2,174 research outputs found

    À quelles conditions la Loi fonctionne-t-elle come Bonne Nouvelle selon l'Évangile de Marc?

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    Malgrat que és l’únic evangelista que mai fa servir la paraula «llei» (nomos), Marc tanmateix té la seva pròpia perspectiva d’aquest tema tan important en el Judaisme, la religió en la qual el moviment de Jesús va néixer. L’article està consagrat a estudiar la discussió referent a la impuresa en Mc 7,1-23, una perícopa que constitueix una clau de gran significació per entendre el tema de la llei. Pres com un tot, sembla que Marc no és antinòmic. En el seu punt de vista, la llei roman com a bona notícia, però sota certes condicions: ha de estar sotmesa a l ‘Evangeli del Regne de Déu i a les seves claus interpretatives de vida

    Existence and Stability of Propagating Fronts for an Autocatalytic Reaction-Diffusion System

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    We study a one-dimensional reaction-diffusion system which describes an isothermal autocatalytic chemical reaction involving both a quadratic (A + B -> 2B) and a cubic (A + 2B -> 3B) autocatalysis. The parameters of this system are the ratio D = D_B/D_A of the diffusion constants of the reactant A and the autocatalyst B, and the relative activity k of the cubic reaction. First, for all values of D > 0 and k >= 0, we prove the existence of a family of propagating fronts (or travelling waves) describing the advance of the reaction. In particular, in the quadratic case k=0, we recover the results of Billingham and Needham [BN]. Then, if D is close to 1 and k is sufficiently small, we prove using energy functionals that these propagating fronts are stable against small perturbations in exponentially weighted Sobolev spaces. This extends to our system part of the stability results which are known for the scalar Fisher equation.Comment: 32 pages, 1 Postscript figur
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