2 research outputs found

    Empower E-wallets Payment System by using Secured Hybrid Approach of Online and Offline Services

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    Payment mechanisms are migrated to mobile devices as e-commerce grows, creating e-wallets. The current e-wallet payment solutions are based on online-connected smartphones. The transaction is completed using a mobile application, which requires a GPRS and Wi-Fi connection. People around the world are becoming more interested in e-wallets. Nevertheless, in Iraq, it grows slower than in other parts of the world after survey is done to ascertain the primary elements influencing Iraqis’ adoption of electronic wallets. This paper proposes a design of e-wallet Mobile app offering online to offline (O2O) payments that aim to replace traditional e-wallet, credit cards, debit cards, and cash using offline connectivity, near-field communication (NFC), and SMS-based payment mechanisms that are independent of internet connection

    Determination of fungal and parasitic infections caused vaginitis: molecular identification of Candida parapsilosis in Al-Nasiriyah city, Iraq

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    هدفت الدراسة الحالية لتحديد انتشار طفيلي Trichomonas vaginalis وفطريات Candida spp. وكذلك التعرف عن Candida parapsilosis وبعض جينات الضراوة. اجريت هذه الدراسة في مستشفى بنت الهدى للولادة والاطفال في محافظة ذي قار, جنوب العراق للفترة من بداية شهر كانون الثاني الى نهاية شهر كانون الاول 2020. تم جمع 250 عينة من المنطقة التناسلية الانثوية لنساء تتراوح اعمارهم من17-50 سنة. استخدم كل من التشخيص المجهري والتقليدي والجزيئي في فحص العينة. سجلت النتائج 12 (4.8%) عينة مصابة بطفيلي T. vaginalis, بينما 130 (52%) عينة اظهرت مصابة بـ Candida spp. والتي توزعت كالاتي: 75 (30%) C. albicans, 20 (8%) C. krusei, 14 (5.6%) C. parapsilosisas, 11 (4.4%) C. glabrata و 10 (4%) C. tropicalis. ظهر جين 18S rRNA  في كل عينات C. parapsilosisas التي اكدت مع الفحوصات الكيموحيوية ووسط CHROM. لوحظت الجينات cph1  و hwp1 في كل عزلات C. parapsilosis بنسبة (100%), بينما جينات sap1 و plb1 ظهرت مع نسب مختلفة (64.3%, 57.1%) على التوالي. اعتمادا على تحليل الشجرة التطورية, كان هناك تغاير جيني خفيف بين تتابعات العزلات المحلية مقارنة مع السلالات المسجله عالميا. اكدت الدراسة الحالية ان جين 18S rRNA يمتلك حساسية عالية في تشخيص C. parapsilosis. ان ظهور او غياب و/او وجود التغاير الجيني في بعض جينات الضراوة قد يسبب اعراض سريرية مختلفة.The current study aims to determine the prevalence of Trichomonas vaginalis and Candida spp., and also to identify Candida parapsilosis and some virulence genes. It was conducted in Bint Al-Hoda Hospital of Maternity and Children in Thi-Qar province, south of Iraq for the period from the beginning of January to the end of December 2020. Two hundred and fifty samples were collected from the female genital tract for women whose age ranged between 17-50 years. Microscopic, traditional and molecular tests were used in the sample examination. The results recorded 12 (4.8%) samples infected with T. vaginalis parasite, whereas 130 (52%) samples showed Candida yeast distributed as follows: 75 (30 %) C. albicans, 20 (8%) C. krusei, 14 (5.6%) C. parapsilosisas, 11 (4.4 %) C. glabrata and 10 (4%) C. tropicalis. A 18S rRNA gene of C. parapsilosisas appeared in all samples confirmed with biochemical tests and CHROM agar Candida. The cph1 and hwp1 genes were observed in all of C. parapsilosis isolates (100%), whereas sap1 and plb1 genes showed different proportions (64.3% and 57.1%, respectively). Depending on phylogenetic analysis, there was a slight genetic variation between local isolate sequences compared with global recorded strains.  The current study confirmed that 18S rRNA gene is highly precise to identify C. parapsilosis. The appearance or absence of the genetic variation of some virulence genes may cause different clinical manifestations.