49 research outputs found

    The Importance of Optimal Design in Outdoor Light Source Positioning

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    In this work we underline the importance of the optimal design for outdoor light systems such that light posts and sources are placed correctly. We present a case study where we considered a city road section equipped with LED sources. On this section, we measured technical luminous coefficients, which were then compared with values listed in standard and normative documentation. Based on this we did a new design that had to follow certain requirements on street and lighting post configuration. Comparing the two designs we conclude that, to have an optimal street light system, the engineer must aim for the best possible design and consider this when deciding on the position of the light sources

    Data Stewardship – Austrian National Strategy and Alignment

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    Within the FAIR Data Austria project, supported by the Federal Ministry for Education, Science, and Research (BMBWF), a national strategy has been established to advance the creation of tailored Data Stewardship solutions for the Austrian context. The strategy, formalized as a toolbox, delineates various Data Steward models, corresponding competencies, and accessible training resources. Despite the crucial role of Data Stewardship in supporting data-driven scientific research, Austrian universities encounter challenges in its implementation. Issues include lack of consensus on the skills, roles, and responsibilities of Data Stewards, coupled with insufficient funding for these positions. This article explores these challenges and emphasizes the importance of addressing them to promote effective Data Stewardship within the Austrian academic landscape

    LongEval: Longitudinal Evaluation of Model Performance at CLEF 2023

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    In this paper, we describe the plans for the first LongEval CLEF 2023 shared task dedicated to evaluating the temporal persistence of Information Retrieval (IR) systems and Text Classifiers. The task is motivated by recent research showing that the performance of these models drops as the test data becomes more distant, with respect to time, from the training data. LongEval differs from traditional shared IR and classification tasks by giving special consideration to evaluating models aiming to mitigate performance drop over time. We envisage that this task will draw attention from the IR community and NLP researchers to the problem of temporal persistence of models, what enables or prevents it, potential solutions and their limitations.</p

    Extended Overview of the CLEF-2023 LongEval Lab on Longitudinal Evaluation of Model Performance

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    We describe the first edition of the LongEval CLEF 2023 shared task. This lab evaluates the temporal persistence of Information Retrieval (IR) systems and Text Classifiers. Task 1 requires IR systems to run on corpora acquired at several timestamps, and evaluates the drop in system quality (NDCG) along these timestamps. Task 2 tackles binary sentiment classification at different points in time, and evaluates the performance drop for different temporal gaps. Overall, 37 teams registered for Task 1 and 25 for Task 2. Ultimately, 14 and 4 teams participated in Task 1 and Task 2, respectively.</p

    User interface features in Theorema: A summary

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    Abstract. This paper presents the main features of Theorema’s user interface. We briefly describe how mathematical knowledge can be expressed in the Theorema Formal Text Language and how the knowledge can be used for proving, solving, computing. We illustrate how the system presents the proofs it generated and how the user can influence the proof search process interactively.

    Notes on LED Installations in Street Illumination

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    The paper presents a study made on choosing LED street lighting installations, such that the quality requirements for exterior artificial lighting are fulfilled. We analyze two types of LED street lighting installations from a technical point of view, together with lighting level and brightness values obtained during the measurements. Following on the field measurements, the lighting quality parameters are calculated, and, for the lighting installation with the best performance, optimal mounting suggestions are made. The optimal quality parameters are calculated by simulations using the Dialux software. The same software and the same light sources we also compute an optimal street lighting by determining the size of the installation that provides the best lighting parameter values

    On the Electromagnetic Stress Impact on the Synchronous Generator Structural Dimensions and Efficiency

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    Structural dimensions as well as the ability to safely operate in often transient processes or short emergency situations are usual customer requirements. These requirements can be fulfilled already in the design phase by careful selection of electromagnetic stress values (current layer, air gap magnetic displacement).This work contributes to finding optimal values for the above mentioned stresses such that customer requirements are fulfille