3 research outputs found

    Effect of social structure and introduction history on genetic diversity and differentiation

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    Invasive species are a global threat to biodiversity, and understanding their history and biology is a major goal of invasion biology. Population-genetic approaches allow insights into these features, as population structure is shaped by factors such as invasion history (number, origin and age of introductions) and life-history traits (e.g., mating system, dispersal capability). We compared the relative importance of these factors by investigating two closely related ants, Tetramorium immigrans and Tetramorium tsushimae, that differ in their social structure and invasion history in North America. We used mitochondrial DNA sequences and microsatellite alleles to estimate the source and number of introduction events of the two species, and compared genetic structure among native and introduced populations. Genetic diversity of both species was strongly reduced in introduced populations, which also differed genetically from native populations. Genetic differentiation between ranges and the reduction in microsatellite diversity were more severe in the more recently introduced and supercolonial T. tsushimae. However, the loss of mitochondrial haplotype diversity was more pronounced in T. immigrans, which has single-queen colonies and was introduced earlier. Tetramorium immigrans was introduced at least twice from Western Europe to North America and once independently to South America. Its monogyny might have limited genetic diversity per introduction, but new mutations and successive introductions over a long time may have added to the gene pool in the introduced range. Polygyny in T. tsushimae probably facilitated the simultaneous introduction of several queens from a Japanese population to St. Louis, USA. In addition to identifying introduction pathways, our results reveal how social structure can influence the population-genetic consequences of founder events

    Loss of a2d-1 calcium channel subunit function increases the susceptibility for diabetes

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    Reduced pancreatic b-cell function or mass is the critical problem in developing diabetes. Insulin release from b-cells depends on Ca2+ influx through high voltage- gated Ca2+ channels (HVCCs). Ca2+ influx also regulates insulin synthesis and insulin granule priming and contributes to β-cell electrical activity. The HVCCs aremultisubunit protein complexes composed of a pore-forming a1 and auxiliary β and α2δ subunits. α2δ is a key regulator of membrane incorporation and function of HVCCs. Here we show that genetic deletion of α2δ-1, the dominant α 2δ subunit in pancreatic islets, results in glucose intolerance and diabetes without affecting insulin sensitivity. Lack of the α 2δ-1 subunit reduces the Ca2+ currents through all HVCC isoforms expressed in b-cells equally in male and female mice. The reduced Ca2+ influx alters the kinetics and amplitude of the global Ca2+ response to glucose in pancreatic islets and significantly reduces insulin release in both sexes. The progression of diabetes in males is aggravated by a selective loss of b-cell mass, while a stronger basal insulin release alleviates the diabetes symptoms in most α2δ -1 2/2 female mice. Together, these findings demonstrate that the loss of the Ca2+ channel α2β-1 subunit function increases the susceptibility for developing diabetes in a sex-dependent manner