65 research outputs found

    Conserved nucleotides in an RNA essential for hepatitis B virus replication show distinct mobility patterns

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    The number of regulatory RNAs with identified non-canonical structures is increasing, and structural transitions often play a role in their biological function. This stimulates interest in internal motions of RNA, which can underlie structural transitions. Heteronuclear NMR relaxation measurements, which are commonly used to study internal motion, only report on local motions of few sites within the molecule. Here we have studied a 27-nt segment of the human hepatitis B virus (HBV) pregenomic RNA, which is essential for viral replication. We combined heteronuclear relaxation with the new off-resonance ROESY technique, which reports on internal motions of H,H contacts. Using off-resonance ROESY, we could for the first time detect motion of through-space H,H contacts, such as in intra-residue base-ribose contacts or inter-nucleotide contacts, both essential for NMR structure determination. Motions in non-canonical structure elements were found primarily on the sub-nanosecond timescale. Different patterns of mobility were observed among several mobile nucleotides. The most mobile nucleotides are highly conserved among different HBV strains, suggesting that their mobility patterns may be necessary for the RNA’s biological function

    Ingen kan göra allt, men alla kan göra något. En diskursanalys av välgörenhetsgalan Tillsammans för Världens Barn.

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    Den här undersökningen föranleddes av en fundering över de humanitära utmaningar världen står inför idag, och vad för typ av insatser som krävs. Uppsatsen undersöker välgörenhetsgalan Tillsammans för Världens Barn. Det teoretiska såväl som metodologiska ramverket är inspirerat av Ernesto Laclau och Chantal Mouffes diskursteori, och med hjälp av den undersöker vi vilka diskurser som genomsyrar galan. Studiens huvudsakliga slutsatser är att diskurserna ”vi och de” och ”globalt ansvar” dominerar. Dessa bygger en idé om att ”de” är beroende av ”vi” och båda konkretiserar komplicerade sociala förhållanden genom att fokusera på pengar. Slutsatsen blir dock att diskurserna inte är helt fixerade, utan utmanas av alternativa diskurser under galan. De konkurrerande betydelserna skapar en komplex och flerdimensionell bild av omvärlden, utmanar tanken att identiteterna står i motsättning till varandra, och erbjuder en mer global världsuppfattning

    Neue Lernbibliothek NEOTHEK

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    NEUE LERNBIBLIOTHEK NEOTHEK Neue Lernbibliothek NEOTHEK / Hardtke-Flodell, Charlotta (Rights reserved) ( -

    Thermodynamics and NMR studies on Duck, Heron and Human HBV encapsidation signals

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    Hepatitis B virus (HBV) replication is initiated by binding of its reverse transcriptase (P) to the apical stem-loop (AL) and primer loop (PL) of epsilon, a highly conserved RNA element at the 5′-end of the RNA pregenome. Mutation studies on duck/heron and human in vitro systems have shown similarities but also differences between their P–epsilon interaction. Here, NMR and UV thermodynamic data on AL (and PL) from these three species are presented. The stabilities of the duck and heron ALs were found to be similar, and much lower than that of human. NMR data show that this low stability stems from an 11-nt internal bulge destabilizing the stem of heron AL. In duck, although structured at low temperature, this region also forms a weak point as its imino resonances broaden to disappearance between 30 and 35°C well below the overall AL melting temperature. Surprisingly, the duck- and heron ALs were both found to be capped by a stable well-structured UGUU tetraloop. All avian ALs are expected to adhere to this because of their conserved sequence. Duck PL is stable and structured and, in view of sequence similarities, the same is expected for heron - and human PL

    NMR structure of the let-7 miRNA interacting with the site LCS1 of lin-41 mRNA from Caenorhabditis elegans

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    We have determined the 3D structure of a 34-nt RNA construct, herein named LCS1co, which mimics the interaction of let-7 microRNA (miRNA) to one of its complementary binding sites, LCS1, in the 3′-untranslated region of lin-41 mRNA by solution-state NMR spectroscopy. let-7 miRNAs control the timing of development of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans and are highly conserved in mammals. The sequence and structure of the two conserved let-7 complementary sites, LCS1 and LCS2, in the 3′-untranslated region of lin-41 mRNA are important for a proper downregulation of lin-41. The high-resolution NMR structure reveals details of the binding of let-7 miRNA to lin-41 mRNA which involves formation of a complex with non-canonical structural elements within the seed region. LCS1co exhibits a stem-loop structure with two stems, an asymmetric internal loop and an adenine bulge. Comparison with the NMR solution-state structure of the let-7:lin-41 complex involving the LCS2-binding site shows that conformational freedom of the asymmetric internal loop of LCS1co correlates with a smaller bend between the upper and lower stems in comparison to the well-defined asymmetric loop of LCS2co

    Solution structure of a let-7 miRNA:lin-41 mRNA complex from C. elegans

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    let-7 microRNA (miRNA) regulates heterochronic genes in developmental timing of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. Binding of miRNA to messenger RNA (mRNA) and structural features of the complex are crucial for gene silencing. We herein present the NMR solution structure of a model mimicking the interaction of let-7 miRNA with its complementary site (LCS 2) in the 3′ untranslated region (3′-UTR) of the lin-41 mRNA. A structural study was performed by NMR spectroscopy using NOE restraints, torsion angle restraints and residual dipolar couplings. The 33-nt RNA construct folds into a stem–loop structure that features two stem regions which are separated by an asymmetric internal loop. One of the stems comprises a GU wobble base pair, which does not alter its overall A-form RNA conformation. The asymmetric internal loop adopts a single, well-defined structure in which three uracils form a base triple, while two adenines form a base pair. The 3D structure of the construct gives insight into the structural aspects of interactions between let-7 miRNA and lin-41 mRNA

    A SELEX-Screened Aptamer of Human Hepatitis B Virus RNA Encapsidation Signal Suppresses Viral Replication

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    Background: The specific interaction between hepatitis B virus (HBV) polymerase (P protein) and the e RNA stem-loop on pregenomic (pg) RNA is crucial for viral replication. It triggers both pgRNA packaging and reverse transcription and thus represents an attractive antiviral target. RNA decoys mimicking e in P protein binding but not supporting replication might represent novel HBV inhibitors. However, because generation of recombinant enzymatically active HBV polymerase is notoriously difficult, such decoys have as yet not been identified. Methodology/Principal Findings: Here we used a SELEX approach, based on a new in vitro reconstitution system exploiting a recombinant truncated HBV P protein (miniP), to identify potential e decoys in two large e RNA pools with randomized upper stem. Selection of strongly P protein binding RNAs correlated with an unexpected strong enrichment of A residues. Two aptamers, S6 and S9, displayed particularly high affinity and specificity for miniP in vitro, yet did not support viral replication when part of a complete HBV genome. Introducing S9 RNA into transiently HBV producing HepG2 cells strongly suppressed pgRNA packaging and DNA synthesis, indicating the S9 RNA can indeed act as an e decoy that competitively inhibits P protein binding to the authentic e signal on pgRNA. Conclusions/Significance: This study demonstrates the first successful identification of human HBV e aptamers by an in vitro SELEX approach. Effective suppression of HBV replication by the S9 aptamer provides proof-of-principle for the abilit

    Ultra-deep pyrosequencing analysis of the hepatitis B virus preCore region and main catalytic motif of the viral polymerase in the same viral genome

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    Hepatitis B virus (HBV) pregenomic RNA contains a hairpin structure (ϵ) located in the preCore region, essential for viral replication. ϵ stability is enhanced by the presence of preCore variants and ϵ is recognized by the HBV polymerase (Pol). Mutations in the retrotranscriptase domain (YMDD) of Pol are associated with treatment resistance. The aim of this study was to analyze the preCore region and YMDD motif by ultra-deep pyrosequencing (UDPS). To evaluate the UDPS error rate, an internal control sequence was inserted in the amplicon. A newly developed technique enabled simultaneous analysis of the preCore region and Pol in the same viral genome, as well as the conserved sequence of the internal control. Nucleotide errors in HindIII yielded a UDPS error rate <0.05%. UDPS study confirmed the possibility of simultaneous detection of preCore and YMDD mutations, and demonstrated the complexity of the HBV quasispecies and cooperation between viruses. Thermodynamic stability of the ϵ signal was found to be the main constraint for selecting main preCore mutations. Analysis of ϵ-signal variability suggested the essential nature of the ϵ structural motif and that certain nucleotides may be involved in ϵ signal functions

    Preparation of selective and segmentally labeled single-stranded DNA for NMR by self-primed PCR and asymmetrical endonuclease double digestion

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    We demonstrate a new, efficient and easy-to-use method for enzymatic synthesis of (stereo-)specific and segmental 13C/15N/2H isotope-labeled single-stranded DNA in amounts sufficient for NMR, based on the highly efficient self-primed PCR. To achieve this, new approaches are introduced and combined. (i) Asymmetric endonuclease double digestion of tandem-repeated PCR product. (ii) T4 DNA ligase mediated ligation of two ssDNA segments. (iii) In vitro dNTP synthesis, consisting of in vitro rNTP synthesis followed by enzymatic stereo-selective reduction of the C2′ of the rNTP, and a one-pot add-up synthesis of dTTP from dUTP. The method is demonstrated on two ssDNAs: (i) a 36-nt three-way junction, selectively 13C9/15N3/2H(1′,2″,3′,4′,5′,5″)-dC labeled and (ii) a 39-nt triple-repeat three-way junction, selectively 13C9/15N3/2H(1′,2″,3′,4′,5′,5″)-dC and 13C9/15N2/2H(1′,2″,3′,4′,5′,5″)-dT labeled in segment C20-C39. Their NMR spectra show the spectral simplification, while the stereo-selective 2H-labeling in the deoxyribose of the dC-residues, straightforwardly provided assignment of their C1′–H2′ and C2′–H2′ resonances. The labeling protocols can be extended to larger ssDNA molecules and to more than two segments

    Review NMR studies of RNA dynamics and structural plasticity using NMR residual dipolar couplings

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    An increasing number of RNAs are being discovered that perform their functions by undergoing large changes in conformation in response to a variety of cellular signals, including recognition of proteins and small molecular targets, changes in temperature, and RNA synthesis itself. The measurement of NMR residual dipolar couplings (RDCs) in partially aligned systems is providing new insights into the structural plasticity of RNA through combined characterization of large-amplitude collective helix motions and local flexibility in noncanonical regions over a wide window of biologically relevant timescales (<milliseconds). Here, we review RDC methodology for studying RNA structural dynamics and survey what has been learnt thus far from application of these methods. Future methodological challenges are also identified. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 86: 384–402, 2007. This article was originally published online as an accepted preprint. The “Published Online” date corresponds to the preprint version. You can request a copy of the preprint by emailing the Biopolymers editorial office at [email protected] Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/56044/1/20765_ftp.pd