38 research outputs found

    Organizzazioni di tendenza religiosa tra Direttiva europea, diritti nazionali e Corte di giustizia UE

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    SOMMARIO: 1. Premessa - 2. La Direttiva 2000/78 CE e i casi Egenberger e IR arrivati a Lussemburgo - 3. Autonomia delle chiese e tutela giurisdizionale dei diritti all’interno delle organizzazioni religiosamente orientate. I contenuti criptici delle pronunce di Lussemburgo - 4. Il requisito ideologico nelle organizzazioni di tendenza. Le integrazioni della Corte UE e le riletture in corso da parte confessionale - 5. L’art. 17 TFUE e l’attesa di chiarimenti. Religious-Ethos Employers between European Directive, national laws and Court of Justice EU ABSTRACT: This article examines two recent rulings of the Court of Justice of the European Union (cases Egenberger and IR). These are the first rulings on art. 4, par. 2, Directive 2000/78/EC on “occupational activities within churches and other public or private organisations the ethos of which is based on religion or belief“. On the one hand the author focuses on the passages concerning religious autonomy and jurisdictional protection of rights; on the other hand she highlights the links between the jurisprudence of the two European courts (CJEU and ECHR) and tries to reconcile the statements of the Court of Justice and those of the German constitutional Court on the limits to the autonomy of churches. However, the article highlights how the Court of Justice has not adequately addressed neither the art. 10 of the European Charter of Fundamental Rights EU, nor the art. 17 of the TFEU. As regards the ideological requirement set by art. 4, par. 2 of the European Directive, the study focuses on the additions made by the Court of Justice and recalls the reinterpretations of the ideological requirement recently adopted by the Catholic and Evangelical Churches in Germany

    Gli enti religiosi civilmente riconosciuti

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    Dopo avere distinto varie figure di enti religiosi, il saggio si sofferma, in particolare, sulla disciplina degli enti religiosi riconosciuti civilmente in base agli accordi Stato-Chiese, ponendo l’accento su diversi intrecci tra norme speciali, riferibili alle attività di religione e di culto di tali enti, e norme di diritto comune, riferibili alle c.d. «attività diverse» svolte dai medesimi enti, comprese quelle cui fa riferimento la riforma del Terzo settore

    Enti religiosi e lacune di normazione. Una proposta di disciplina

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    Religious bodies and regulatory gaps. A law proposal. The article is about the discipline of some figures of religious entities provided for in the law proposal on religious freedom in Italy drawn up by an Astrid study group. It considers the basic choices made by the proposal and why it focuses fundamentally on two figures - churches and associations with a main and prevalent purpose of religion or worship - developing definitions and distinctions to fill regulatory gaps, to overcome old norms, to integrate new norms

    Enti religiosi e riforma del Terzo settore: verso nuove partizioni nella disciplina degli enti religiosi

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    SOMMARIO: 1. Introduzione - 2. Gli enti religiosi nelle leggi speciali sul non profit. Le presenze e le assenze consolidate - 3. Gli enti religiosi nella riforma del Terzo settore. Le nuove assenze - 4. Gli “enti religiosi civilmente riconosciuti”, i loro rami sociali e gli assestamenti nella disciplina degli enti religiosi.Religious Organizations and Third Sector Reform Act: new distinctions among Religious OrganizationsABSTRACT: This essay recalls the intertwining between religious organizations and third sector organizations hitherto well-established in Italian law. Then it examines the Third Sector Reform Act recently approved in Italy, which in its turn subjects religious organizations, under certain terms, to third sector regulations. The essay focuses on the fresh distinctions introduced by the said Reform among various types of religious organizations and underlines the new, consequent discrepancies in the overall regulation of these organizations

    Intorno all’intesa con i Testimoni di Geova

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    SOMMARIO: 1. Introduzione - 2. La confessione dei Testimoni di Geova e il nodo dei principi religiosi tra politica e diritto - 3. Il nodo dell’intesa. Le tappe del negoziato - 4. L’impasse e le difficili vie d’uscita. On the State-Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses agreement ABSTRACT: To date, the State-Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses agreement is waiting to complete the procedure within the meaning of article 8, paragraph 3, of the Italian Constitution. The latest statements by the government refer to the need for further information on health matters, evoking the issue of refusal of blood transfusion treatments. On a legal level, there are difficulties in overcoming the impasse in which the agreement is, also because there isn't a legislative discipline of the procedure prefigured in the article 8 of the Constitution; furthermore the statements made in 2016 by the Constitutional Court on the political nature of the government's choices regarding the agreements can be an obstacle. The paper deals with these points, also taking into account the application to the ECHR presented by the Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses against the Italian Republic

    Enti religiosi e lacune di normazione. Una proposta di disciplina

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    SOMMARIO: 1. Una proposta di disciplina sugli enti religiosi. Gli obiettivi - 2. Sulla qualificazione degli enti come religiosi. I problemi - 3. Verso la qualificazione degli enti religiosi. La proposta. Religious bodies and regulatory gaps. A law proposal ABSTRACT: The article is about the discipline of some figures of religious entities provided for in the law proposal on religious freedom in Italy drawn up by an Astrid study group. It considers the basic choices made by the proposal and why it focuses fundamentally on two figures - churches and associations with a main and prevalent purpose of religion or worship - developing definitions and distinctions to fill regulatory gaps, to overcome old norms, to integrate new norms

    Ancora sul posto degli enti religiosi nel Terzo settore tra previsioni legislative e note ministeriali

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    Taking inspiration from some recent ministerial notes, the paper returns to the question of the place of religious entities in the Third Sector. The distinction between ETS purposes/activities and religious-cult purposes/activities is thus resumed, and then look at the current state of relations between religious entities and TS, with reference, in particular, to religious entities not civilly recognized as such, or even definable as «homeless»