38 research outputs found

    Structural Dynamic of a Self-Assembling Peptide d-EAK16 Made of Only D-Amino Acids

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    We here report systematic study of structural dynamics of a 16-residue self-assembling peptide d-EAK16 made of only D-amino acids. We compare these results with its chiral counterpart L-form, l-EAK16. Circular dichroism was used to follow the structural dynamics under various temperature and pH conditions. At 25°C the d-EAK16 peptide displayed a typical beta-sheet spectrum. Upon increasing the temperature above 70°C, there was a spectrum shift as the 218 nm valley widens toward 210 nm. Above 80°C, the d-EAK16 peptide transformed into a typical alpha-helix CD spectrum without going through a detectable random-coil intermediate. When increasing the temperature from 4°C to 110°C then cooling back from 110°C to 4°C, there was a hysteresis: the secondary structure from beta-sheet to alpha-helix and then from alpha-helix to beta-sheet occurred. d-EAK16 formed an alpha-helical conformation at pH0.76 and pH12 but formed a beta-sheet at neutral pH. The effects of various pH conditions, ionic strength and denaturing agents were also noted. Since D-form peptides are resistant to natural enzyme degradation, such drastic structural changes may be exploited for fabricating molecular sensors to detect minute environmental changes. This provides insight into the behaviors of self-assembling peptides made of D-amino acids and points the way to designing new peptide materials for biomedical engineering and nanobiotechnology

    Organization of the murE-murG region of Escherichia coli: identification of the murD gene encoding the D-glutamic-acid-adding enzyme.

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    The 2-min region of the Escherichia coli genome contains a large cluster of genes from pbpB to envA that code for proteins involved in peptidoglycan biosynthesis and cell division. From pLC26-6 of the collection of Clarke and Carbon (L. Clarke and J. Carbon, Cell 9:91-99, 1976) plasmids carrying different fragments from the 8-kilobase-pair region downstream of pbpB were constructed and analyzed for their ability to direct protein synthesis in maxicells, to complement various thermosensitive mutations, and to overproduce enzymatic activities. We report the localization of the previously unidentified murD gene coding for the D-glutamic acid-adding enzyme within this region. Our data show that the genes are in the order pbpB-murE-murF-X-murD-Y-murG, where X and Y represent chromosomal fragments from 1 to 1.5 kilobase pairs, possibly coding for unknown proteins. Furthermore, the murE and murF genes, encoding the meso-diaminopimelic acid and D-alanyl-D-alanine-adding enzymes, respectively, may be translationally coupled when transcription is initiated upstream of murE, within the preceding structural gene pbpB coding for penicillin-binding protein 3