2 research outputs found

    Predictors of the Effectiveness and Efficiency of Student Affairs and Services (SAS) among Higher Education Institutions (HEI’s)

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    Exploring new innovative and learning modalities is an urgent move of higher education as an option in this pandemic.  As a result, to flexible delivery of Student Affairs and Services as stated in CMO 8 s., 2021, Guidelines on the Implementation of Flexible Delivery of student Affairs and Services, (SAS) programs during the Covid-19 epidemic as the continuity of student services is significant to the overall development of students during this trying time. The predictors of student affairs and services (SAS) performance among higher education institutions (HEIs) were determined using a descriptive-correlational research method. The students in the College of Teacher Education and Student Affairs and services (SAS) Unit head and staff were selected as respondents through stratified random sampling. The findings revealed that the majority of the student respondents are from HEI’s in the Province of Laguna. There is a significant relationship between the students’ affairs services in terms of Information and Orientation Services, Guidance and Counselling Services, Student Training, Student Organizations and Activities, Admission Services, Scholarships and Financial Assistance (SFA) and the effectiveness and efficiency of student affairs services. As recommended, the Guidance and Counselling unit must administer the student assessment tools regularly and periodically to determine the appropriate interventions necessary in the new normal. The promotion of mental health among students through different platforms may intensify more. The HEI’s and SAS may consider strengthening downloadable materials and their contents as means of student orientation and information dissemination; online seminars, workshops, and conferences relative to students’ program, specialization, and other relevant topics; enhance the system of recognition and accreditation, supervision, monitoring of student organizations and evaluation of its activities

    Stress and Anxiety Levels of the College of Teacher Education students and their Motivation to Learn: An Input to an Intervention Program

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    The stress and anxiety experienced by many students during this pandemic affect their motivation  to learn in this new normal education set up. Motivation is one of the major concerns irrespective of which study model is adopted whether online, blended, hybrid or a myriad variation. This descriptive-correlational study determined the perceived levels of stress, anxiety and academic motivation  to learn during this Covid-19 pandemic situation  of the  191 students selected though simple random sampling of the College of Teacher Education and the  relationship between  student-respondents’ level of stress and anxiety and their level of academic motivation. To assess  students’ perceived stress, anxiety and academic motivation,  the COVID-19 Student Stress Questionnaire (CSSQ), Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD-7) and Academic Motivation Scale were utilized. The questionnaires were administered through google forms.   Findings revealed that more than 40 % of the students perceived that their relationships with their relatives, colleagues and university professors as somewhat stressful; 40 % perceived the risk of covid-19 as moderately stressful; 20 % perceived their academic studying experience very stressful and more than 15 % found the risk of contagion and social isolation very stressful. Moreover, 38 % exhibit moderate anxiety, 29 % are experiencing mild anxiety while 28 % had severe anxiety and  only  5 % minimal anxiety level. Results revealed that all the indicators of motivation have positive significant relationships with the stress indicators. For future research, similar study can be conducted to determine the relationship of demographic profiles of the respondents to the stress, anxiety and levels of motivation to learn and adopt the intervention program so the students of the college may cope up with the challenges of Covid 19 pandemic