3 research outputs found

    Working differently: an account of how a library-publisher partnership can enhance trust and value

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    Exploring the features of the unique partnership set up between SAGE and the University of Sussex in 2010, this article outlines some of the outcomes and how they have added value to the work and experiences of both the library and the publisher. With the changing models of delivery in scholarly communication and the shifting funding arrangements for higher education in the UK, this collaboration was – and is – an innovative and unprecedented attempt to understand the pressures and current priorities of our respective professions. Lessons learned from the experience as well as future possibilities are covered in order to demonstrate the value gained from working together differently

    Supporting Effective Communication and Workflows in Social Science Research: Findings and Summary of a Group Discussion

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    At the end of 2010, at an event hosted by SAGE and facilitated by the Research Information Network, a group of academic librarians and doctoral researchers came together to discuss the provision of information services for researchers in the social sciences. The event was designed to both explore ways of improving the provision and consumption of information during the research process and to discuss how the value of the content that researchers and librarians choose and supply could be demonstrated. This article summarizes some of the key findings from the event and encourages further discussion with an aim to finding solutions

    Librarians’ messages to publishers: turning research into practice

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    In early 2017 a piece of research was carried out via questionnaire asking librarians to share the messages they wanted to convey to publishers. There was the option of anonymous submission to encourage candour. This research aimed to supplement messages offered to publishers and other organizations via library advisory board meetings, conference talks and other channels. The hope is to facilitate understanding and to progress the library/publisher partnership that is essential for a healthy future for research communication. A lightning talk at the 2017 UKSG Annual Conference summarized the key findings. This article now shares the findings in more depth and delves into the detail of the most recurrent themes. It also features some organizational case studies which illustrate how the findings are being used practically and/or how these organizations ensure they understand the needs of the libraries they work with. These case studies may help other publishers with the implementation of listening programmes