38,246 research outputs found

    Beam-beam observations in the RHIC

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    The Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) at Brookhaven National Laboratory has been in operation since 2000. Over the past decade, the luminosity in the polarized proton (p-p) operations has increased by more than one order of magnitude. The maximum total beam-beam tune shift with two collisions has reached 0.018. The beam-beam interaction leads to large tune spread, emittance growth, and short beam and luminosity lifetimes. In this article, we review the beam-beam observations during the previous RHIC p-p runs. The mechanism for particle loss is presented. The intra-beam scattering (IBS) contributions to emittance and bunch length growths are calculated and compared with the measurements. Finally, we will discuss current limits in the RHIC p-p operations and their solutions.Comment: 7 pages, contribution to the ICFA Mini-Workshop on Beam-Beam Effects in Hadron Colliders, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, 18-22 Mar 201

    Maximal Hypersurfaces and Positivity of Mass

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    Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy of Bi2Sr2CuO6+d: New Evidence for the Common Origin of the Pseudogap and Superconductivity

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    Using scanning tunneling spectroscopy, we investigated the temperature dependence of the quasiparticle density of states of overdoped Bi2Sr2CuO6+δ between 275 mK and 82 K. Below Tc = 10 K, the spectra show a gap with well-defined coherence peaks at ±Δp≃12 meV, which disappear at Tc. Above Tc, the spectra display a clear pseudogap of the same magnitude, gradually filling up and vanishing at T*≃68 K. The comparison with Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ demonstrates that the pseudogap and the superconducting gap scale with each other, providing strong evidence that they have a common origin

    Six-dimensional weak-strong simulations of head-on beam-beam compensation in RHIC

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    To compensate the large beam-beam tune spread and beam-beam resonance driving terms in the polarized proton operation in the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC), we will introduce a low-energy DC electron beam into each ring to collide head-on with the opposing proton beam. The device to provide the electron beam is called an electron lens. In this article, using a 6-D weak-strong-beam-beam interaction simulation model, we investigate the effects of head-on beam-beam compensation with electron lenses on the proton beam dynamics in the RHIC 250 GeV polarized proton operation. This article is abridged from the published article [1].Comment: 5 pages, contribution to the ICFA Mini-Workshop on Beam-Beam Effects in Hadron Colliders, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, 18-22 Mar 201

    A New Digital Georeferenced Database of Grassland in China

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    Grassland covers some 40 percent of China's territory and constitutes an important territorial resource serving critical economic and environmental functions. Pastoralism has been an important pillar of the rural economies in the dry and cold areas of the plateau region, Nei Mongol and north-western China. Grass cover plays also an important environmental role in the protection of highly erodible soils of sloped land, and in arresting sand in areas prone to wind erosion and desertification. In the 1980s and the early 1990s, Chinese institutions have undertaken detailed county-level surveys of grassland resources, and compiled maps and databases of grassland distribution and productivity. The "Map of Grassland in China" at the scale of 1:4M was recently completed and implemented as a digital database of 17 grassland types on GIS. This report describes the features of the database and summarizes the extents geographical distribution of grassland in China

    Local quasiparticle density of states of superconducting SmFeAsO1−x1-xFxx single crystals: Evidence for spin-mediated pairing

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    We probe the local quasiparticles density-of-states in micron-sized SmFeAsO1−x_{1-x}Fx_{x} single-crystals by means of Scanning Tunnelling Spectroscopy. Spectral features resemble those of cuprates, particularly a dip-hump-like structure developed at energies larger than the gap that can be ascribed to the coupling of quasiparticles to a collective mode, quite likely a resonant spin mode. The energy of the collective mode revealed in our study decreases when the pairing strength increases. Our findings support spin-fluctuation-mediated pairing in pnictides.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Computational challenges for beam-beam simulation for RHIC

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    In this article we will review the computational challenges in the beam-beam simulation for the polarized proton run of the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC). The difficulties in our multi-particle and million turn tracking to calculate the proton beam lifetime and proton beam emittance growth due to head-on beam-beam interaction and head-on beam-beam compensation are presented and discussed. Solutions to obtain meaningful physics results from these trackings are proposed and tested. In the end we will present the progress in the benchmarking of the RHIC operational proton beam lifetime

    Anisotropic magnetic diffuse scattering in an easy-plane type antiferromagnet ErNi2_{2}Ge2_{2}

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    We report on neutron scattering studies of a rare earth intermetallic compound ErNi2_{2}Ge2_{2}. Polarized neutron scattering experiments revealed that the magnetic ordered moment m{\bm m} lies in ab-plane. Taking account of a lack of the third higher harmonic reflection, ErNi2_{2}Ge2_{2} is considered to have a helical magnetic structure. The magnetic scattering profiles along the [100]∗[100]^{\ast}- and the [110]∗[110]^{\ast}-directions are well described by the sum of Gaussian and modified-Lorentzian terms, even far below TNT_{\scriptsize N}, indicating that short-range orders coexist with a long-range order. Interestingly, the modified-Lorentzian-type diffuse scattering is not present in the profiles along the [001]∗[001]^{\ast}-direction. The anisotropy of the diffuse scattering suggests that the short-range-order consists of one dimensional long-range helices along the c-axis.Comment: 4 pages, to be published in J. Phys.: Condens. Matter (HFM2008

    Four-point measurements of n- and p-type two-dimensional systems fabricated with cleaved-edge overgrowth

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    We demonstrate a contact design that allows four-terminal magnetotransport measurements of cleaved-edge overgrown two-dimensional electron and hole systems. By lithographically patterning and etching a bulk-doped surface layer, finger-shaped leads are fabricated, which contact the two-dimensional systems on the cleave facet. Both n- and p-type two-dimensional systems are demonstrated at the cleaved edge, using Si as either donor or acceptor, dependent on the growth conditions. Four-point measurements of both gated and modulation-doped samples yield fractional quantum Hall features for both n- and p-type, with several higher-order fractions evident in n-type modulation-doped samples.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figure
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