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    Morfološki indikatori potkožne implantacije monofilamentne mrežice

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    Hernias are a significant, non-infectious animal condition. In productive animals, failure to provide surgical treatment leads to premature rejection and potential loss of their productive longevity. In small pets, this becomes a social problem for pet owners related to the keeping and death of affected animals. The aim of this study was to study the histological parameters of tissues during implantation of monofilament mesh in cattle for periods up to four months. The study was conducted on eight bulls of the Black Motley breed, divided into two groups of four animals. In the first group, four bulls received a subcutaneous implant of hernioplasty mesh made of polypropylene monofilament (Herniamesh S.R.I. Via CiRie 22 / A, San Maruro Torinese, Torino, Italy) in the area of the lateral soft abdominal wall on the right and left sides. In the second group, four bulls received implants in the middle third of the neck to the right and left sides. Thus, the subject of research was 16 wounds with implanted mesh. A sterile piece monofilament mesh, 1x2 cm in size and folded in half along the longitudinal side, was inserted vertically into the formed hypodermic pocket on the right side of the wound, in which it was possible to freely place the specified mesh. During the course of the study, Polycon No. 4 thread with intermittent knotted seams was used, and three sutures were applied. To ensure fixation of the mesh, it was stitched centrally. The material for histological studies was taken by biopsy at one, two, three and four months after implantation. Tissue was embedded in paraffin blocks, and sections were stained with haematoxylin-eosin and picrofuchsin according to Van Gieson. The results indicated that after subcutaneous implantation of monofilament mesh in the neck and abdominal wall in cattle, wound healing occurs by primary intention. It was revealed that from the beginning of the histological study to one month, the monofilament mesh is first overgrown with loose connective tissue. By the end of the study, after four months, this is sequentially differentiated into dense connective tissue. No significant differences were observed between the abdominal wall and neck area as sites of implantation, and morphological processes in both sites proceeded in the same way. Thus, the conducted studies allow us to conclude that monofilament mesh is a suitable material for closing the hernial ring in cattle, where it is not possible to use their own tissues for these purposes.Hernije su često, nezarazno stanje životinja. U produktivnih životinja, ukoliko se ne pruži kirurško liječenje, dolazi do preranog odbacivanja ploda i potencijalnog gubitka njihove produktivne dugovječnosti. U malih kućnih ljubimaca ovo je postalo socijalni problem za vlasnike kućnih ljubimaca povezan s čuvanjem i smrću oboljelih životinja. Cilj ove studije bio je proučiti histološke parametre tkiva tijekom implantacije monofilamentne mrežice u goveda za razdoblja do četiri mjeseca. Studija je provedena na osam bikova Black Motley pasmine, podijeljenih u dvije skupine od po četiri životinje. U prvoj skupini, četiri su bika dobila potkožno implantiranu mrežicu za hernioplastiku izrađenu od polipropilenskog monofilamenta (Herniamesh S.R.I. Via CiRie 22/A, San Maruro Torinese, Torino, Italija) na području bočne meke abdominalne stijenke s desne i lijeve strane. U drugoj skupini, četiri su bika dobila implantate u srednjoj trećini vrata na desnoj i lijevoj strani. Time je predmet istraživanja bilo 16 rana s implantiranim mrežicama. Sterilni komad monofilamentne mrežice, 1 x 2 cm veličine i preklopljen na pola duž uzdužne strane, umetnut je okomito u formirani hipodermički džepić s desne strane rane, u koji je bilo moguće slobodno postaviti spomenutu mrežicu. U studiji je rabljena nit polikon br. 4 s isprekidanim čvornim šavovima te su primijenjena tri šava. Kako bi se osiguralo fiksiranje mrežice, ona je središnje zašivena. Materijal za histološke studije uzet je biopsijom jedan, dva, tri i četiri mjeseca nakon implantacije. Tkivo je uronjeno u parafinske blokove, a isječci tkiva obojeni su hematoksilin-eozinom i pikrofuksinom prema Van Giesonu. Rezultati su pokazali da nakon potkožne implantacije monofilamentne mrežice u vrat i abdominalnu stijenku goveda dolazi do liječenja rane prema primarnoj namjeri. Otkriveno je da je od početka histološke studije do kraja prvog mjeseca, monofilamentna mrežica prvo obrasla labavim veznim tkivom. Do kraja studije, nakon četiri mjeseca, to tkivo se sekvencijski diferenciralo u gusto vezno tkivo. Nisu zamijećene velike razlike između područja abdominalne stijenke i vrata u smislu mjesta implantacije, a morfološki procesi na oba mjesta odvijali su se jednako. Stoga nam provedena studija dopušta donijeti zaključak da je monofilamentna mrežica prikladan materijal za zatvaranje kilnog prstena u stoke, ako nije moguće, u tu svrhu, rabiti njihovo vlastito tkivo