47 research outputs found

    Antibiotikaeinsatz zu Prophylaxe und empirischer Therapie von frakturassoziierten Infektionen in Deutschland

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    Hintergrund Antibiotika (AB) spielen eine wichtige Rolle in der Prophylaxe und Behandlung von Infektionen in der Unfallchirurgie. Dennoch scheint es gerade bei der Infektionsprophylaxe nach offenen Frakturen und auch bei der empirischen Therapie von frakturassoziierten Infektionen (FRI) große Unterschiede zwischen einzelnen Kliniken zu geben. Methodik An deutschen Universitäts- und berufsgenossenschaftlichen Kliniken wurde eine Umfrage zu Prophylaxe und empirischer AB-Therapie von FRI durchgeführt. Die AB-Regime wurden mit dem Resistenzprofil der Erreger bei 86 FRI-Patienten verglichen, um die theoretische Wirksamkeit der jeweiligen Therapien zu ermitteln. Ergebnisse Von 71 Kliniken antworteten insgesamt 44 (62,0 %). Bei geschlossenen Frakturen zeigte sich mit der Verwendung von Cephalosporinen in 95,5 % der Kliniken ein einheitliches Bild. Für offene Frakturen wurden 8 verschiedene AB-Regime berichtet, wobei Aminopenicilline/β-Lactamase-Inhibitor (BLI) (31,8 %) am häufigsten genannt wurden. Für die empirische Therapie der FRI wurden 12 verschiedene AB-Regime angegeben, am häufigsten Aminopenicilline/BLI (31,8 %), Cephalosporine (31,8 %) und Ampicillin/Sulbactam + Vancomycin (9,1 %). Hinsichtlich der empirischen Therapie der FRI zeigten sich niedrige Sensibilitätsraten für Cephalosporine (65,1 %) bzw. Aminopenicillinen/BLI (74,4 %). Für die Kombination Vancomycin + Meropenem ergab sich mit 91,9 % die höchste hypothetische Sensibilität. Diskussion Im Abgleich mit dem vorliegenden, einrichtungsspezifischen Keimspektrum erscheint die Kombinationstherapie Vancomycin + Meropenem für die empirische Therapie sinnvoll, sollte jedoch Patienten mit mehrfachen Revisionseingriffen oder septischen Infektionsverläufen vorbehalten bleiben, um die Selektion hochresistenter Keime zu vermeiden

    Orthotopic liver transplantation in human-immunodeficiency-virus-positive patients in Germany

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    Objectives: This summary evaluates the outcomes of orthotopic liver transplantation (OLT) of HIV-positive patients in Germany. Methods: Retrospective chart analysis of HIV-positive patients, who had been liver-transplanted in Germany between July 1997 and July 2011. Results: 38 transplantations were performed in 32 patients at 9 German transplant centres. The reasons for OLT were end-stage liver disease (ESLD) and/or liver failure due to hepatitis C (HCV) (n = 19), hepatitis B (HBV) (n = 10), multiple viral infections of the liver (n = 2) and Budd-Chiari-Syndrome. In July 2011 19/32 (60%) of the transplanted patients were still alive with a median survival of 61 months (IQR (interquartile range): 41-86 months). 6 patients had died in the early post-transplantation period from septicaemia (n = 4), primary graft dysfunction (n = 1), and intrathoracal hemorrhage (n = 1). Later on 7 patients had died from septicaemia (n = 2), delayed graft failure (n = 2), recurrent HCC (n = 2), and renal failure (n = 1). Recurrent HBV infection was efficiently prevented in 11/12 patients; HCV reinfection occurred in all patients and contributed considerably to the overall mortality. Conclusions: Overall OLT is a feasible approach in HIV-infected patients with acceptable survival rates in Germany. Reinfection with HCV still remains a major clinical challenge in HIV/HCV coinfection after OLT

    What Is the Most Effective Empirical Antibiotic Treatment for Early, Delayed, and Late Fracture-Related Infections?

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    Antibiotic treatment strategies for fracture-related infections (FRI) are often extrapolated from periprosthetic joint infections (PJI), although, in contrast to PJI, detailed analysis of pathogens and their antibiotic resistance is missing. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate antibiotic susceptibility profiles to identify effective empiric antibiotic treatment for early-, delayed-, and late-onset FRI. Patients treated for FRI from 2013 to 2020 were grouped into early (10 weeks) onset of infection. Antibiotic susceptibility profiles were examined with respect to broadly used antibiotics and antibiotic combinations. In total, 117 patients (early n = 19, delayed n = 60, late n = 38) were enrolled. In early-onset FRI, 100.0% efficacy would be achieved by meropenem + vancomycin, gentamicin + vancomycin, co-amoxiclav + glycopeptide, ciprofloxacin + glycopeptide and piperacillin/tazobactam + glycopeptide. For patients with delayed FRI, the highest susceptibility was revealed for meropenem + vancomycin, gentamicin + vancomycin and ciprofloxacin + glycopeptide (96.7%). Meropenem + vancomycin was the most effective empiric antimicrobial in patients with late-onset of infection with 92.1% coverage. No subgroup differences in antibiotic sensitivity profiles were observed except for the combination ciprofloxacin + glycopeptide, which was significantly superior in early FRI (F = 3.304, p = 0.04). Across all subgroups meropenem + vancomycin was the most effective empiric treatment in 95.7% of patients with confirmed susceptibility. Meropenem + vancomycin, gentamicin + vancomycin, co-amoxiclav + glycopeptide are the best therapeutic options for FRI, regardless of the onset of infection. To avoid multidrug resistance, established antibiotic combinations such as co-amoxiclav with a glycopeptide seem to be reasonable as a systemic antibiotic therapy, while vancomycin + gentamicin could be implemented in local antibiotic therapy to reduce adverse events during treatment

    Brief report: attitudes towards Covid-19 vaccination among hospital employees in a tertiary care university hospital in Germany in December 2020

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    Coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) vaccination is essential to fight the pandemic. Health care workers (HCWs) are prioritized to get vaccinated, yet uptake of recommended vaccinations is known to be low in this group. In a tertiary care university hospital with a high number of Covid-19 patients in intensive care, 59.5% of surveyed staff (N = 2454) were willing to get vaccinated, 21.4% were unsure and 18.7% refused. Vaccine hesitancy was higher in female, younger and healthy employees without contact to Covid-19 patients; nurses (53.3%) were much less willing to get vaccinated compared to physicians (82.7%)

    Epidemiology of SARS‑CoV‑2

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    Purpose SARS-CoV-2 is a recently emerged ß-coronavirus. Here we present the current knowledge on its epidemiologic features. Methods Non-systematic review. Results SARS-CoV-2 replicates in the upper and lower respiratory tract. It is mainly transmitted by droplets and aerosols from asymptomatic and symptomatic infected subjects. The consensus estimate for the basis reproduction number (R₀) is between 2 and 3, and the median incubation period is 5.7 (range 2–14) days. Similar to SARS and MERS, superspreading events have been reported, the dispersion parameter (kappa) is estimated at 0.1. Most infections are uncomplicated, and 5–10% of patients are hospitalized, mainly due to pneumonia with severe inflammation. Complications are respiratory and multiorgan failure; risk factors for complicated disease are higher age, hypertension, diabetes, chronic cardiovascular, chronic pulmonary disease and immunodeficiency. Nosocomial and infections in medical personnel have been reported. Drastic reductions of social contacts have been implemented in many countries with outbreaks of SARS-CoV-2, leading to rapid reductions. Most interventions have used bundles, but which of the measures have been more or less effective is still unknown. The current estimate for the infection’s fatality rate is 0.5–1%. Using current models of age-dependent infection fatality rates, upper and lower limits for the attack rate in Germany can be estimated between 0.4 and 1.6%, lower than in most European countries. Conclusions Despite a rapid worldwide spread, attack rates have been low in most regions, demonstrating the efficacy of control measures

    Association between Reactogenicity and Immunogenicity after Vaccination with BNT162b2

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    It is not clear whether there is an association between adverse reactions and immune response after vaccination. Seven hundred and thirty-five vaccinees from our University Medical Center vaccination clinic provided information about sex, age and adverse reactions after first and second vaccination with BNT162b2. Adverse reactions were categorized into three groups: no or minor on the injection side, moderate (not further classified) and severe—defined as any symptom(s) resulting in sick leave. We chose 38 vaccinees with the most severe adverse reactions and compared their humoral and T-cell-mediated immune responses after second vaccination with those of 38 sex and age matched controls without or only minor injection-side related adverse reactions. Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) anti-receptor binding domain (RBD) IgG titers were detectable in all participants (median 5528; range 958–26,285). Men with severe adverse reactions had 1.5-fold higher median SARS-CoV-2 RBD IgG titers compared to men without adverse reactions (median 7406 versus 4793; p < 0.001). Similarly; neutralization activity was significantly higher in men with severe adverse reactions (half maximal inhibitory concentrations (IC50) median 769 versus 485; p < 0.001). Reactogenicity did not influence humoral immune response in women nor T-cell-mediated immune response in any sex. To conclude; adverse reactions after vaccination with BNT162b2 do influence humoral immune response yet only in men and are not a prerequisite for a robust antibody response

    Aktuelle Praxis der empirischen Antibiotikatherapie bei Spondylodiszitis

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    Hintergrund und Fragestellung Bei der pyogenen Spondylodiszitis gewinnen Infektionen mit Koagulase-negativen Staphylokokken zunehmend an Bedeutung. Eine empirische Antibiose ist insbesondere bei Patienten mit schweren oder progredienten neurologischen Ausfällen sowie hämodynamischer Instabilität und im Falle von kulturnegativen Spondylodiszitiden notwendig. Ob es in Deutschland einheitliche, an das Resistenzprofil angepasste Standards der empirische Antibotikatherapie gibt, ist unklar. Studiendesign und Untersuchungsmethoden Es wurde an deutschen Universitäts- und berufsgenossenschaftlichen Kliniken, jeweils in den Fachbereichen Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie, eine Umfrage zur empirischen Antibiotikatherapie bei pyogener Spondylodiszitis durchgeführt. Die Umfrageergebnisse wurden auf das Resistenzprofil der Erreger von 45 Spondylodiszitispatienten, die zwischen 2013 und 2020 in unserer Klinik behandelt wurden, angewandt. Dadurch wurden potenzielle Sensibilitäts- und Resistenzraten für die angegebenen antibiotischen Therapien errechnet. Ergebnisse Von den 71 angefragten Kliniken antworteten insgesamt 44 (62,0 %). Sechzehn verschiedene Antibiotikatherapien wurden als jeweiliger Standard berichtet. Darunter wurden 14 verschiedene Kombinationstherapien als Therapiestandard angegeben. Die am häufigsten angegebenen empirischen Substanzen, nämlich Amoxicillin-Clavulansäure oder Ampicillin/Sulbactam (29,5 %) und Cephalosporine (18,2 %) zeigten in Bezug auf das zuvor veröffentliche Resistenzprofil hohe potenzielle Resistenzraten von 20,0 % bzw. 35,6 %. Die höchsten potenziellen Sensibilitätsraten wurden durch die Kombinationen Vancomycin + Ampicillin/Sulbactam (91,1 % sensible Erreger), Vancomycin + Piperacillin/Tazobactam (91,1 % sensible Erreger) und Ampicillin/Sulbactam + Teicoplanin (95,6 % sensible Erreger) erreicht. Eine dieser Kombinationen wurde von drei Kliniken (6,8 %) als Standard angegeben. Schlussfolgerung Die deutschlandweite Umfrage zur empirischen Antibiose bei pyogener Spondylodiszitis hat eine große Heterogenität der Standardtherapien ergeben. Eine Kombination aus einem Breitspektrum-β-Laktam-Antibiotikum mit einem zusätzlichen Glykopeptidantibiotikum kann sinnvoll sein

    Association between Adverse Reactions and Humoral Immune Response No Longer Detectable after BNT162b2 Booster Vaccination

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    Sports-related concussions (SRC) have developed into a highly discussed topic in sports medicine over the last few years and demonstrate a severe issue in the personalized treatment of patients. This retrospective cohort study investigated 86 patients with sports-related concussions in a level 1 trauma center, relating to the mechanism, symptoms, medical history, acute therapy including first assessment and the return to sport. The research is based on medical records as well as questionnaires six months after hospitalization. Loss of consciousness for under 30 min (41.2%), headache (36.5%) and amnesia (29.4%) were the most frequent symptoms when presenting in the emergency room. During the hospitalization, mainly headache and vertigo were documented. Most concussions occurred after incidents in equitation and cycling sports; the most common mechanism was falling to the ground with a subsequent impact (59.3%). At the time of discharge from hospital, in 13.4% of all cases, concussion symptoms were still documented in medical records, in contrast to 39.5% of the concerned athletes who reported symptoms for longer than 24 h, and 41.0% who reported ongoing post-concussion symptoms after six months. Concussions are difficult-to-treat disorders with a challenging diagnostic process and many symptoms in various values and levels of persistence. Therefore, a patient-involving treatment with a complaint-dependent return to sport process should be applied to concerned athletes

    Low Adherence to Pneumococcal Vaccination in Lung Cancer Patients in a Tertiary Care University Hospital in Southern Germany

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    Introduction: The aim of this study was to investigate the adherence to vaccinations, especially pneumococcal vaccinations, in lung cancer patients. Methods: the study was performed at the University Hospital Regensburg, Germany. All patients with a regular appointment scheduled between 1 December 2020 and 29 April 2021 and who provided informed consent were included. Available medical records, vaccination certificates, and a questionnaire were analyzed. Results: we included 136 lung cancer patients (NSCLC n = 113, 83.1%, SCLC n = 23, 16.9%). A correct pneumococcal vaccination according to national recommendations was performed in 9.4% (12/127) of the patients. A correct vaccination was performed for tetanus in 50.4% (66/131), diphtheria in 34.4% (44/128), poliomyelitis in 25.8% (33/128), tick-borne encephalitis in 40.7% (24/59), hepatitis A in 45.5% (7/11), hepatitis B in 38.5% (5/13), shingles in 3.0% (3/101), measles in 50.0% (3/6), pertussis in 47.7% (62/130), influenza in 54.4% (74/136), and meningococcal meningitis in 0% (0/2) of the patients. Conclusion: adherence to pneumococcal vaccinations, as well as to other vaccinations, is low in lung cancer patients

    Refractory circulatory failure in COVID-19 patients treated with veno-arterial ECMO a retrospective single-center experience

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    Objective In this retrospective case series, survival rates in different indications for veno-arterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (VA-ECMO) and differential diagnoses of COVID-19 associated refractory circulatory failure are investigated. Methods Retrospective analysis of 28 consecutive COVID-19 patients requiring VA-ECMO. All VA-ECMO’s were cannulated peripherally, using a femoro-femoral cannulation. Results At VA-ECMO initiation, median age was 57 years (IQR: 51–62), SOFA score 16 (IQR: 13–17) and norepinephrine dosing 0.53μg/kg/min (IQR: 0.35–0.87). Virus-variants were: 61% wild-type, 14% Alpha, 18% Delta and 7% Omicron. Indications for VA-ECMO support were pulmonary embolism (PE) (n = 5, survival 80%), right heart failure due to secondary pulmonary hypertension (n = 5, survival 20%), cardiac arrest (n = 4, survival 25%), acute heart failure (AHF) (n = 10, survival 40%) and refractory vasoplegia (n = 4, survival 0%). Among the patients with AHF, 4 patients suffered from COVID-19 associated heart failure (CovHF) (survival 100%) and 6 patients from sepsis associated heart failure (SHF) (survival 0%). Main Complications were acute kidney injury (AKI) 93%, renal replacement therapy was needed in 79%, intracranial hemorrhage occurred in 18%. Overall survival to hospital discharge was 39%. Conclusion Survival on VA-ECMO in COVID-19 depends on VA-ECMO indication, which should be considered in further studies and clinical decision making. A subgroup of patients suffers from acute heart failure due to inflammation, which has to be differentiated into septic or COVID-19 associated. Novel biomarkers are required to ensure reliable differentiation between these entities; a candidate might be soluble interleukin 2 receptor