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    Abstrak Gizi merupakan tanda-tanda penampilan seseorang akibat keseimbangan antara pemasukan dan pengeluaran zat gizi yang berasal dari pangan yang dikonsumsi pada suatu saat berdasarkan pada kategori dan indikator yang digunakan (KemenKes, 2011). Penentuan survei status gizi di negara Indonesia menurut keputusan Menkes pada tahun 2010 memakai Indeks Masa Tubuh/Umur. Maksud riset bertujuan untuk menganalisis pada  status gizi pada anak anak kelas 1 SD Seluruh Kecamatan Wonokromo di kota Surabaya. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas 1 SD Seluruh Kecamatan Wonokromo di kota Surabaya sebanyak 702 yang terdiri 370 siswa laki-laki dan 332 siswa perempuan dari 11 Sekolah. Riset pada penelitian memakai penelitian deskripstif kuantitatif dengan mealakukan pengukuran berat badan, tinggi badan, beserta usia berfungsi sebagai alat pengumpulan riset. Pada teknik menganalisis data yang dipakai riset ini yaitu menghitung standart deviasi beserta rata-rata mean berdasarkan hasil riset sudah dijabarkan oleh peneliti, hasil perhitungan data dapat dijabarkan presentase siswa dengan kategori gizi normal sejumlah 390 siswa (56%), gemuk sejumlah 51 siswa (7%), kurus sejumlah 120 siswa (17%), obesitas sejumlah 62 siswa (9%), dan sangat kurus sejumlah 79 siswa(11%). Sehingga menurut tabel indeks massa tubuh menurut umur yang diterbitkan oleh Kepmenkes RI hasil penghitungan data dari siswa menunjukkan persentase sebesar 56 %, bahwa dapat disimpulkan gizi siswa kelas 1 SD seluruh kecamatan wonokromo dengan kondisi gizi normal. Kata Kunci: survei; status gizi; siswa Abstract Nutrition is a sign of a person's appearance due to the balance between the intake and expenditure of nutrients derived from food consumed at a time based on the categories and indicators used (Kemenkes, 2011). The determination of the nutritional status survey in Indonesia according to the decision of the Minister of Health in 2010 used the Body Mass/Age Index. The purpose of the research was to analyze the nutritional status of 1st grade elementary school children in the entire Wonokromo sub-district in the city of Surabaya. The population in this study were all 702 grade 1 elementary school students in Wonokromo District in the city of Surabaya consisting of 370 male students and 332 female students from 11 schools. Research in this study uses quantitative descriptive research by measuring weight, height, and age to function as a research collection tool. The data analysis technique used in this research is to calculate the standard deviation along with the average mean based on the research results that have been described by the researcher, the results of the data calculation can be described as the percentage of students with normal nutrition categories as many as 390 students (56%), fat as many as 51 students (7 %), underweight 120 students (17%), obese 62 students (9%), and very thin 79 students (11%). So according to the table of body mass index by age published by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, the results of the calculation of data from students show a percentage of 56%, that it can be concluded that the nutrition of grade 1 elementary school students in all Wonokromo sub-districts with normal nutritional conditions. *sesuaikan dengan Keyword: survey; nutrional status; student &nbsp