687 research outputs found

    Low-energy general relativity with torsion: a systematic derivative expansion

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    We attempt to build systematically the low-energy effective Lagrangian for the Einstein--Cartan formulation of gravity theory that generally includes the torsion field. We list all invariant action terms in certain given order; some of the invariants are new. We show that in the leading order the fermion action with torsion possesses additional U(1)_L x U(1)_R gauge symmetry, with 4+4 components of the torsion (out of the general 24) playing the role of Abelian gauge bosons. The bosonic action quadratic in torsion gives masses to those gauge bosons. Integrating out torsion one obtains a point-like 4-fermion action of a general form containing vector-vector, axial-vector and axial-axial interactions. We present a quantum field-theoretic method to average the 4-fermion interaction over the fermion medium, and perform the explicit averaging for free fermions with given chemical potential and temperature. The result is different from that following from the "spin fluid" approach used previously. On the whole, we arrive to rather pessimistic conclusions on the possibility to observe effects of the torsion-induced 4-fermion interaction, although under certain circumstances it may have cosmological consequences.Comment: 33 pages, 1 figure. A new section, discussion and references added. Final (published) versio

    Space-time in light of Karolyhazy uncertainty relation

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    General relativity and quantum mechanics provide a natural explanation for the existence of dark energy with its observed value and predict its dynamics. Dark energy proves to be necessary for the existence of space-time itself and determines the rate of its stability.Comment: 5 pages, Two misprints are correcte

    Low-Energy Effective Action in Non-Perturbative Electrodynamics in Curved Spacetime

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    We study the heat kernel for the Laplace type partial differential operator acting on smooth sections of a complex spin-tensor bundle over a generic nn-dimensional Riemannian manifold. Assuming that the curvature of the U(1) connection (that we call the electromagnetic field) is constant we compute the first two coefficients of the non-perturbative asymptotic expansion of the heat kernel which are of zero and the first order in Riemannian curvature and of arbitrary order in the electromagnetic field. We apply these results to the study of the effective action in non-perturbative electrodynamics in four dimensions and derive a generalization of the Schwinger's result for the creation of scalar and spinor particles in electromagnetic field induced by the gravitational field. We discover a new infrared divergence in the imaginary part of the effective action due to the gravitational corrections, which seems to be a new physical effect.Comment: LaTeX, 42 page

    Localization of Classical Waves in Weakly Scattering Two-Dimensional Media with Anisotropic Disorder

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    We study the localization of classical waves in weakly scattering 2D systems with anisotropic disorder. The analysis is based on a perturbative path-integral technique combined with a spectral filtering that accounts for the first-order Bragg scattering only. It is shown that in the long-wavelength limit the radiation is always localized, and the localization length is independent of the direction of propagation, the latter in contrast to the predictions based on an anisotropic tight-binding model. For shorter wavelengths that are comparable to the correlation scales of the disorder, the transport properties of disordered media are essentially different in the directions along and across the correlation ellipse. There exists a frequency-dependent critical value of the anisotropy parameter, below which waves are localized at all angles of propagation. Above this critical value, the radiation is localized only within some angular sectors centered at the short axis of the correlation ellipse and is extended in other directions.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Non-autonomous Hamiltonian systems related to highest Hitchin integrals

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    We describe non-autonomous Hamiltonian systems coming from the Hitchin integrable systems. The Hitchin integrals of motion depend on the W-structures of the basic curve. The parameters of the W-structures play the role of times. In particular, the quadratic integrals dependent on the complex structure (W_2-structure) of the basic curve and times are coordinate on the Teichmuller space. The corresponding flows are the monodromy preserving equations such as the Schlesinger equations, the Painleve VI equation and their generalizations. The equations corresponding to the highest integrals are monodromy preserving conditions with respect to changing of the W_k-structures (k>2). They are derived by the symplectic reduction from the gauge field theory on the basic curve interacting with W_k-gravity. As by product we obtain the classical Ward identities in this theory.Comment: 21 pages,Latex, Contribution in the Proceedings "International Seminar on Integrable systems". In memoriam Mikail V. Saveliev. Bonn, February, 199

    The Central Correlations of Hypercharge, Isospin, Colour and Chirality in the Standard Model

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    The correlation of the fractionally represented hypercharge group with the isospin and colour group in the standard model determines as faithfully represented internal group the quotient group {\U(1)\x\SU(2)\x\SU(3)\over\Z_2\x\Z_3}. The discrete cyclic central abelian-nonabelian internal correlation involved is considered with respect to its consequences for the representations by the standard model fields, the electroweak mixing angle and the symmetry breakdown. There exists a further discrete Z2\Z_2-correlation between chirality and Lorentz properties and also a continuous \U(1)-external-internal one between hyperisospin and chirality.Comment: 18 pages, latex, macros include

    Two-loop Euler-Heisenberg effective actions from charged open strings

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    We present the multiloop partition function of open bosonic string theory in the presence of a constant gauge field strength, and discuss its low-energy limit. The result is written in terms of twisted determinants and differentials on higher-genus Riemann surfaces, for which we provide an explicit representation in the Schottky parametrization. In the field theory limit, we recover from the string formula the two-loop Euler-Heisenberg effective action for adjoint scalars minimally coupled to the background gauge field.Comment: 32 pages, 3 eps figures, plain LaTeX. References added, minor changes to the text. Published version, affiliation correcte

    The Exact Electron Propagator in a Magnetic Field as the Sum over Landau Levels on a Basis of the Dirac Equation Exact Solutions

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    The exact propagator for an electron in a constant uniform magnetic field as the sum over Landau levels is obtained by the direct derivation by standard methods of quantum field theory from exact solutions of the Dirac equation in the magnetic field. The result can be useful for further development of the calculation technique of quantum processes in an external active medium, particularly in the conditions of moderately large field strengths when it is insufficient to take into account only the ground Landau level contribution.Comment: 9 pages, LaTeX; v2: 3 misprints corrected, a note and 1 reference added; to appear in Int. J. Mod. Phys.

    Spin Relaxation in a Quantized Hall Regime in Presence of a Disorder

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    We study the spin relaxation (SR) of a two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) in the quantized Hall regime and discuss the role of spatial inhomogeneity effects on the relaxation. The results are obtained for small filling factors (ν≪1\nu\ll 1) or when the filling factor is close to an integer. In either case SR times are essentially determined by a smooth random potential. For small ν\nu we predict a "magneto-confinement" resonance manifested in the enhancement of the SR rate when the Zeeman energy is close to the spacing of confinement sublevels in the low-energy wing of the disorder-broadened Landau level. In the resonant region the BB-dependence of the SR time has a peculiar non-monotonic shape. If ν≃2n+1\nu\simeq 2n+1, the SR is going non-exponentially. Under typical conditions the calculated SR times range from 10−810^{-8} to 10−610^{-6} s.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figure. To appear in JETP Letter

    Relativistic Coulomb problem for particles with arbitrary half-integer spin

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    Using relativistic tensor-bispinorial equations proposed in hep-th/0412213 we solve the Kepler problem for a charged particle with arbitrary half-integer spin interacting with the Coulomb potential.Comment: Misprints are correcte
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