18 research outputs found

    Is Russell's vicious circle principle false or meaningless?

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    P. Vardy asserts the thesis that the vicious circle principle has the same structure as Russell's paradox. But structure is not the thing itself. It is the thing objectivated from the wiewpoint of a mathematician. So this structure can be expressed in a mathematical formalism, e. g. the Λ-calculus. Russell's paradox is understood as a result of the error of taking purely logical concepts, like negation, as lkiewise formalisable without change of meaning. The illusion of meaning in the liar's proposition: Yl'am telling a lie can also be explained be the formalisable self-referential structure of this proposition. Yet it remains an illusion because the logical intention cannot follow the structure

    The Notion of Life

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    Mathematics and experimental science in Hegels Philosophy of Nature

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