669 research outputs found

    Poisson Brackets of Normal-Ordered Wilson Loops

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    We formulate Yang-Mills theory in terms of the large-N limit, viewed as a classical limit, of gauge-invariant dynamical variables, which are closely related to Wilson loops, via deformation quantization. We obtain a Poisson algebra of these dynamical variables corresponding to normal-ordered quantum (at a finite value of ℏ\hbar) operators. Comparing with a Poisson algebra one of us introduced in the past for Weyl-ordered quantum operators, we find, using ideas closly related to topological graph theory, that these two Poisson algebras are, roughly speaking, the same. More precisely speaking, there exists an invertible Poisson morphism between them.Comment: 34 pages, 4 eps figures, LaTeX2.09; citations adde

    Masslessness in nn-dimensions

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    We determine the representations of the ``conformal'' group SOˉ0(2,n){\bar{SO}}_0(2, n), the restriction of which on the ``Poincar\'e'' subgroup SOˉ0(1,n−1).Tn{\bar{SO}}_0(1, n-1).T_n are unitary irreducible. We study their restrictions to the ``De Sitter'' subgroups SOˉ0(1,n){\bar{SO}}_0(1, n) and SOˉ0(2,n−1){\bar{SO}}_0(2, n-1) (they remain irreducible or decompose into a sum of two) and the contraction of the latter to ``Poincar\'e''. Then we discuss the notion of masslessness in nn dimensions and compare the situation for general nn with the well-known case of 4-dimensional space-time, showing the specificity of the latter.Comment: 34 pages, LaTeX2e, 1 figure. To be published in Reviews in Math. Phy

    The Differential Mortality of Undesired Infants in Sub-Saharan Africa

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    With high rates of infant mortality in sub-Saharan Africa, investments in infant health are subject to tough prioritizations within the household, in which maternal preferences may play a part. How these preferences will affect infant mortality as African women have ever-lower fertility is still uncertain, as increased female empowerment and increased difficulty in achieving a desired gender composition within a smaller family pull in potentially different directions. I study how being born at a parity or of a gender undesired by the mother relates to infant mortality in sub-Saharan Africa and how such differential mortality varies between women at different stages of the demographic transition. Using data from 79 Demographic and Health Surveys, I find that a child being undesired according to the mother is associated with a differential mortality that is not due to constant maternal factors, family composition, or factors that are correlated with maternal preferences and vary continuously across siblings. As a share of overall infant mortality, the excess mortality of undesired children amounts to 3.3 % of male and 4 % of female infant mortality. Undesiredness can explain a larger share of infant mortality among mothers with lower fertility desires and a larger share of female than male infant mortality for children of women who desire 1-3 children. Undesired gender composition is more important for infant mortality than undesired childbearing and may also lead couples to increase family size beyond the maternal desire, in which case infants of the surplus gender are particularly vulnerable

    Massless Particles in Arbitrary Dimensions

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    Various properties of two kinds of massless representations of the n-conformal (or (n+1)-De Sitter) group G~n=SO~0(2,n)\tilde{G}_n=\widetilde{SO}_0(2,n) are investigated for n≄2n\ge2. It is found that, for space-time dimensions n≄3n\ge3, the situation is quite similar to the one of the n=4 case for SnS_n-massless representations of the n-De Sitter group SO~0(2,n−1)\widetilde{SO}_0(2,n-1). These representations are the restrictions of the singletons of G~n\tilde{G}_n. The main difference is that they are not contained in the tensor product of two UIRs with the same sign of energy when n>4, whereas it is the case for another kind of massless representation. Finally some examples of Gupta-Bleuler triplets are given for arbitrary spin and n≄3n\ge3.Comment: 33 pages, LaTeX2e. To be published in Reviews in Math. Phy

    Simple Non Linear Klein-Gordon Equations in 2 space dimensions, with long range scattering

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    We establish that solutions, to the most simple NLKG equations in 2 space dimensions with mass resonance, exhibits long range scattering phenomena. Modified wave operators and solutions are constructed for these equations. We also show that the modified wave operators can be chosen such that they linearize the non-linear representation of the Poincar\'e group defined by the NLKG.Comment: 19 pages, LaTeX, To appear in Lett. Math. Phy

    Linear Form of 3-scale Relativity Algebra and the Relevance of Stability

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    We show that the algebra of the recently proposed Triply Special Relativity can be brought to a linear (ie, Lie) form by a correct identification of its generators. The resulting Lie algebra is the stable form proposed by Vilela Mendes a decade ago, itself a reapparition of Yang's algebra, dating from 1947. As a corollary we assure that, within the Lie algebra framework, there is no Quadruply Special Relativity.Comment: 5 page

    Superconformal field theories from IIB spectroscopy on AdS5×T11AdS_5\times T^{11}

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    We report on tests of the AdS/CFT correspondence that are made possible by complete knowledge of the Kaluza-Klein mass spectrum of type IIB supergravity on AdS5×T11AdS_5 \times T^{11} with T^{11}=SU(2)^2/U(1). After briefly discussing general multiplet shortening conditions in SU(2,2|1) and PSU(2,2|4), we compare various types of short SU(2,2|1) supermultiplets on AdS_5 and different families of boundary operators with protected dimensions. The supergravity analysis predicts the occurrence in the SCFT at leading order in N and g_s N, of extra towers of long multiplets whose dimensions are rational but not protected by supersymmetry.Comment: 11 pages, To appear in the proceedings of the STRINGS '99 conference, Potsdam (Germany), 19-25 July 199

    Lie Superalgebra Stability and Branes

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    The algebra of the generators of translations in superspace is unstable, in the sense that infinitesimal perturbations of its structure constants lead to non-isomorphic algebras. We show how superspace extensions remedy this situation (after arguing that remedy is indeed needed) and review the benefits reaped in the description of branes of all kinds in the presence of the extra dimensions.Comment: Talk given at the conference ``Brane New World and Non-commutative Geometry'', held in Torino, October 2000. To appear in the proceedings by World Scientific. 10 pages, 1 figur

    From Classical to Quantum Mechanics: "How to translate physical ideas into mathematical language"

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    In this paper, we investigate the connection between Classical and Quantum Mechanics by dividing Quantum Theory in two parts: - General Quantum Axiomatics (a system is described by a state in a Hilbert space, observables are self-adjoint operators and so on) - Quantum Mechanics properly that specifies the Hilbert space, the Heisenberg rule, the free Hamiltonian... We show that General Quantum Axiomatics (up to a supplementary "axiom of classicity") can be used as a non-standard mathematical ground to formulate all the ideas and equations of ordinary Classical Statistical Mechanics. So the question of a "true quantization" with "h" must be seen as an independent problem not directly related with quantum formalism. Moreover, this non-standard formulation of Classical Mechanics exhibits a new kind of operation with no classical counterpart: this operation is related to the "quantization process", and we show why quantization physically depends on group theory (Galileo group). This analytical procedure of quantization replaces the "correspondence principle" (or canonical quantization) and allows to map Classical Mechanics into Quantum Mechanics, giving all operators of Quantum Mechanics and Schrodinger equation. Moreover spins for particles are naturally generated, including an approximation of their interaction with magnetic fields. We find also that this approach gives a natural semi-classical formalism: some exact quantum results are obtained only using classical-like formula. So this procedure has the nice property of enlightening in a more comprehensible way both logical and analytical connection between classical and quantum pictures.Comment: 47 page
