4 research outputs found

    The Use of Critical Pedagogy in Social Science Education: An Analysis of Cartoons on Teaching and Learning Outcomes in the Bamenda Municipality

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    Social science teachers use a wide variety of innovative pedagogy to support students’ cognitive, affective and psychomotor development. This explains the shift from Socratic pedagogy to the use of cartoon- critical pedagogy in social science education. Cartoons are used for explanation of difficult content in textbooks hence, motivating students to learn. Unfortunately, this innovative pedagogy is ineffectively utilized by some social science teachers in their classroom. Therefore, this paper analyses the use of cartoons in social science lessons as a critical pedagogy to enhance teaching and students’ learning outcomes. Constructivist learning theory and dual coding theory are used in the study which focused on 03 public grammar secondary schools in the Bamenda Municipality. A sample of 07 pedagogic inspectors, 375 students and 36 social science teachers were selected using convenient and simple random sampling techniques. Data for the study was collected using questionnaires and focus group discussions. The data was analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The results reveal that, teachers’ use of cartoons in social science classes as a teaching device positively promoted cooperative learning, problem based learning, transformative learning and critical thinking amongst students. Furthermore, teachers’ use of cartoons in social science classes as a learning device positively improved students’ ability to understand, apply, analyse, evaluate and synthesize economics, geography and history concepts. The study concludes that, cartoon-critical pedagogy motivated teachers to become transformative intellectuals and students to become critically and socially conscious. Keywords: critical pedagogy, social science education, cartoons, teaching and learning outcomes, Bamenda Municipality DOI: 10.7176/RHSS/12-14-03 Publication date:July 31st 202

    Improving Students’ Academic Achievements in Secondary Schools Economics Classes: The Role of Demographic Characteristics and Teachers’ Knowledge

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    One of the most important aspects in the teaching learning process that can be controlled by the classroom teacher is the quality of instruction. This study aimed at examining the extent to which teachers’ and students’ characteristics as well as teachers’ pedagogic content knowledge boost students’ academic achievement. The study was carried out at seven (07) economics classes in Cameroonian secondary schools. The survey research design was applied in the study. A total of four hundred and forty four (444) secondary school students and thirty three (33) teachers from the North West Region participated in this study. Questionnaires were used for data collection. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistical technique. The findings reveal that to a greater extent teachers’ and students’ characteristics as well as teachers’ pedagogic content knowledge enhance students’ academic achievement in economics classes in Mezam Division. This study therefore puts forward a policy approach called valuable teaching and learning (for teachers and students) for improving on knowledge, competence and attitudes towards economics. Keywords: Students’ academic achievements, teachers’ characteristics, students’ characteristics, teachers’ pedagogic content knowledge, Cameroon DOI: 10.7176/JEP/11-32-14 Publication date: November 30th 202

    Economics Curriculum and Teaching for Transformative Learning: The Case of the Anglophone Sub-System of Education in Cameroon

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    The purpose of Cameroon general certificate of education ordinary level economic curriculum is to form innovative citizens and effective decision makers. To accomplish this purpose, economics teachers were obliged to make an important paradigm shift in their pedagogy from transmission style education to transformative teaching and learning. Notwithstanding the emphasis on autonomous economics teaching and learning, the problem of poor achievement of students in economics in external examinations has been a matter of concern to the nation. As part of the effort to arrest the situation, this paper assesses the extent to which teachers’ knowledge of transformative teaching methods influences students’ examination scores in economics at the ordinary level. Using the expost-facto research design, the study was carried out in 07 public grammar secondary schools in Mezam Division and 01 higher teacher training college in Bambili, North West Region of Cameroon. Sample for the study consisted of 03 regional pedagogic inspectors, 08 heads of department, 444 students from form 05 and 33 teachers of economics. Data for the study was collected through questionnaires, observation checklist and interview guide. The study employed econometrics regression techniques such as structural equation modeling approach using partial least square to analyse the data. The results reveal that teachers’ knowledge of transformative teaching has both a direct and indirect (through teachers’ knowledge of students’ conception) influence on students’ examination scores in economics. The paper concluded that transformative teaching motivates students to take responsibility for their own learning. Thus, regular seminars, conferences and workshops should be organised at national, regional, divisional and school levels to equip teachers with appropriate active teaching and learning knowledge and skills. Keywords: transformative economics curriculum, transformative teaching, transformative learning, anglophone sub-system of education DOI: 10.7176/JEP/13-12-09 Publication date: April 30th 202

    Obesity, Health Care Expenditure and Education in Bamenda Municipality-Cameroon: Considerations for Curriculum Innovation

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    Obesity is a major risk factor to many non-communicable diseases leading to increase health care expenditures and concerns for curriculum innovations in many countries. Thus, the objectives of this study are: to determine the factors influencing health care expenditure, to investigate the effects of obesity on health care expenditure, to examine the relationship between obesity and education and to discuss implications for curriculum innovation on the basis of the findings. The study was conducted in the Bamenda Municipality of Mezam Division in the North West Region of Cameroon. The survey research design was employed. With the use of questionnaire, primary data was collected from 753 obese and non-obese individuals aged 20 and above. The multiple regression and multinomial logit results revealed that, level of monthly expenditure and education had statistically significant effect on health care expenditure in the Bamenda Municipality. There was insignificant effect of obesity on health care expenditures. Gender and age influenced health care expenditure and majority of those who had attained higher levels of education were non obese as opposed to their obese counterparts. The study argued that, curriculum innovation focusing on reducing obesity and health care expenditure via educational attainment remains a long term process. Therefore, educational stakeholders should sensitize the community on the basic rules on weight watching and the Bamenda City Council should create weight loss rehabilitation centers. The adoption of personalized and integrated approaches to innovative curriculum planning and design should be of utmost importance to the government of Cameroon