301 research outputs found

    Counting Spanning Trees of Threshold Graphs

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    Cayley's formula states that there are nn−2n^{n-2} spanning trees in the complete graph on nn vertices; it has been proved in more than a dozen different ways over its 150 year history. The complete graphs are a special case of threshold graphs, and using Merris' Theorem and the Matrix Tree Theorem, there is a strikingly simple formula for counting the number of spanning trees in a threshold graph on nn vertices; it is simply the product, over i=2,3,...,n−1i=2,3, ...,n-1, of the number of vertices of degree at least ii. In this manuscript, we provide a direct combinatorial proof for this formula which does not use the Matrix Tree Theorem; the proof is an extension of Joyal's proof for Cayley's formula. Then we apply this methodology to give a formula for the number of spanning trees in any difference graph.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figure

    On the Consistency of the Likelihood Maximization Vertex Nomination Scheme: Bridging the Gap Between Maximum Likelihood Estimation and Graph Matching

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    Given a graph in which a few vertices are deemed interesting a priori, the vertex nomination task is to order the remaining vertices into a nomination list such that there is a concentration of interesting vertices at the top of the list. Previous work has yielded several approaches to this problem, with theoretical results in the setting where the graph is drawn from a stochastic block model (SBM), including a vertex nomination analogue of the Bayes optimal classifier. In this paper, we prove that maximum likelihood (ML)-based vertex nomination is consistent, in the sense that the performance of the ML-based scheme asymptotically matches that of the Bayes optimal scheme. We prove theorems of this form both when model parameters are known and unknown. Additionally, we introduce and prove consistency of a related, more scalable restricted-focus ML vertex nomination scheme. Finally, we incorporate vertex and edge features into ML-based vertex nomination and briefly explore the empirical effectiveness of this approach

    On the Incommensurability Phenomenon

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    Suppose that two large, multi-dimensional data sets are each noisy measurements of the same underlying random process, and principle components analysis is performed separately on the data sets to reduce their dimensionality. In some circumstances it may happen that the two lower-dimensional data sets have an inordinately large Procrustean fitting-error between them. The purpose of this manuscript is to quantify this "incommensurability phenomenon." In particular, under specified conditions, the square Procrustean fitting-error of the two normalized lower-dimensional data sets is (asymptotically) a convex combination (via a correlation parameter) of the Hausdorff distance between the projection subspaces and the maximum possible value of the square Procrustean fitting-error for normalized data. We show how this gives rise to the incommensurability phenomenon, and we employ illustrative simulations as well as a real data experiment to explore how the incommensurability phenomenon may have an appreciable impact

    A consistent adjacency spectral embedding for stochastic blockmodel graphs

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    We present a method to estimate block membership of nodes in a random graph generated by a stochastic blockmodel. We use an embedding procedure motivated by the random dot product graph model, a particular example of the latent position model. The embedding associates each node with a vector; these vectors are clustered via minimization of a square error criterion. We prove that this method is consistent for assigning nodes to blocks, as only a negligible number of nodes will be mis-assigned. We prove consistency of the method for directed and undirected graphs. The consistent block assignment makes possible consistent parameter estimation for a stochastic blockmodel. We extend the result in the setting where the number of blocks grows slowly with the number of nodes. Our method is also computationally feasible even for very large graphs. We compare our method to Laplacian spectral clustering through analysis of simulated data and a graph derived from Wikipedia documents.Comment: 21 page

    Vertex nomination schemes for membership prediction

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    Suppose that a graph is realized from a stochastic block model where one of the blocks is of interest, but many or all of the vertices' block labels are unobserved. The task is to order the vertices with unobserved block labels into a ``nomination list'' such that, with high probability, vertices from the interesting block are concentrated near the list's beginning. We propose several vertex nomination schemes. Our basic - but principled - setting and development yields a best nomination scheme (which is a Bayes-Optimal analogue), and also a likelihood maximization nomination scheme that is practical to implement when there are a thousand vertices, and which is empirically near-optimal when the number of vertices is small enough to allow comparison to the best nomination scheme. We then illustrate the robustness of the likelihood maximization nomination scheme to the modeling challenges inherent in real data, using examples which include a social network involving human trafficking, the Enron Graph, a worm brain connectome and a political blog network.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/15-AOAS834 in the Annals of Applied Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aoas/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Consistent adjacency-spectral partitioning for the stochastic block model when the model parameters are unknown

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    For random graphs distributed according to a stochastic block model, we consider the inferential task of partioning vertices into blocks using spectral techniques. Spectral partioning using the normalized Laplacian and the adjacency matrix have both been shown to be consistent as the number of vertices tend to infinity. Importantly, both procedures require that the number of blocks and the rank of the communication probability matrix are known, even as the rest of the parameters may be unknown. In this article, we prove that the (suitably modified) adjacency-spectral partitioning procedure, requiring only an upper bound on the rank of the communication probability matrix, is consistent. Indeed, this result demonstrates a robustness to model mis-specification; an overestimate of the rank may impose a moderate performance penalty, but the procedure is still consistent. Furthermore, we extend this procedure to the setting where adjacencies may have multiple modalities and we allow for either directed or undirected graphs.Comment: 26 pages, 2 figur

    Graph Matching: Relax at Your Own Risk

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    Graph matching---aligning a pair of graphs to minimize their edge disagreements---has received wide-spread attention from both theoretical and applied communities over the past several decades, including combinatorics, computer vision, and connectomics. Its attention can be partially attributed to its computational difficulty. Although many heuristics have previously been proposed in the literature to approximately solve graph matching, very few have any theoretical support for their performance. A common technique is to relax the discrete problem to a continuous problem, therefore enabling practitioners to bring gradient-descent-type algorithms to bear. We prove that an indefinite relaxation (when solved exactly) almost always discovers the optimal permutation, while a common convex relaxation almost always fails to discover the optimal permutation. These theoretical results suggest that initializing the indefinite algorithm with the convex optimum might yield improved practical performance. Indeed, experimental results illuminate and corroborate these theoretical findings, demonstrating that excellent results are achieved in both benchmark and real data problems by amalgamating the two approaches.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figures, 3 table

    Seeded Graph Matching

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    Given two graphs, the graph matching problem is to align the two vertex sets so as to minimize the number of adjacency disagreements between the two graphs. The seeded graph matching problem is the graph matching problem when we are first given a partial alignment that we are tasked with completing. In this paper, we modify the state-of-the-art approximate graph matching algorithm "FAQ" of Vogelstein et al. (2015) to make it a fast approximate seeded graph matching algorithm, adapt its applicability to include graphs with differently sized vertex sets, and extend the algorithm so as to provide, for each individual vertex, a nomination list of likely matches. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our algorithm via simulation and real data experiments; indeed, knowledge of even a few seeds can be extremely effective when our seeded graph matching algorithm is used to recover a naturally existing alignment that is only partially observed.Comment: 24 pages, 10 figure

    Vertex nomination: The canonical sampling and the extended spectral nomination schemes

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    Suppose that one particular block in a stochastic block model is of interest, but block labels are only observed for a few of the vertices in the network. Utilizing a graph realized from the model and the observed block labels, the vertex nomination task is to order the vertices with unobserved block labels into a ranked nomination list with the goal of having an abundance of interesting vertices near the top of the list. There are vertex nomination schemes in the literature, including the optimally precise canonical nomination scheme~LC\mathcal{L}^C and the consistent spectral partitioning nomination scheme~LP\mathcal{L}^P. While the canonical nomination scheme LC\mathcal{L}^C is provably optimally precise, it is computationally intractable, being impractical to implement even on modestly sized graphs. With this in mind, an approximation of the canonical scheme---denoted the {\it canonical sampling nomination scheme} LCS\mathcal{L}^{CS}---is introduced; LCS\mathcal{L}^{CS} relies on a scalable, Markov chain Monte Carlo-based approximation of LC\mathcal{L}^{C}, and converges to LC\mathcal{L}^{C} as the amount of sampling goes to infinity. The spectral partitioning nomination scheme is also extended to the {\it extended spectral partitioning nomination scheme}, LEP\mathcal{L}^{EP}, which introduces a novel semisupervised clustering framework to improve upon the precision of LP\mathcal{L}^P. Real-data and simulation experiments are employed to illustrate the precision of these vertex nomination schemes, as well as their empirical computational complexity. Keywords: vertex nomination, Markov chain Monte Carlo, spectral partitioning, Mclust MSC[2010]: 60J22, 65C40, 62H30, 62H2

    Spectral Clustering for Divide-and-Conquer Graph Matching

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    We present a parallelized bijective graph matching algorithm that leverages seeds and is designed to match very large graphs. Our algorithm combines spectral graph embedding with existing state-of-the-art seeded graph matching procedures. We justify our approach by proving that modestly correlated, large stochastic block model random graphs are correctly matched utilizing very few seeds through our divide-and-conquer procedure. We also demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in matching very large graphs in simulated and real data examples, showing up to a factor of 8 improvement in runtime with minimal sacrifice in accuracy.Comment: 32 pages, 8 figure
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