4 research outputs found

    A2_1 Zeus' Lightning Bolt

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    In this paper we calculate the heat capacity that would be required for the mythological Greek god Zeus to be able to comfortably hold a, hypothetical, `stationary lightning bolt'. Known properties of lightning and the human pain threshold were used to model the specic heat capacity required to elevate Zeus' hand temperature, from ambient to the upper limit of pain. In order for Zeus to be able to hold the lightning bolt, the calculated specic heat capacity that his hand must have was 3:33 * 10^10 J Kg-1 K-

    A2_5 Black hole Sun

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    This paper investigates what would happen if a planet’s host star was instantaneously replaced by a black hole of equal radius. It was found that the mass of a black hole needed to ensure near enough instantaneous absorption of the original host star is 2.3×108 M. Latterly some other consequences of the new Black hole Sun have also been explored