4,518 research outputs found

    Phase-field simulations of viscous fingering in shear-thinning fluids

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    A phase-field model for the Hele-Shaw flow of non-Newtonian fluids is developed. It extends a previous model for Newtonian fluids to a wide range of shear-dependent fluids. The model is applied to perform simulations of viscous fingering in shear- thinning fluids, and it is found to be capable of describing the complete crossover from the Newtonian regime at low shear rate to the strongly shear-thinning regime at high shear rate. The width selection of a single steady-state finger is studied in detail for a 2-plateaux shear-thinning law (Carreau law) in both its weakly and strongly shear-thinning limits, and the results are related to previous analyses. In the strongly shear-thinning regime a rescaling is found for power-law (Ostwald-de-Waehle) fluids that allows for a direct comparison between simulations and experiments without any adjustable parameters, and good agreement is obtained

    Radiation Induced Membrane Changes and Programmed Cell Death: Possible Interrelationships

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    A short review of the evidence that lymphocyte membranes are a target for the initiation of irradiation induced programmed cell death (PCD) is given. It is assumed that for lymphocytes PCD represents an essential physiological mechanism in order to prevent degeneration of the biological system involved. Initiation of PCD can be obtained by a pharmacological activation as well as with irradiation. In both cases, protein kinase-C (PKC) is involved in the signal transduction from the cellular membrane to the nucleus where, by means of a metabolically active process, DNA fragmentation is induced. It is hypothesized that processes connected to lipid peroxidation in the cell membrane constitute a primary effect of irradiation induced PCD, where membrane fluidization or a compensatory process aimed to the maintenance of membrane fluidity (membrane homeoviscosity hypothesis) are likely to be involved

    Características citológicas del lavado bronqueoalveolar y respuesta inmune humoral frente a Aspergillus fumigatus en caballos Chilotes con obstrucción recurrente de las vías aéreas

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    In this study, the presence and characteristics of the recurrent airway obstruction (RAO), in Chilote horses were investigated. The Chilote horse is a breed of small and very rustic horses, descendent from, the horses that were brought by the Spaniards during the colony and remained isolated in. the Chiloe island, south of Chile, for a long time. Twenty two animals, all from the same farm and living under similar conditions, were physically examined. In all cases broncheoalveolar lavage (BALF) was performed and the recovered resident cells from the respiratory tract were studied in smears stained with May Grewald - Giemsa; the level of antibodies against Aspergillus fumigatus was determined by ELISA. The results indicate that out of the total population of animals under investigation, 13 showed clinical signs compatible with RAO and 9 were normal. In all cases, the animals that were considered RAO positive showed a higher percentage of polymorphonuclear neutrophils in the BALF: furthermore, a clear positive correlation between the relative amount of neutrophilic cells present in the airways and the severity of the signs observed during the physical examination exists. All of the animals, healthy and RAO positive horses, showed high titres of antibodies against A. fumigatus, a well known allergen, commonly distributed in. the region and present in the hay/straw. Our results show that Chilote horses, even though they are a rustic bread, are very susceptible to become RAO positive with similar characteristics to those described in other breeds, moreover, all animals were sensitized to A. fumigatus antigens showing the immunogenicity and the important distribution of this fungal allergen.El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar las características citológicas del lavado bronquealveolar (LBA) y la respuesta inmune humoral en caballos Chilote con obstrucción recurrente de las vías aéreas (ORVA) contra Aspergillus fumigatus y su rol en la inducción de este cuadro alérgico. Para esto, se utilizaron 22 caballos Chilote, de los cuales 13 presentaban ORVA y 9 estaban clínicamente sanos, los cuales fueron utilizados como controles. A todos los animales se les realizó un examen físico, se les evaluó la citología pulmonar mediante un lavado bronqueoalveolar (LBA) y se les extrajo suero sanguíneo, con el propósito de determinar anticuerpos específicos contra Aspergillus fumigatus a través de un ELISA indirecto. Los resultados obtenidos de los extendidos celulares hechos a partir del LBA muestran que el porcentaje relativo de neutrófilos encontrados en los caballos con ORVA era concordante con los hallazgos obtenidos en el examen clínico. Con respecto a la prueba de ELISA se determinó que todos los animales, incluidos los controles, tenían niveles similares de anticuerpos específicos contra Aspergillus fumigatus no existiendo diferencias entre los individuos con ORVA y el grupo de animales sanos (P > 0,05). Se puede concluir que los caballos Chilote, al igual que las otras razas de caballo, tienen la predisposición de hacer ORVA al estar sensibilizados con los alérgenos inductores de este cuadro alérgico pulmonar y que existe concordancia entre el porcentaje de neutrófilos encontrados en el LBA y la gravedad de los síntomas clínicos de estos animales. Además, los antígenos de Aspergillus fumigatus tienen un rol importante en la inducción de ORVA en esta específica raza de caballo

    Towards a quantitative phase-field model of two-phase solidification

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    We construct a diffuse-interface model of two-phase solidification that quantitatively reproduces the classic free boundary problem on solid-liquid interfaces in the thin-interface limit. Convergence tests and comparisons with boundary integral simulations of eutectic growth show good accuracy for steady-state lamellae, but the results for limit cycles depend on the interface thickness through the trijunction behavior. This raises the fundamental issue of diffuse multiple-junction dynamics.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. Better final discussion. 1 reference adde

    Inhalación de esporas de Aspergillus fumigatus induce en ratones una inflamación de las vías aéreas similar a la observada en equinos con Obstrucción Recurrente de las Vías Aéreas

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    The aim of this study was to determine if mice exposed to Aspergillus (A.) fumigatus spores develop airway inflammation in a similar manner to Recurrent Airway Obstruction (RAO) in horses. Different groups of 2-, 5-, 6- and 8-month-old Rockefeller (RK) mice were used throughout the experiment. The mice were maintained in the animal house for 16 days and kept in cages containing hay contaminated with A. fumigatus. After 16 days of mold exposure, the mice were bled and sacrificed to obtain bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) or lung tissues for histological analysis. In addition, we measured the levels of A. fumigatus-specific antibodies by ELISA. The results demonstrated that inhalation of A. fumigatus spores in mice induced an inflammatory response in the lungs that was characterized by peribronchiolar and perivascular mononuclear infiltration and bronchiolar luminal exudates. Moreover, there was extensive folding of the airway epithelia, which is a sign of airway smooth muscle contraction and smooth muscle hypertrophy. In addition, we observed a high number of neutrophils and an increase in IgE, IgG1 and IgG2a antibodies in the BALF from mice that were older than 5 months and were exposed to A. fumigatus. These animals recovered from their respiratory distress when they were placed in a remission environment. We conclude that simple exposure of mice to moldy hay induces a condition that is similar to RAO in horses. Therefore, using this mouse model for the study of equine RAO offers the opportunity to approximate the immunologic response to airborne irritants and allergens as well as to evaluate pharmacological therapies.El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar si ratones expuestos a esporas de Aspergillus fumigatus desarrollan una inflamación alérgica de las vías respiratorias similar a la observada en equinos con Obstrucción Recurrente de las Vías Aéreas (ORVA). Para esto se utilizaron ratones Rockefeller (RK) de 2, 5, 6 y 8 meses respectivamente, los cuales se mantuvieron por 16 días en jaulas que contenían heno contaminado con A. fumigatus. Posterior a la exposición, los animales fueron sangrados y sacrificados para la obtención de suero sanguíneo, lavado broncoalveolar (LBA) y muestras de tejido pulmonar. Además, se midieron los niveles de anticuerpos específicos para A. fumigatus a través de un ELISA indirecto. Los resultados mostraron que la inhalación de esporas de A. fumigatus en ratones induce una respuesta alérgica inflamatoria en pulmones similar a lo observado en ORVA equino, con un aumento del porcentaje de neutrófilos en el LBA y cambios histológicos pulmonares característicos de una hipersensibilidad bronquial. Asimismo, se observó un aumento de los niveles de inmunoglubulinas IgE, IgG1 e IgG2a específicas para este hongo en fluidos bronquiales. Además, los animales remitieron el estrés respiratorio cuando fueron expuestos en un ambiente de remisión. Se puede concluir que la simple exposición de esporas de A. fumugatus produce una condición alérgica similar al ORVA en equinos. Por lo tanto, este modelo experimental puede ser de utilidad para el estudio de los mecanismos inmunológicos, y probar nuevas opciones terapéuticas para esta enfermedad respiratoria de los caballos

    Eosinophils in lung tissue in 2 Chilean Criollo horses with exacerbated recurrent airway obstructions "heaves"

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    We report on 2 cases of recurrent airway obstruction (RAO) observed in Chilean Criollo horses aged 13 and 15 years. Both animals were classified as having severe RAO. The analysis of the recovered cells of bronchoalveolar lavage fl uid (BALF) showed high percentages of eosinophils (82% and 80% in the diff erential cell counts of the 2 horses) and poor responses to bronchodilator and corticosteroid drugs. The histopathological lung evaluation showed eosinophilic infiltration in the peribronchial tissue, as well as in the lumen of the bronchi and bronchioli. In both horses, immunohistochemistry confirmed high p65 homodimer activity in bronchial cells. This report describes exacerbated heaves with eosinophilic infiltration and p65 activity in the lung tissue without any neutrophil infiltration, which is usually characteristic for this disease. © TÜBİTAK

    Phase-field approach to heterogeneous nucleation

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    We consider the problem of heterogeneous nucleation and growth. The system is described by a phase field model in which the temperature is included through thermal noise. We show that this phase field approach is suitable to describe homogeneous as well as heterogeneous nucleation starting from several general hypotheses. Thus we can investigate the influence of grain boundaries, localized impurities, or any general kind of imperfections in a systematic way. We also put forward the applicability of our model to study other physical situations such as island formation, amorphous crystallization, or recrystallization.Comment: 8 pages including 7 figures. Accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Anak Krakatau triggers volcanic freezer in the upper troposphere

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    Volcanic activity occurring in tropical moist atmospheres can promote deep convection and trigger volcanic thunderstorms. These phenomena, however, are rarely observed to last continuously for more than a day and so insights into the dynamics, microphysics and electrification processes are limited. Here we present a multidisciplinary study on an extreme case, where volcanically-triggered deep convection lasted for six days. We show that this unprecedented event was caused and sustained by phreatomagmatic activity at Anak Krakatau volcano, Indonesia during 22-28 December 2018. Our modelling suggests an ice mass flow rate of similar to 5x10(6)kg/s for the initial explosive eruption associated with a flank collapse. Following the flank collapse, a deep convective cloud column formed over the volcano and acted as a 'volcanic freezer' containing similar to 3x10(9)kg of ice on average with maxima reaching similar to 10(10)kg. Our satellite analyses reveal that the convective anvil cloud, reaching 16-18km above sea level, was ice-rich and ash-poor. Cloud-top temperatures hovered around -80 degrees C and ice particles produced in the anvil were notably small (effective radii similar to 20 mu m). Our analyses indicate that vigorous updrafts (>50m/s) and prodigious ice production explain the impressive number of lightning flashes (similar to 100,000) recorded near the volcano from 22 to 28 December 2018. Our results, together with the unique dataset we have compiled, show that lightning flash rates were strongly correlated (R=0.77) with satellite-derived plume heights for this event