6 research outputs found

    Instalación de un sistema de climatización para la Catedral de León

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    Tras estudiar los componentes artísticos de la Catedral se proyecta un modelo tridimensional, a partir de los planos, para obtener las dimensiones de áreas tanto de cerramientos como de vidrieras. Se calculan los coeficientes globales de transmisión de calor y se comienza con el dimensionado de la instalación de baja y alta temperatura. La instalación de baja temperatura, alimentada por tres calderas de condensación que se nutren de gas natural, está formada por suelo radiante y un sistema de radiadores que se colocarán en los bancos de la planta y capillas del templo. La instalación de alta temperatura, sin embargo, utiliza una única caldera de biomasa y está formada por elementos emisores que se colocan a la altura del suelo, con el objetivo de que toda la instalación quede perfectamente integrada. Se realiza un estudio sobre el número de colectores que se deberían instalar en el tejado del Palacio Arzobispal, situado en la misma plaza donde se levanta la fábrica, para cubrir aproximadamente un 25% de la demanda de la instalación de baja temperatura. Por útlimo, se hace un breve análisis de la evolución de las temperaturas en el interior del templo con la solución propuesta

    Computational planning tools in ophthalmology: Intrastromal corneal ring surgery

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    This thesis addresses the problem of the simulation of intrastromal corneal ring segment surgery for the reduction of myopia and astigmatism, as well as the stabilisation of keratoconus (KC). This disease causes high myopia, irregular astigmatism and reduction of the patient's visual acuity to the point of blindness. Therefore there are several techniques to try to stabilise it and, thus, prevent its progression. For mild keratoconus, it is enough to use special spectacles or lenses to try to correct it, but in more advanced cases it would be necessary to use refractive surgery to try to stop the progression of the disease. The most common ones to avoid the cornea transplant (PK) are the cross-linking and the additive surgery of intrastromal rings. The current planning tools are empirical, based on the nomograms of the ring manufactures, and rely on the experience of the surgeon. Unfortunately, deterministic tools able to estimate the postsurgical visual results of this treatment do not exist. Therefore, the aim of the current thesis is to establish a realistic numerical framework to simulate intrastromal ring surgeries and estimate the mechanical and optical postsurgical outcomes. There are different types of rings depending on their angle and cross-section. There are two large groups of rings: segments which have an angle of less than 360º and those that cover the entire circumference. In the first group we find rings of triangular section such as the Keraring (Mediaphacos, BeloHorizonte, Brazil) and the Ferrara (AJL Ophthalmic Ltd, Spain) and rings of hexagonal section like the Intacs (Additional Technology Inc.). In the second group we can find the MyoRing (Dioptex, GmbH.) whose cross-section is the combination of a parabola and a circumference and the Intacs SK whose section is oval. Due to the complexity of the simulation, since multiple variables are involved, such as the type of rings, the model of the corneal material, the contact conditions between them, etc., two methodologies arised which simulated the insertion of the rings. Both are based on generating a hole in the corneal stroma, introducing the ring and closing the hole with the ring inside, establishing contact until the simulation is completed. In the first of the methodologies the hole was generated by introducing a pressure, while the second was used to an auxiliary tool, such as balloon angioplasty to introduce endovascular stents, which is displaced generating enough hole to insert the rings. As with all numerical simulations, they were not exempt of limitations, although with the first of the methodologies only circular cross--section rings were simulated and in some configurations, there was pressure inside the hole, so it was decided to focus on the second. Nevertheless, interesting conclusions were obtained: the greatest correction was obtained by placing the rings with the largest section near the apex, and whether the ring is located near the epithelium, the stresses generated in the stroma can cause the ring to extrude. With the second methodology based on a displacement control, it was possible to simulate most of the cross-sections and very interesting studies were carried out that gave conclusive results. The most important were: i) the most influential parameter is the depth of insertion; ii) considering the physiological depth of the surgery, the greater optical change is provided by the diameter of the ring, and the fine adjusted is reached with the size of the implant cross--section, i.e the diameter of the implant and the size of the cross--section are the key on regulating the refractive correction; iii) the friction between ring and stroma is important to consider it because a prediction of 2 or 3 diopters could be lost; iv) whether the KC progression is stress-driven, only MyoRing can stop its progression; v) when the covered arc of the segments is more than 320º, axisymmetric model could be used instead of tridimensional model, saving computational time; vi) the anisotropy of the model does not play an important role because the rings are much stiffer than corneal tissue; vii) the implants cannot consider such as second limbus since they act as a dynamic pivot that moves along the circadian cycles of intraocular pressure (IOP); viii) preliminary nomograms is built which allow the estimation of the optical outputs according to the size and typology of the ring and optical zone of implantation.Additionally, a characterisation of ring material was carried out by means two complementary methods: uncertainty analysis and iFEM optimisation, concluding that the manufacturing process of the rings could be the cause of the alteration of the material between the raw PMMA and the ring already prepared for its insertion.<br /