87 research outputs found

    Reflections on language community training

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    I reflect upon four decades of language community training, treating Watahomigie & Yamamoto (1992) and England (1992) as the starting point. Because the training activities these papers report began in the 1970s, there is a convincing and growing literature on training, including work published in the years since Himmelmann’s (1998) article. The upshot of my reflections is this central point: Language documentation is better when it occurs alongside an active training component. Underlying this point is an acknowledgement that linguists and communities are engaged in mutual training, and in fact, that a binary distinction between linguist and community member is a false dichotomy. The Chickasaw Model, a model that formalizes training, linguistic analysis, documentation, and revitalization as a feedback loop (cf. Fitzgerald & Hinson 2013; 2016), offers a way to capture a fully integrated approach to training. I conclude with nine significant contributions growing out of the training literature.National Foreign Language Resource Cente

    Collecting Texts in Endangered Languages: The Chickasaw Narrative Bootcamp

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    While data collection early in the Americanist tradition included texts as part of the Boasian triad, later developments in the generative tradition moved away from narratives. With a resurgence of attention to texts in both linguistic theory and language documentation, the literature on methodologies is growing (i.e., Chelliah 2001, Chafe 1980, Burton & Matthewson 2015). We outline our approach to collecting Chickasaw texts in what we call a ‘narrative bootcamp.’ Chickasaw is a severely threatened language and no longer in common daily use. Facilitating narrative collection with elder fluent speakers is an important goal, as is the cultivation of second language speakers and the training of linguists and tribal language professionals. Our bootcamps meet these goals. Moreover, we show many positive outcomes to this approach, including a positive sense of language use and ‘fun’ voiced by the elders, the corpus expansion that occurs by collecting and processing narratives onsite in the workshop, and field methods training for novices. Importantly, we find the sparking of personal recollections facilitates the collection of heretofore unrecorded narrative genres in Chickasaw. This approach offers an especially fruitful way to build and expand a text corpus for small communities of highly endangered languages.National Foreign Language Resource Cente

    'Ilittibaatoksali' 'We Are Working Together': Perspectives on our Chickasaw Tribal-Academic Collaboration

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    Here we present research resulting from a tribal-academic collaboration between the Chickasaw Language Revitalization Program (CLRP) and the University of Texas at Arlington (UTA). This collaboration began three years ago, with a UTA service-learning trip to Ada, Oklahoma. The Chickasaw Language Revitalization Program is vigorously engaged in many activities to support language use by the remaining 70 or so fluent speakers. Communities facing such stark endangerment must address revitalization and documentation simultaneously, and in a way that maximizes resources. Our partnership addresses this challenge. This paper draws on the principles of Community-Based Language Research, defined in Czaykowska-Higgins (2009: 24) as a model that “not only allows for the production of knowledge on a language, but also assumes that that knowledge can and should be constructed for, with, and by community members, and that it is therefore not merely (or primarily) for or by linguists.” Benefitting from an action-research model, our collaboration supports the Chickasaw community by developing revitalization-driven documentation and training materials for learners that both feed into and are drawn from documentation. Both sides of our collaboration are committed to the transfer of knowledge, especially sharing our findings and knowledge with other endangered language communities. ----- Nous prĂ©sentons ici des recherches issues d’une collaboration tribale-acadĂ©mique entre le programme de revitalisation chickasaw (Chickasaw Language Revitalization Program, CLRP) et l’UniversitĂ© du Texas Ă  Arlington (UTA). Cette collaboration a commencĂ© il y a trois ans dans le cadre d’un voyage de service-apprentissage Ă  Ada, Oklahoma. Le programme de revitalisation de langue chickasaw consiste en de nombreuses activitĂ©s destinĂ©es Ă  appuyer l’emploi de la langue chez les 70 personnes restantes environ qui parlent couramment la langue. Les communautĂ©s linguistiques confrontĂ©es Ă  une grande menace de disparition doivent aborder la revitalisation et la documentation en mĂȘme temps, et ce d’une maniĂšre qui maximise les ressources. Notre partenariat s’attaque Ă  ce dĂ©fi. Cet article s’appuie sur les principes de recherche linguistique issue de la communautĂ© (Community-Based Language Research), dĂ©finie dans Czaykowska-Higgins (2009: 24) comme un modĂšle qui permet la production des donnĂ©es sur une langue mais qui prĂ©sume Ă©galement que ces donnĂ©es peuvent et doivent ĂȘtre construites pour, avec et par des membres de la communautĂ©, et qu’elles ne sont pas uniquement (ou mĂȘme principalement) produites par ou destinĂ©es aux linguistes. Profitant d’un modĂšle de rechercheaction, notre collaboration soutient la communautĂ© chickasaw en dĂ©veloppant des matĂ©riaux de documentation et de formation pour des apprenants, centrĂ©e sur la revitalisation, qui alimentent et sont tirĂ©s de la documentation. Les deux cĂŽtĂ©s de notre collaboration se sont engagĂ©s au transfert du savoir, surtout le partage de nos dĂ©couvertes et de notre savoir avec d’autres communautĂ©s de langue en voie de disparition

    \u3ci\u3eMycobacterium bovis \u3c/i\u3ein Coyotes from Michigan

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    During a survey for tuberculosis in wild carnivores and omnivores, Mycobacteriurn bovis was cultured from pooled lymph nodes of three adult female coyotes (Canis latrans) harvested by hunters in Michigan (USA). No gross or histologic lesions suggestive of tuberculosis were seen in these animals. One coyote was taken from Montmorency county and two coyotes from Alcona county located in the northeastern portion of Michigan’s Lower Peninsula where free-ranging white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) have been found infected with bovine tuberculosis. It is thought that these coyotes became infected with M. bovis through the consumption of tuberculous deer. Other species included in the survey were the opossum (Didelphis virginiana), raccoon (Procyon lotor), red fox (Vulpes vulpes), bobcat (Felis rufus), and badger (Taxidea taxus)

    Revisiting the spectrum of bladder health: Relationships between lower urinary tract symptoms and multiple measures of well-being

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    Background: Little research to date has investigated the spectrum of bladder health in women, including both bladder function and well-being. Therefore, we expanded our previous baseline analysis of bladder health in the Boston Area Community Health (BACH) Survey to incorporate several additional measures of bladder-related well-being collected at the 5-year follow-up interview, including one developed specifically for women. Methods: At follow-up, participants reported their frequency of 15 lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS), degree of life impact from and thought related to urinary symptoms or pelvic/bladder pain/discomfort, and perception of their bladder condition. Prevalence ratios were calculated by generalized linear models with robust variance estimation, adjusting for LUTS risk factors and individual LUTS. The BACH Survey was approved by the New England Research Institutes Institutional Review Board and all participants provided written informed consent. Results: Generally similar findings were observed in the 5-year cross-sectional analysis as at baseline, irrespective of how we categorized LUTS or measured bladder-related well-being. Approximately one in five women (16.2%-18.0% of 2527 eligible women) reported no LUTS and no diminished bladder-related well-being, the majority (55.8%-65.7%) reported some LUTS and/or diminished well-being, and a further one in five (16.9%-26.6%) reported the maximum frequency, number, or degree of LUTS and/or diminished well-being. Measures of storage function (urinating again after <2 hours, perceived frequency, nocturia, incontinence, and urgency) and pain were independently associated with bladder-related well-being. Conclusions: Our similar distribution of bladder health and consistent associations between LUTS and bladder-related well-being across multiple measures of well-being, including a female-specific measure, lend confidence to the concept of a bladder health spectrum and reinforce the bothersome nature of storage dysfunction and pain

    Bovine Tuberculosis in Free-Ranging Carnivores from Michigan

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    During a survey of carnivores and omnivores for bovine tuberculosis conducted in Michigan (USA) since 1996, Mycobacterium bovis was cultured from lymph nodes pooled from six coyotes (Canis latrans) (four adult female, two adult male), two adult male raccoons (Procyon lotor), one adult male red fox (Vulpes vulpes), and one 1.5-yr-old male black bear (Ursus americanus). One adult, male bobcat (Felis rufus) with histologic lesions suggestive of tuberculosis was negative on culture but positive for organisms belonging to the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex when tested by polymerase chain reaction. All the tuberculous animals were taken from three adjoining counties where M. bovis is known to be endemic in the free-ranging white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) population. There were two coyotes, one raccoon, one red fox, and one bobcat infected in Alpena county. Montmorency County had two coyotes and one raccoon with M. bovis. Two coyotes and a bear were infected from Alcona County. These free-ranging carnivores/omnivores probably became infected with M. bovis through consumption of tuberculous deer. Other species included in the survey were opossum (Didelphis virginiana), gray fox (Urocyon cinereoargenteus), and badger (Taxidea taxus); these were negative for M. bovis

    The spectrum of bladder health: The relationship between lower urinary tract symptoms and interference with activities

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    Background: Little research to date has focused on lower urinary tract symptom (LUTS) prevention and bladder health promotion in women. To address this gap, the Prevention of LUTS Research Consortium developed the following working bladder health definition: "A complete state of physical, mental, and social well-being related to bladder function [that] permits daily activities [and] allows optimal well-being." To begin to inform and quantify this definition, we used data from the Boston Area Community Health Survey, drawing upon its rare collection of information on LUTS and LUTS-specific interference with activities. Methods: At baseline, participants reported their frequency of 15 LUTS and interference with 7 activities. Prevalence ratios (PRs) were calculated by generalized linear models with robust variance estimation, adjusting for LUTS risk factors and individual LUTS. Results: Of the 3169 eligible participants, 17.5% reported no LUTS or interference, whereas the remaining 82.5% reported some frequency of LUTS/interference: 15.1% rarely; 21.7% a few times; 22.6% fairly often/usually; and 22.9% almost always. LUTS independently associated with interference were urgency incontinence, any incontinence, urgency, nocturia, perceived frequency, and urinating again after <2 hours (PRs = 1.2-1.5, all p < 0.05). Conclusions: Our findings suggest that bladder health exists on a continuum, with approximately one in five women considered to have optimal bladder health (no LUTS/interference), the majority to have intermediate health (LUTS/interference rarely to usually), and a further one in five to have worse or poor health (LUTS/interference almost always). These findings underscore the need for LUTS prevention and bladder health promotion

    School Toileting Environment, Bullying, and Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms in a Population of Adolescent and Young Adult Girls:Preventing Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms Consortium Analysis of Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children

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    AIM: Little is known about the association of the school toilet environment with voiding behaviors and lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) in adolescents. The purpose of the present longitudinal, secondary data analysis is to examine whether the school toilet environment at age 13, including bullying, is associated with LUTS at ages 13 and 19. METHODS: The sample comprised 3962 female participants from the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC). At age 13, participants reported on 7 school toilet environment characteristics and a range of LUTS items. At age 19, participants completed the Bristol Female Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms (ICIQ-BFLUTS) questionnaire. RESULTS: All toilet environmental factors were associated with at least one LUTS outcome at age 13. Holding behavior was associated with all school toilet environmental factors, with odds ratios (ORs) ranging from 1.36 (95% CI: 1.05, 1.76) for dirty toilets to 2.38 (95% CI: 1.60, 3.52) for feeling bullied at toilets. Bullying was associated with all LUTS symptoms; ORs ranged from 1.60 (95% CI: 1.04, 2.07) for nocturia to 2.90 (95% CI: 1.77, 4.75) for urgency. Associations between age 13 school toilets and age 19 LUTS were in the same direction as age 13 LUTS. CONCLUSION: This is the first examination of associations between school toilets and LUTS. Toileting environments were cross-sectionally associated with LUTS in adolescent girls. While further work is needed to determine whether these associations are causal, school toilet environments are modifiable and thus a promising target for LUTS prevention

    DACC Resting State Functional Connectivity as a Predictor of Pain Symptoms Following Motor Vehicle Crash: A Preliminary Investigation

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    There is significant heterogeneity in pain outcomes following motor vehicle crashes (MVCs), such that a sizeable portion of individuals develop symptoms of chronic pain months after injury while others recover. Despite variable outcomes, the pathogenesis of chronic pain is currently unclear. Previous neuroimaging work implicates the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex (dACC) in adaptive control of pain, while prior resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging studies find increased functional connectivity (FC) between the dACC and regions involved in pain processing in those with chronic pain. Hyper-connectivity of the dACC to regions that mediate pain response may therefore relate to pain severity. The present study completed rsfMRI scans on N=22 survivors of MVCs collected within two weeks of the incident to test whole-brain dACC-FC as a predictor of pain severity six months later. At two weeks, pain symptoms were predicted by positive connectivity between the dACC and the premotor cortex. Controlling for pain symptoms at two weeks, pain symptoms at six months were predicted by negative connectivity between the dACC and the precuneus. Previous research implicates the precuneus in the individual subjective awareness of pain. Given a relatively small sample size, approximately half of which did not experience chronic pain at six months, findings warrant replication. Nevertheless, this study provides preliminary evidence of enhanced dACC connectivity with motor regions and decreased connectivity with pain processing regions as immediate and prospective predictors of pain following MVC. Perspective: This article presents evidence of distinct neural vulnerabilities that predict chronic pain in motor vehicle crash survivors based on whole-brain connectivity with the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex
