11 research outputs found

    Families at risk: the effects of chronic and multiple disadvantage

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    The \u27Families at Risk\u27 study has produced local evidence drawing attention to the strengths and challenges for parents living in situations of chronic and multiple disadvantage with children aged 0 - 7 years. Life for the majority of these parents and youg children is under-resourced, stressful and isolated and interventions are required that open up pathways out of disadvantaged life situations. The findings of the study affirm key aspects of the South Australian government’s \u27Generational Health Review,\u27 as well as recent state, federal and international policy frameworks to promote health and well-being in the early years

    Pollen analysis of volcanic ash in Pompeian human skeletal remains

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    The time of the Vesuvius eruption, which perished Pompeii, Herculaneum and surrounding areas in ad 79, was initially set on the 24–25 August, based on written contemporary documents of the ancient historian Pliny the Younger. This date has been challenged by archaeologists and volcanologists/meteorologists, who moved the time of the eruption further into the autumn and eventually agreed to the final date 23–25 October. The October date has been confirmed by the latest discovery of inscriptions in freshly excavated areas of Pompeii suggesting the mid-late October eruption. In our original project of 2008 we attempted to solve the problem of the eruption time by analysing pollen mixed with falling down volcanic ash, and preserved intact in nasal cavities of the victims in Pompeii. The entire pollen spectrum, 31 different types, was evaluated with the focus on the exact time of the volcanic eruption. No date of eruption could be suggested from this study. The analysis revealed an unusually high amount of pollen from Hedera, an insect pollinated plant flowering from September to October in the area of Pompeii. Among three samples of ash from nasal cavities of two children and an adult considered uncontaminated Hedera pollen was found in noses of both children but not of the adult. This result is the first physical proof of Hedera as medicinal plant used for the treatment of respiratory tract disorders nearly 2000 years ago.© 2019 The Author(s

    Additional file 4 of Mapping age- and sex-specific HIV prevalence in adults in sub-Saharan Africa, 2000–2018

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    Additional file 4: Supplemental results.1. README. 2. Prevalence range across districts. 3. Prevalence range between sexes. 4. Prevalence range between ages. 5. Age-specific district ranges