanian flysch is also refuted: these large-size blocks are now interpreted as belonging to a tectonic slice destroyed and partly collapsed on the southern slope of the Rebenty Valley during the Quaternary. To cite this article: M.-J. Fondecave-Wallez, B. PeybernĂšs, C. R. Geoscience 336 (2004)