34 research outputs found

    How dissipation constrains fluctuations in nonequilibrium liquids: Diffusion, structure and biased interactions

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    The dynamics and structure of nonequilibrium liquids, driven by non-conservative forces which can be either external or internal, generically hold the signature of the net dissipation of energy in the thermostat. Yet, disentangling precisely how dissipation changes collective effects remains challenging in many-body systems due to the complex interplay between driving and particle interactions. First, we combine explicit coarse-graining and stochastic calculus to obtain simple relations between diffusion, density correlations and dissipation in nonequilibrium liquids. Based on these results, we consider large-deviation biased ensembles where trajectories mimic the effect of an external drive. The choice of the biasing function is informed by the connection between dissipation and structure derived in the first part. Using analytical and computational techniques, we show that biasing trajectories effectively renormalizes interactions in a controlled manner, thus providing intuition on how driving forces can lead to spatial organization and collective dynamics. Altogether, our results show how tuning dissipation provides a route to alter the structure and dynamics of liquids and soft materials.Comment: 21 pages, 7 figure

    Driven probe under harmonic confinement in a colloidal bath

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    Colloids held by optical or magnetic tweezers have been used to explore the local rheological properties of a complex medium and to extract work from fluctuations with some appropriate protocols. However, a general theoretical understanding of the interplay between the confinement and the interaction with the environment is still lacking. Here, we explore the statistical properties of the position of a probe confined in a harmonic trap moving at constant velocity and interacting with a bath of colloidal particles maintained at a different temperature. Interactions among particles are accounted for by a systematic perturbation, whose range of validity is tested against direct simulations of the full dynamics. Overall, our results provide a way to predict the effect of the driving and the environment on the probe, and can potentially be used to investigate the properties of colloidal heat engines with many-body interactions.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figure

    Optimal power and efficiency of odd engines

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    Odd materials feature antisymmetric response to perturbations. This anomalous property can stem from the nonequilibrium activity of their components, which is sustained by an external energy supply. These materials open the door to designing innovative engines which extract work by applying cyclic deformations, without any equivalent in equilibrium. Here, we reveal that the efficiency of such energy conversion, from local activity to macroscopic work, can be arbitrarily close to unity when the cycles of deformation are properly designed. We illustrate these principles in some canonical viscoelastic materials, which leads us to identify strategies for optimizing power and efficiency according to material properties, and to delineate guidelines for the design of more complex odd engines.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure

    Autonomous engines driven by active matter: Energetics and design principles

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    Because of its nonequilibrium character, active matter in a steady state can drive engines that autonomously deliver work against a constant mechanical force or torque. As a generic model for such an engine, we consider systems that contain one or several active components and a single passive one that is asymmetric in its geometrical shape or its interactions. Generally, one expects that such an asymmetry leads to a persistent, directed current in the passive component, which can be used for the extraction of work. We validate this expectation for a minimal model consisting of an active and a passive particle on a one-dimensional lattice. It leads us to identify thermodynamically consistent measures for the efficiency of the conversion of isotropic activity to directed work. For systems with continuous degrees of freedom, work cannot be extracted using a one-dimensional geometry under quite general conditions. In contrast, we put forward two-dimensional shapes of a movable passive obstacle that are best suited for the extraction of work, which we compare with analytical results for an idealised work-extraction mechanism. For a setting with many noninteracting active particles, we use a mean-field approach to calculate the power and the efficiency, which we validate by simulations. Surprisingly, this approach reveals that the interaction with the passive obstacle can mediate cooperativity between otherwise noninteracting active particles, which enhances the extracted power per active particle significantly.Comment: 21 pages, 8 figure

    Energetics of active fluctuations in living cells

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    The nonequilibrium activity taking place in a living cell can be monitored with a tracer embedded in the medium. While microrheology experiments based on optical manipulation of such probes have become increasingly standard, we put forward a number of experiments with alternative protocols that, we claim, will provide new insight into the energetics of active fluctuations. These are based on either performing thermodynamic--like cycles in control-parameter space, or on determining response to external perturbations of the confining trap beyond simple translation. We illustrate our proposals on an active itinerant Brownian oscillator modeling the dynamics of a probe embedded in a living medium

    Dissipation controls transport and phase transitions in active fluids: mobility, diffusion and biased ensembles

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    Abstract Active fluids operate by constantly dissipating energy at the particle level to perform a directed motion, yielding dynamics and phases without any equilibrium equivalent. The emerging behaviors have been studied extensively, yet deciphering how local energy fluxes control the collective phenomena is still largely an open challenge. We provide generic relations between the activity-induced dissipation and the transport properties of an internal tracer. By exploiting a mapping between active fluctuations and disordered driving, our results reveal how the local dissipation, at the basis of self-propulsion, constrains internal transport by reducing the mobility and the diffusion of particles. Then, we employ techniques of large deviations to investigate how interactions are affected when varying dissipation. This leads us to shed light on a microscopic mechanism to promote clustering at low dissipation, and we also show the existence of collective motion at high dissipation. Overall, these results illustrate how tuning dissipation provides an alternative route to phase transitions in active fluids.</jats:p