930 research outputs found

    Surface plasmon in 2D Anderson insulator with interactions

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    We study the effect of interactions on the zero-temperature a.c. conductivity of 2D Anderson insulator at low frequencies. We show that the enhancement of the real part of conductivity due to the Coulomb correlations in the occupation numbers of localized states results in the change of the sign of imaginary part within a certain frequency range. As a result, the propagation of a surface plasmon in a localized system becomes possible. We analize the dispersion law of the plasmon for the two cases: unscreened Coulomb interactions and the interactions screened by a gate electrode spaced by some distance from the electron plane.Comment: latex 22 pages + 2 uuencoded figure

    Study of flare energy release using events with numerous type III-like bursts in microwaves

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    The analysis of narrowband drifting of type III-like structures in radio bursts dynamic spectra allows to obtain unique information about primary energy release mechanisms in solar flares. The SSRT spatially resolved images and a high spectral and temporal resolution allow direct determination not only the positions of its sources but also the exciter velocities along the flare loop. Practically, such measurements are possible during some special time intervals when the SSRT (about 5.7 GHz) is observing the flare region in two high-order fringes; thus, two 1D scans are recorded simultaneously at two frequency bands. The analysis of type III-like bursts recorded during the flare 14 Apr 2002 is presented. Using-muliwavelength radio observations recorded by SSRT, SBRS, NoRP, RSTN we study an event with series of several tens of drifting microwave pulses with drift rates in the range from -7 to 13 GHz/s. The sources of the fast-drifting bursts were located near the top of the flare loop in a volume of a few Mm in size. The slow drift of the exciters along the flare loop suggests a high pitch-anisotropy of the emitting electrons.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figures, Solar Physics, in press, 201

    Investigation of quasi-periodic variations in hard X-rays of solar flares. II. Further investigation of oscillating magnetic traps

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    In our recent paper (Solar Physics 261, 233) we investigated quasi-periodic oscillations of hard X-rays during impulsive phase of solar flares. We have come to conclusion that they are caused by magnetosonic oscillations of magnetic traps within the volume of hard-X-ray (HXR) loop-top sources. In the present paper we investigate four flares which show clear quasi-periodic sequences of HXR pulses. We also describe our phenomenological model of oscillating magnetic traps to show that it can explain observed properties of HXR oscillations. Main results are the following: 1. We have found that low-amplitude quasi-periodic oscillations occur before impulsive phase of some flares. 2. We have found that quasi-period of the oscillations can change in some flares. We interpret this as being due to changes of the length of oscillating magnetic traps. 3. During impulsive phase a significant part of the energy of accelerated (non-thermal) electrons is deposited within the HXR loop-top source. 4. Our analysis suggests that quick development of impulsive phase is due to feedback between pulses of the pressure of accelerated electrons and the amplitude of magnetic-trap oscillation. 5. We have also determined electron number density and magnetic filed strength for HXR loop-top sources of several flares. The values fall within the limits of N(215)×1010N \approx (2 -15) \times 10^{10} cm3^{-3}, B(45130)B \approx (45 - 130) gauss.Comment: 18 pages, 14 figures, submitted to Solar Physic

    Brownian motion with dry friction: Fokker-Planck approach

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    We solve a Langevin equation, first studied by de Gennes, in which there is a solid-solid or dry friction force acting on a Brownian particle in addition to the viscous friction usually considered in the study of Brownian motion. We obtain both the time-dependent propagator of this equation and the velocity correlation function by solving the associated time-dependent Fokker-Planck equation. Exact results are found for the case where only dry friction acts on the particle. For the case where both dry and viscous friction forces are present, series representations of the propagator and correlation function are obtained in terms of parabolic cylinder functions. Similar series representations are also obtained for the case where an external constant force is added to the Langevin equation.Comment: 18 pages, 13 figures (in color

    From Anderson to anomalous localization in cold atomic gases with effective spin-orbit coupling

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    We study the dynamics of a one-dimensional spin-orbit coupled Schrodinger particle with two internal components moving in a random potential. We show that this model can be implemented by the interaction of cold atoms with external lasers and additional Zeeman and Stark shifts. By direct numerical simulations a crossover from an exponential Anderson-type localization to an anomalous power-law behavior of the intensity correlation is found when the spin-orbit coupling becomes large. The power-law behavior is connected to a Dyson singularity in the density of states emerging at zero energy when the system approaches the quasi-relativistic limit of the random mass Dirac model. We discuss conditions under which the crossover is observable in an experiment with ultracold atoms and construct explicitly the zero-energy state, thus proving its existence under proper conditions.Comment: 4 pages and 4 figure

    Influence of parallel magnetic fields on a single-layer two-dimensional electron system with a hopping mechanism of conductivity

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    Large positive (P) magnetoresistance (MR) has been observed in parallel magnetic fields in a single 2D layer in a delta-doped GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructure with a variable-range-hopping (VRH) mechanism of conductivity. Effect of large PMR is accompanied in strong magnetic fields by a substantial change in the character of the temperature dependence of the conductivity. This implies that spins play an important role in 2D VRH conductivity because the processes of orbital origin are not relevant to the observed effect. A possible explanation involves hopping via double occupied states in the upper Hubbard band, where the intra-state correlation of spins is important.Comment: 10 pages, 4 jpeg figure

    RT-2 Detection of Quasi-Periodic Pulsations in the 2009 July 5 Solar Hard X-ray Flare

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    We present the results of an analysis of hard X-ray observations of the C2.7 solar flare detected by the RT-2 Experiment onboard the Coronas - Photon satellite. We detect hard X-ray pulsations at periods of ~12 s and ~15 s. We find a marginal evidence for a decrease in period with time. We have augmented these results using the publicly available data from the RHESSI satellite. We present a spectral analysis and measure the spectral parameters.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures and 3 tables, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Solar science with the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array - A new view of our Sun

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    The Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) is a new powerful tool for observing the Sun at high spatial, temporal, and spectral resolution. These capabilities can address a broad range of fundamental scientific questions in solar physics. The radiation observed by ALMA originates mostly from the chromosphere - a complex and dynamic region between the photosphere and corona, which plays a crucial role in the transport of energy and matter and, ultimately, the heating of the outer layers of the solar atmosphere. Based on first solar test observations, strategies for regular solar campaigns are currently being developed. State-of-the-art numerical simulations of the solar atmosphere and modeling of instrumental effects can help constrain and optimize future observing modes for ALMA. Here we present a short technical description of ALMA and an overview of past efforts and future possibilities for solar observations at submillimeter and millimeter wavelengths. In addition, selected numerical simulations and observations at other wavelengths demonstrate ALMA's scientific potential for studying the Sun for a large range of science cases.Comment: 73 pages, 21 figures ; Space Science Reviews (accepted December 10th, 2015); accepted versio

    Bond-disordered Anderson model on a two dimensional square lattice - chiral symmetry and restoration of one-parameter scaling

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    Bond-disordered Anderson model in two dimensions on a square lattice is studied numerically near the band center by calculating density of states (DoS), multifractal properties of eigenstates and the localization length. DoS divergence at the band center is studied and compared with Gade's result [Nucl. Phys. B 398, 499 (1993)] and the powerlaw. Although Gade's form describes accurately DoS of finite size systems near the band-center, it fails to describe the calculated part of DoS of the infinite system, and a new expression is proposed. Study of the level spacing distributions reveals that the state closest to the band center and the next one have different level spacing distribution than the pairs of states away from the band center. Multifractal properties of finite systems furthermore show that scaling of eigenstates changes discontinuously near the band center. This unusual behavior suggests the existence of a new divergent length scale, whose existence is explained as the finite size manifestation of the band center critical point of the infinite system, and the critical exponent of the correlation length is calculated by a finite size scaling. Furthermore, study of scaling of Lyapunov exponents of transfer matrices of long stripes indicates that for a long stripe of any width there is an energy region around band center within which the Lyapunov exponents cannot be described by one-parameter scaling. This region, however, vanishes in the limit of the infinite square lattice when one-parameter scaling is restored, and the scaling exponent calculated, in agreement with the result of the finite size scaling analysis.Comment: 23 pages, 11 figures. RevTe

    Zero-modes in the random hopping model

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    If the number of lattice sites is odd, a quantum particle hopping on a bipartite lattice with random hopping between the two sublattices only is guaranteed to have an eigenstate at zero energy. We show that the localization length of this eigenstate depends strongly on the boundaries of the lattice, and can take values anywhere between the mean free path and infinity. The same dependence on boundary conditions is seen in the conductance of such a lattice if it is connected to electron reservoirs via narrow leads. For any nonzero energy, the dependence on boundary conditions is removed for sufficiently large system sizes.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figure