3 research outputs found
Validation of the cytokinesis-block micronucleus (CBMN) assay for use as a triage biological dosimetry tool
Traditionally, the dicentric chromosome assay (DCA) has been used to derive biological dose estimates for unknown radiological exposures. While sensitive, this assay requires highly trained evaluators and is extremely time consuming. The cytokinesis-block micronucleus (CBMN) assay has been suggested as an alternative to the DCA, as it is much faster to evaluate samples and requires less technical expertise. In order to validate this assay for triage biodosimetry, dose-response curves were generated for six donors at eight doses of gamma-radiation (0-4.0 Gy). Each sample was evaluated by 12 individuals, among three different laboratories and the incidence of micronuclei was determined after counting 50-500 binucleated cells. This study demonstrated that the CBMN assay was capable of detecting radiation doses ≥1 Gy after scoring only 200 binucleated cells. As such, the CBMN assay may provide a sensitive and reliable technique for deployment as an initial screening tool in a large-scale radiological emergency where large numbers of biological dose estimates are required
Radiation dose estimation by automated cytogenetic biodosimetry
The dose from ionizing radiation exposure can be interpolated from a calibration curve fit to the frequency of dicentric chromosomes (DCs) at multiple doses. As DC counts are manually determined, there is an acute need for accurate, fully automated biodosimetry calibration curve generation and analysis of exposed samples. Software, the Automated Dicentric Chromosome Identifier (ADCI), is presented which detects and discriminates DCs from monocentric chromosomes, computes biodosimetry calibration curves and estimates radiation dose. Images of metaphase cells from samples, exposed at 1.4-3.4Gy, that had been manually scored by two reference laboratories were reanalyzed with ADCI. This resulted in estimated exposures within 0.4-1.1Gy of the physical dose. Therefore, ADCI can determine radiation dose with accuracies comparable to standard triage biodosimetry. Calibration curves were generated from metaphase images in ~10 h, and dose estimations required ~0.8 h per 500 image sample. Running multiple instances of ADCI may be an effective response to a mass casualty radiation event
Evaluation of the annual Canadian biodosimetry network intercomparisons
Purpose: To evaluate the importance of annual intercomparisons for maintaining the capacity and capabilities of a well-established biodosimetry network in conjunction with assessing efficient and effective analysis methods for emergency response. Materials and methods: Annual intercomparisons were conducted between laboratories in the Canadian National Biological Dosimetry Response Plan. Intercomparisons were performed over a six-year period and comprised of the shipment of 10-12 irradiated, blinded blood samples for analysis by each of the participating laboratories. Dose estimates were determined by each laboratory using the dicentric chromosome assay (conventional and QuickScan scoring) and where possible the cytokinesis block micronucleus (CBMN) assay. Dose estimates were returned to the lead laboratory for evaluation and comparison. Results: Individual laboratories performed comparably from year to year with only slight fluctuations in performance. Dose estimates using the dicentric chromosome assay were accurate about 80% of the time and the QuickScan method for scoring the dicentric chromosome assay was proven to reduce the time of analysis without having a significant effect on the dose estimates. Although analysis with the CBMN assay was comparable to QuickScan scoring with respect to speed, the accuracy of the dose estimates was greatly reduced. Conclusions: Annual intercomparisons are necessary to maintain a network of laboratories for emergency response biodosimetry as they evoke confidence in their capabilities