10 research outputs found

    Treating anxiety and depression in older adults: Randomised controlled trial comparing guided V. Self-guided internet-delivered cognitive-behavioural therapy

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    © 2016 The Royal College of Psychiatrists. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Non-Commercial, No Derivatives (CC BY-NC-ND) licence. Background Symptoms of anxiety and depression are prevalent in older adults. Aims To compare clinician-guided and self-guided versions of a transdiagnostic internet-delivered cognitive-behavioural therapy (iCBT) intervention for adults aged 60 years and above. Method Adults (n=433) with symptoms of anxiety and depression were randomly allocated to: (1) clinician-guided treatment (n=153); (2) initial clinician interview followed by self-guided treatment (n=140); or (3) self-guided treatment without interview (n=140). Results Large reductions (d ≥1.00) in symptoms of depression and anxiety were observed across groups, and sustained at follow-up. No differences were observed in clinical outcomes or satisfaction ratings. Age did not affect outcomes. Conclusions Carefully developed iCBT interventions may significantly reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression in older adults when delivered in either clinician-guided or self-guided formats

    The pain course: A randomised controlled trial examining an internet-delivered pain management program when provided with different levels of clinician support

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    © 2015 International Association for the Study of Pain. The present study evaluated an internet-delivered pain management program, the Pain Course, when provided with different levels of clinician support. Participants (n5490) were randomised to 1 of 4 groups: (1) Regular Contact (n5143), (2) Optional Contact (n5 141), (3) No Contact (n 5 131), and (4) a treatment-As-usual Waitlist Control Group (n 5 75). The treatment program was based on the principles of cognitive behaviour therapy and comprised 5 internet-delivered lessons provided over 8 weeks. The 3 Treatment Groups reported significant improvements (between-group Cohen's d; avg. reduction) in disability (ds ≤ 0.50; avg. reduction ≤ 18%), anxiety (ds≤0.44; avg. reduction≤32%), depression (ds≤0.73; avg. reduction≤36%), and average pain (ds≤0.30; avg. reduction ≤ 12%) immediately posttreatment, which were sustained at or further improved to 3-month follow-up. High treatment completion rates and levels of satisfaction were reported, and no marked or consistent differences were observed between the Treatment Groups. The mean clinician time per participant was 67.69 minutes (SD533.50), 12.85 minutes (SD524.61), and 5.44 minutes (SD 5 12.38) for those receiving regular contact, the option of contact, and no clinical contact, respectively. These results highlight the very significant public health potential of carefully designed and administered internet-delivered pain management programs and indicate that these programs can be successfully administered with several levels of clinical support

    Transdiagnostic internet-delivered cognitive-behaviour therapy (CBT) for adults with functional gastrointestinal disorders (FGID): A feasibility open trial.

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    Many people with functional gastrointestinal disorders (FGIDs) face significant barriers in accessing psychological treatments that are known to reduce symptoms and their psychological sequelae. This study examined the feasibility and initial outcomes of a transdiagnostic and internet-delivered cognitive behaviour therapy (iCBT) intervention, the Chronic Conditions Course, for adults with functional gastrointestinal disorders (FGIDs). A single-group feasibility open trial design was employed and administered to twenty seven participants. The course ran for 8 weeks and was provided with weekly contact from a Clinical Psychologist. Seventy percent of participants completed the course within the 8 weeks and 81.5% provided data at post-treatment. High levels of satisfaction were observed and relatively little clinician time (M = 42.70 min per participant; SD = 46.25 min) was required. Evidence of clinical improvements in FGID symptoms (ds ≥ 0.46; avg. improvement ≥21%), anxiety symptoms (ds ≥ 0.99; avg. improvement ≥42%), and depression symptoms (ds ≥ 0.75; avg. improvement ≥35%) were observed, which either maintained or continued to improve to 3-month follow-up. Evidence of improvement was also observed in pain catastrophising and mental-health related quality of life, but not physical-health related quality of life. These findings highlight the potential value of transdiagnostic internet-delivered programs for adults with FGIDs and support for the conduct of larger-scale controlled studies

    The Pain Course: 12- and 24-Month Outcomes From a Randomized Controlled Trial of an Internet-Delivered Pain Management Program Provided With Different Levels of Clinician Support

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    © 2018 the American Pain Society Little is known about the long-term outcomes of emerging Internet-delivered pain management programs. The current study reports the 12- and 24-month follow-up data from a randomized controlled trial (n = 490) of an Internet-delivered pain management program, the Pain Course. The initial results of the trial to the 3-month follow-up have been reported elsewhere. There were significant improvements in disability, depression, anxiety, and pain levels across 3 treatment groups receiving different levels of clinician support compared with a treatment as the usual control. No marked or significant differences were found between the treatment groups either after treatment or at the 3-month follow-up. The current study obtained long-term follow-up data from 78% and 79% of participants (n = 397) at the 12-month and 24-month follow-up marks, respectively. Clinically significant decreases (average percent reduction; Cohen's d effect sizes) were maintained at the 12- and 24-month follow-ups for disability (average reduction ≥27%; d ≥.67), depression (average reduction ≥36%; d ≥.80), anxiety (average reduction ≥38%; d ≥.66), and average pain levels (average reduction ≥21%; d ≥.67). No marked or consistent differences were found among the 3 treatment groups. These findings suggest that the outcomes of Internet-delivered programs may be maintained over the long term. Perspective: This article presents the long-term outcome data of an established Internet-delivered pain management program for adults with chronic pain. The clinical improvements observed during the program were found to be maintained at the 12- and 24-month follow-up marks. This finding indicates that these programs can have lasting clinical effects

    A feasibility trial of an Internet-delivered and transdiagnostic cognitive behavioral therapy treatment program for anxiety, depression, and disability among adults with epilepsy.

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    OBJECTIVE: Anxiety and depression are highly prevalent in people with epilepsy (PWE) and contribute to increased disability. Unfortunately, there are numerous barriers (e.g., cost, distance, and stigma) and service gaps (e.g., lack of services and trained clinicians) that prevent many PWE from accessing traditional face-to-face psychological services. The aim of the present study was to examine the feasibility of a new transdiagnostic Internet-delivered cognitive behavioral therapy (iCBT) program, the Chronic Conditions Course, to simultaneously treat symptoms of anxiety, depression, and disability. METHODS: A single-group feasibility open trial was employed involving 27 adults with epilepsy. The program comprises five online lessons delivered over 8 weeks and is provided with weekly contact from a mental health professional via e-mail and telephone. RESULTS: High treatment completion rates and levels of satisfaction were reported. Evidence of significant improvements in our primary outcomes (within-group Cohen's d [d]; average [avg.] reductions) of anxiety (d ≥ 1.28; avg. reduction ≥ 54%), depression (d ≥ 1.24; avg. reduction ≥ 54%), epilepsy-specific depression (d ≥ 0.95; avg. reduction ≥ 35%), and disability (d ≥ 0.62; avg. reduction ≥ 33%) were observed at posttreatment, which were sustained at or further improved to 3-month follow-up. On our secondary outcomes there were significant improvements for life satisfaction (d ≥ 0.70; avg. improvement ≥ 26%) but not for perceived cognitive difficulties (d ≥ 0.48; avg. reduction ≥ 15%). Highlighting the potential of the approach, relatively little clinician time was required per participant (mean 80.62 min, standard deviation [SD] 54.78), and the trial involved a broad range of geographically dispersed patients. SIGNIFICANCE: The findings of the current study support the feasibility and potential of transdiagnostic Internet-delivered treatments for adults with epilepsy. Further large-scale controlled trials are warranted

    The Pain Course: Exploring the Feasibility of an Internet-delivered Pain Management Program When Offered by a Tertiary Pain Management Service.

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    BACKGROUND: This study examined the acceptability and preliminary outcomes of an internet-delivered pain management program, the Pain Course, when offered by a specialist pain management clinic in a large public hospital. METHODS: A single-group feasibility open-trial design was used and 39 patients participated in the program, which ran for 8 weeks. Participants were supported through the program with weekly contact from a Clinical Psychologist at the clinic. RESULTS: All participants provided data at posttreatment and >90% of participants completed all 5 lessons of the course. High levels of satisfaction were observed and relatively little clinician time (M=71.99 min/participant; SD=32.82 min) was required to support patients through the program. Preliminary evidence of clinical improvements in depression symptoms (avg. improvement=38%; Cohen d=0.74), but not disability levels or anxiety symptoms, was observed in the overall sample. However, evidence of improvements was observed across all the primary outcomes among patients who had clinical levels of difficulties with disability (n=20; avg. improvement=11%; Cohen d=0.64), depression (n=17; avg. improvement=35%; Cohen d=1.24) and anxiety (n=8; avg. improvement=29%; Cohen d=0.57). CONCLUSIONS: These findings highlight the potential value of internet-delivered programs when provided by specialist pain management clinics as a part of their services and the value of larger scale studies in this area

    The pain course: a randomised controlled trial comparing a remote-delivered chronic pain management program when provided in online and workbook formats.

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    This study compared a remote-delivered pain management program, the Pain Course, when delivered in online and workbook formats. Participants (n = 178) were randomised into 2 groups: (1) an Internet Group (n = 84) who were provided with secure accounts to the program in an online format; or (2) a Workbook Group (n = 94) who were mailed workbook versions of the program. The content of both programs was identical and comprised 5 core lessons, which participants were encouraged to work through over an 8-week period, according to a prescribed timetable. All participants were provided with weekly contact with a clinical psychologist through email and telephone throughout the program. The overall findings suggest that the workbook format was no less effective or acceptable than the validated online format. Significant improvements (avg. improvement; Internet Group vs Workbook Group) in levels of disability (PDI: 16% vs 24%; RMDQ: 12% vs 15%), anxiety (GAD-7: 36% vs 26%), and depression (PHQ-9: 36% vs 36%) were observed in both groups immediately posttreatment. Further improvements were observed in disability levels to 3-month follow-up, and improvements across the other primary outcomes were maintained until 12-month follow-up. High treatment completion rates and levels of satisfaction were reported in both groups, and both groups required a similarly small amount of clinician contact per participant (M = 74.85 minutes; SD = 41.03). These results highlight the public health potential of remote-delivered pain management programs, delivered in either workbook or online formats, as methods of increasing access to pain management