14 research outputs found
Stakeholders of the Online Pharmaceutical Market
During the past two decades, the pharmacy supply chain has developed a new segment besides traditional “brick and mortar” pharmacies. The expansion of the internet, consumer experience in online purchases, the ease of mail order trade, and distance selling have facilitated the growth of the internet pharmacy landscape. Changes in health-seeking behavior, patient empowerment, and openness to self-diagnosis and self-treatment have also contributed to the phenomenon and were further facilitated by the pandemic. Various types of online medicinal product sellers have been published previously, however, authors have classified online pharmacies mainly according to legality and patient safety considerations. As online pharmacies show great diversity, no distinct categories can be specified, rather pharmacies on the web can be categorized by multiple aspects. Admittedly, consumer preferences, regulatory environment, and legitimacy of operation are key influencing factors. In this chapter, key aspects of categorization and nomenclature are discussed to profile different vendors on the internet
CBD-olajok a neten: Egy bizonytalansággal övezett termékkör piacának áttekintése és a próbavásárlások tapasztalatai
A CBD-termékek széles palettáját az interneten már-már csodaszerként reklámozzák az elmúlt pár évben Magyarországon. Habár az étrend-kiegészítők ezen köre felkapott, ugyanakkor nagy szakmai kihívás elé állítja a szakembereket a gyógyszertárakban, mivel nincsen egy hiteles és tisztázott álláspont ezen készítmények igazolt hatásával kapcsolatban. A CBD-olajakat övező bizonytalanság feltárása érdekében részletes szakirodalom- és piackutatást végeztünk, amelyet reprezentatív elemszámú, interneten beszerezhető termékek próbavásárlásával zártunk. Munkánk során legfőképpen az online forgalmazói felületeken kommunikált termékinformációkra és a vélelmezett egészségügyi állítások mögött álló bizonyítékokon alapuló terápiák eredményességének összhangjára fókuszáltunk. A
forgalmazói felületek által feltüntetett vélt alkalmazási területek számosságukat és bizonyítottságukat tekintve nem állnak összhangban az általunk azonosított klinikai vizsgálati eredményekkel. Tehát az, hogy a cannabidiol étrend-kiegészítőként, orálisan mely állapotok esetén alkalmazható eredményesen, továbbra sem tisztázott, alkalmazása nem tekinthető kockázatmentesnek
és nem utolsósorban a terápiás költsége is igen magas
Safety and risks of CBD oils purchased online: unveiling uncertain quality and vague health claims
Introduction: The unmet need for highly effective, naturally derived products with minimal side effects results in the over-popularity of ever-newer medicinal plants. In the middle of 2010, products containing cannabidiol (CBD), one of the special metabolites of Cannabis sativa , started to gain popularity. For consumers and healthcare providers alike, the legal context surrounding the marketing of CBD products is not entirely clear, and the safety of using some products is in doubt. Companies in the online medicinal product market profit from the confusion around CBD oils
Internetes gyógyszervásárlás megítélése a gyógyszertárba járó fogyasztók, betegek körében = Attitude of patients and customers regarding online drug purchase – a Hungarian community pharmacy survey
Az internet térhódításával szabadon elérhetővé váltak a betegek és fogyasztók számára olyan termékek, így a gyógyszerek is, amelyek korábban kizárólag korlátozott hozzáféréssel, orvosi rendelésre voltak csak elérhetők. Tanulmányunkkal az internetes gyógyszerrendelés helyzetét kívántuk felmérni a gyógyszertárakba betérő, azaz az egészségügyi ellátást már igénybe vevő hazai betegek és fogyasztók körében. Öt magyar város kilenc gyógyszertárában 434, specifikusan a gyógyszer- és gyógyhatású készítmények termékkörre irányuló kérdőív segítségével gyűjtöttünk adatokat. Felmérésünk alapján a válaszadók 6,2%-a rendelt már gyógyszert vagy gyógyhatású terméket interneten keresztül, és még legalább ugyanennyien tervezik ezt a közeljövőben. Interneten keresztül gyógyszert jellemzően a 30–49 év közöttiek, a felsőfokú végzettséggel rendelkezők és a nők rendeltek. Többségük előtt nem volt ismert az ilyen módon forgalmazott és a gyógyszertárban kapható termékek közötti esetleges minőségi eltérés. Ezek az adatok arra figyelmeztetnek, hogy már a rutin-betegellátás során is fokozott figyelemmel kell lenni az ilyen módon beszerzett és szedett készítményekre. Orv. Hetil., 2010,
As internet is now available to nearly everyone in Hungary, the accessibility of websites offering pharmaceutical products is also increasing. The national and international regulation of these sites is currently an unsolved problem worldwide, thus potentially harmful, counterfeit and prescription only medicines are easily accessible on the market. We aimed to measure and estimate the current situation of the ordering of online medicines. In 5 Hungarian cities 434 self-administered questionnaires were collected in community pharmacies. Our results show that 6.2% of the respondents have already ordered drugs or dietary supplements online and approximately same amount of people are considering this option in the near future. Based on our survey mostly the educated, the 30-49 year old people and women are likely to buy drugs online. Every fifth respondent reported willingness to buy drugs online from abroad if lower prices were offered. Most people do not know that the quality of medicines purchased online could be different from the ones purchased from community pharmacies. We would like to draw attention of healthcare professionals to the rising popularity and potential risks of drugs available online. Orv. Hetil., 2010,
Az illegális online gyógyszerforgalmazók tisztességtelen marketing módszere : átirányítási támadás a keresési találati listákban = Uncovering the new marketing method of illegal online pharmacies: search engine redirection
Az átirányítási támadás a keresési találati listákban az illegális
online gyógyszerforgalmazók egészségügyi és gyógyszerbiztonságot veszélyeztető új marketing módszere. A jelenséget
az illegális forgalmazás és gyógyszerhamisítás szempontjából
magas kockázatú és gyakoriságú potencianövelő hatóanyagok
hazai és európai országra vonatkozó találati linkjei és átirányítási láncolatán keresztül szemléltetjük. 2020 augusztusában
végzett vizsgálatunk alapján Spanyolországban, illetve Magyarországon különösen magas arányban voltak jelen átirányított
oldalak. A nemzetközi szinten közel egy évtizede megoldatlan probléma kezelése és az online gyógyszerforgalmazási tér
megtisztítás érdekében eredményesebb lakossági tájékoztatásra, nemzetközi összefogásra és a hatósági fellépésre van
szükség. | Search Engine Results of medications include a significant
number of irrelevant websites that seemingly “advertise”
medications, and link to illegal drug distribution sites. In our
article, we assess the extent of the new marketing method
that endangers health and drug safety and illustrate domestic
and international networks. According to the results of our
2020 study, Spain and Hungary has exceptionally high number
of redirected pages. More effective public information
campaigns, international cooperation and regulatory action are
needed to tackle the problem that has been unresolved for
almost a decade
Effect of Infodemic Regarding the Illegal Sale of Medications on the Internet: Evaluation of Demand and Online Availability of Ivermectin during the COVID-19 Pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic and the related infodemic generated confusion and increased demand of various pharmaceuticals, ushering in the opportunity for illicit online vendors to fill a gap in the marketplace using potentially dangerous products. The aim of our study is to provide evidence regarding increased demand, online availability and consumer accessibility of ivermectin, an anthelmintic agent, without substantiated indications in reference to SARS-CoV-2. In our study, we combined infodemiology methodology aligned with search engine result assessment and website analytics to evaluate patient safety risks. Users’ Google queries regarding ivermectin were trending and peaked during the last week of November 2020 and March 2021. Consumers more likely found links leading directly or indirectly (via redirection) to illegal online retailers representing nearly half (53.3%) of search engine result links regarding the first three result pages in December 2020 and topped off at 73.3% by March 2021. Illicit medicine retailers outnumbered and outranked their legitimate counterparts and dominated the first search engine results page. A vast majority (77.7%) of the identified online pharmacies were characteristically rogue; more than half (55.5%) offered prescription-only products without a valid medical prescription. Our results illustrate connection between infodemic and its consequences on the illicit online pharmacy marke
A challenge for healthcare but just another opportunity for illegitimate online sellers: Dubious market of shortage oncology drugs.
INTRODUCTION:Drug shortages mean a challenge to healthcare systems. Exposed patients or health care providers may seek alternative resources for these products online. The purpose of our study was to analyze the online availability of oncology shortage drugs at national and at international levels in 2014 and 2016. METHODS:We tested the online accessibility of oncology shortage drugs by simulating the Internet search method of patients. Search results were evaluated according to operational, distributional, and patient safety characteristics. RESULTS:In 2014 and 2016 all (100%) antineoplastic agents affected by shortages were available on the Internet without medical prescription. The number of relevant websites among search engine results has decreased from 112 to 98, while online vendors actually offering oncology shortage drugs for sale has risen from 66.1% to 80.6% within relevant websites in the two evaluated years. None of the online sellers were classified as legitimate or accredited by LegitScript and VIPPS online pharmacy verification databases. CONCLUSION:According to our findings shortage oncology drugs are widely available online. To manage shortages and illegal Internet trade national and international standardized shortage reporting and information systems, regularly updated Internet pharmacy verification databases are needed. As well, institutional procurement and medication use review policies are required
Quality of dorzolamide hydrochloride and timolol maleate containing eye drops distributed online
Patient safety risks associated with the online purchase of medications, especially in case of ophthalmic preparations, are significant. Our study aimed to carry out quality assessment of dorzolamide hydrochloride (DZA) and timolol maleate (TIM) eye drops preserved with benzalkonium chloride (BAC) via online test purchases.Three samples were purchased online, while control preparations were acquired through authorized national drug supply chain. Our method was based on the International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) Inspection Checklist and integrated the evaluation of packaging and labelling. Sterility was established according to the European Pharmacopoeia (Ph. Eur.), while qualitative and quantitative quality was assessed with high-performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) analysis.Several signs of falsification were recognized upon visual inspection of the online samples. All the products were clear, colourless, slightly viscous solutions. They were free from visible contaminants. The samples were sterile as no evidence of microbial growth was found. A quick and inexpensive HPLC analysis, optimized by the authors showed that active ingredients and the preservative deviated significantly (p < 0,05) with more than 10% from the values stated on the labels for at least one component (DZA: 99.3–113.1%, TIM: 112.8–139.2%, BAC: 82.4–97.7%).Development of comprehensive and reliable quality assessment methods are vital to increase public safety of pharmaceutical products sold online. A complex approach, integrating visual inspection, labelling assessment, microbiological analysis coupled with qualitative and quantitative methods provide a most reliable method. Due to its limited feasibility and cost-effectiveness, raising public awareness and limiting illegal online sellers should be the primary approaches to protect patients from substandard and falsified medicinal products sold via the internet. Particularly important for health professionals to understand this market and its public health concern, and to raise patient awareness of the risks associated with uncontrolled online purchase of medication