29 research outputs found

    State-of-the-art of spatial arch bridges

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    The paper describes a new form of bridge called a spatial arch bridge. This bridge type was developed in response to the demand for landmark structures, which have started to appear in the modern urban landscape to provide a symbol of originality, innovation and progress. Spatial arch bridges are defined as bridges in which the vertical deck loads produce bending moments and shear forces not contained in the arch plane, owing to their geometrical and structural configuration. Moreover, the arch itself may not be contained in a plane. The different variables and geometries that create such a structural configuration have been studied and classified. A wide compilation of examples of this bridge type has been made in chronological order, according to their construction date, from Maillarts first concrete spatial arch bridges to the latest designs and materials

    Landscapes of Lublin Province as inspiration for development of cultural tourism in the region

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    Województwo lubelskie jest regionem, który charakteryzuje się mnogością i rozmaitością krajobrazów, w tym krajobrazów kulturowych. Dzięki takim cechom jak m.in.: położenie na obszarze, który w przeszłości był wielokulturowy, licznie występujące osiedla wiejskie oraz małe miasta, przewaga funkcji rolniczych Lubelszczyzna ma szczególne predyspozycje do funkcjonowania pewnych form turystyki kulturowej, np. turystyki dziedzictwa kulturowego, wiejsko-kulturowej, religijnej czy sentymentalnej. W artykule przedstawiono przykłady krajobrazów kulturowych Lubelszczyzny oraz te formy turystyki kulturowej, które mogą się rozwijać na ich bazie. Wskazano także niektóre bariery ograniczające jej rozwój, jak również przykładowe produkty turystyczne oraz działania mogące przyczynić się do zniwelowania tych barier.Lublin Province is a region which possesses a great number of different landscapes, including cultural landscapes. Thanks to some particular features, among other things: location on the territory that had multicultural nature in the past, rural character and predominance of rural settlements and small towns presently, the region is strongly predestined to develop certain forms of cultural tourism, eg: tourism of cultural heritage, rural-cultural, religious or ethnic tourism. In the article, the authors show examples of cultural landscapes of the Lublin region and forms of cultural tourism that have the strongest chances to develop there. Furthermore, some obstacles for this development are presented as well as model tourist products and activities that could eliminate those barriers

    Aerodynamic Study of Two Cable Stayed Bridges in Poland

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    The 21<sup>st</sup> European Bridge Expedition Ireland 2015, part 2

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    W drugiej części relacji z XXI Europejskej Wyprawy Mostowej do Irlandii, zorganizowanej przez Katedrę Budowy Mostów i Tuneli Politechniki Krakowskiej oraz Biuro Turystyczne Anitour z Czechowic-Dziedzic (4–15 lipca 2015 r.), przemierzamy zachodnią Irlandię – od Galway, stolicy hrabstwa Galway, aż do Tralee, stolicy hrabstwa Kerry.In the second part of our account on the European 21 st European Bridge Expedition to Ireland organized by the Chair of Bridge and tunnel Construction of the Kraków University of technology and Anitour travel agency from Czechowice-Dziedzice (4-15 July 2015), we are travelling across western Oreland - from Galway, the capital of Galway County to Tralee, the capital of Kerry County

    Insulin-like growth factors 1 and 2 (IGF-1 and IGF-2) mRNA levels in relation to the gastrointestinal tract (GIT)development in newborn calves

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    The study was aimed at determining the age-depended changes in insulin-like growth factors 1 and 2 (IGF-1 and IGF-2) mRNA levels in relation to the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) development in newborn calves. Twenty four male calves (5-day-old) were randomly allocated to 4 groups which were slaughtered at day 5, 12, 19 and 26 of their life, respectively. Tissue samples from the rumen, abomasum, duodenum, jejunum and liver were taken for analysis, and the level of IGF-1 and IGF-2 mRNA was determined using RT semi-quantitative PCR method. Both IGF-1 and IGF-2 mRNA level was the biggest on 5 day of life, significantly decreased up to day 12-19 in most of analyzed GIT parts, and started to increase thereafter. In the rumen the reduction in the amount of IGFs transcripts was associated with the reduction in papillae length and tunica muscularis thickness. The abomasum weight and tunica mucosa thickness increased from the 5 day up to 19 day of life, whereas abomasal IGF-1 mRNA level decreased together with calf's age up to 19 day of life, and the level of IGF-2 mRNA did not change. The reduction in IGFs mRNA level after 5 day of life in the duodenum (IGF-1 and IGF-2) and in the jejunum (IGF-1) was associated with reduction in villi length (duodenum and jejunum), and the increase of crypt depth (duodenum)