40,386 research outputs found

    Method for reducing snap in magnetic amplifiers

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    Method of reducing snap in magnetic amplifiers uses a degenerative feedback circuit consisting of a resistor and a separate winding on a magnetic core. The feedback circuit extends amplifier range by allowing it to be used at lower values of output current

    Fluids with quenched disorder: Scaling of the free energy barrier near critical points

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    In the context of Monte Carlo simulations, the analysis of the probability distribution PL(m)P_L(m) of the order parameter mm, as obtained in simulation boxes of finite linear extension LL, allows for an easy estimation of the location of the critical point and the critical exponents. For Ising-like systems without quenched disorder, PL(m)P_L(m) becomes scale invariant at the critical point, where it assumes a characteristic bimodal shape featuring two overlapping peaks. In particular, the ratio between the value of PL(m)P_L(m) at the peaks (PL,maxP_{L, max}) and the value at the minimum in-between (PL,minP_{L, min}) becomes LL-independent at criticality. However, for Ising-like systems with quenched random fields, we argue that instead ΔFL:=ln(PL,max/PL,min)Lθ\Delta F_L := \ln (P_{L, max} / P_{L, min}) \propto L^\theta should be observed, where θ>0\theta>0 is the "violation of hyperscaling" exponent. Since θ\theta is substantially non-zero, the scaling of ΔFL\Delta F_L with system size should be easily detectable in simulations. For two fluid models with quenched disorder, ΔFL\Delta F_L versus LL was measured, and the expected scaling was confirmed. This provides further evidence that fluids with quenched disorder belong to the universality class of the random-field Ising model.Comment: sent to J. Phys. Cond. Mat

    Aerosol major ion record at Mount Washington

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    This study examined the seasonal cycles and regional-scale meteorological controls on the chemical properties of bulk aerosols collected from 1999 to 2004 at Mount Washington, the highest peak in the northeastern United States. The concentrations of NH4+ and SO42− peaked during summer months. The pattern for aerosol NO3− was more complicated with relatively high median concentrations characterizing spring and summer months, but with major elevated events occurring during fall, winter, and spring. The seasonal relationship between NH4+ and SO42− indicated that during warmer months a mixture of (NH4)2SO4 and NH4HSO4 was present, while it was mainly the latter in winter. More acidity and higher concentrations of the major species were generally associated with winds from the southwest and west sectors. The highest (≥95th percentile) concentrations of SO42− and NH4+ were associated with air mass transport from major upwind source regions in the Midwest and along the eastern seaboard. The ionic composition and seasonal cycle observed at Mount Washington were similar to those measured at other northeastern sites, but the range and average concentrations were much lower. These differences were exaggerated during wintertime. Included in this paper are several Eulerian case studies of SO2 conversion to SO42− during transit from Whiteface Mountain, New York, to Mount Washington. The calculations suggest a gas-phase SO2 oxidation rate of ∼1–2% per hour and demonstrate the possibility of using these two sites to investigate the chemical evolution of air masses as they move from Midwestern source regions to northern New England

    An Introduction to Conformal Ricci Flow

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    We introduce a variation of the classical Ricci flow equation that modifies the unit volume constraint of that equation to a scalar curvature constraint. The resulting equations are named the Conformal Ricci Flow Equations because of the role that conformal geometry plays in constraining the scalar curvature. These equations are analogous to the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations of fluid mechanics inasmuch as a conformal pressure arises as a Lagrange multiplier to conformally deform the metric flow so as to maintain the scalar curvature constraint. The equilibrium points are Einstein metrics with a negative Einstein constant and the conformal pressue is shown to be zero at an equilibrium point and strictly positive otherwise. The geometry of the conformal Ricci flow is discussed as well as the remarkable analytic fact that the constraint force does not lose derivatives and thus analytically the conformal Ricci equation is a bounded perturbation of the classical unnormalized Ricci equation. That the constraint force does not lose derivatives is exactly analogous to the fact that the real physical pressure force that occurs in the Navier-Stokes equations is a bounded function of the velocity. Using a nonlinear Trotter product formula, existence and uniqueness of solutions to the conformal Ricci flow equations is proven. Lastly, we discuss potential applications to Perelman's proposed implementation of Hamilton's program to prove Thurston's 3-manifold geometrization conjectures.Comment: 52 pages, 1 figur

    A Comparison of Phycocyanins from Three Different Species of Cyanobacteria Employing Resonance-Enhanced Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Spectroscopy

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    Resonance-enhanced coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectra are recorded for monomers and trimers of phycocyanin from three different cyanobacteria: Westiellopsis prolifica, Mastigocladus laminosus and Spirulina platensis. It is shown that upon aggregation from monomer to trimer the electronic structures of both the α84 and β84 chromophores are changed. The spectra of the trimers originating from S. platensis and M. laminosus are very similar to each other, but distinctly different from the spectrum of W. prolifica

    Geometric Laws of Vortex Quantum Tunneling

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    In the semiclassical domain the exponent of vortex quantum tunneling is dominated by a volume which is associated with the path the vortex line traces out during its escape from the metastable well. We explicitly show the influence of geometrical quantities on this volume by describing point vortex motion in the presence of an ellipse. It is argued that for the semiclassical description to hold the introduction of an additional geometric constraint, the distance of closest approach, is required. This constraint implies that the semiclassical description of vortex nucleation by tunneling at a boundary is in general not possible. Geometry dependence of the tunneling volume provides a means to verify experimental observation of vortex quantum tunneling in the superfluid Helium II.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, revised version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Spacelike surfaces with free boundary in the Lorentz-Minkowski space

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    We investigate a variational problem in the Lorentz-Minkowski space \l^3 whose critical points are spacelike surfaces with constant mean curvature and making constant contact angle with a given support surface along its common boundary. We show that if the support surface is a pseudosphere, then the surface is a planar disc or a hyperbolic cap. We also study the problem of spacelike hypersurfaces with free boundary in the higher dimensional Lorentz-Minkowski space \l^{n+1}.Comment: 16 pages. Accepted in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Tetragonal tungsten bronze compounds: relaxor vs mixed ferroelectric - dipole glass behavior

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    We demonstrate that recent experimental data (E. Castel et al J.Phys. Cond. Mat. {\bf 21} (2009), 452201) on tungsten bronze compound (TBC) Ba2_2Prx_xNd1x_{1-x}FeNb4_4O15_{15} can be well explained in our model predicting a crossover from ferroelectric (x=0x=0) to orientational (dipole) glass (x=1x=1), rather then relaxor, behavior. We show, that since a "classical" perovskite relaxor like Pb(Mn1/3_{1/3} Nb2/3_{2/3})O3_3 is never a ferroelectric, the presence of ferroelectric hysteresis loops in TBC shows that this substance actually transits from ferroelectric to orientational glass phase with xx growth. To describe the above crossover theoretically, we use the simple replica-symmetric solution for disordered Ising model.Comment: 5 two-column pages, 4 figure

    The Top Ten List of Gravitational Lens Candidates from the HST Medium Deep Survey

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    A total of 10 good candidates for gravitational lensing have been discovered in the WFPC2 images from the HST Medium Deep Survey (MDS) and archival primary observations. These candidate lenses are unique HST discoveries, i.e. they are faint systems with sub-arcsecond separations between the lensing objects and the lensed source images. Most of them are difficult objects for ground-based spectroscopic confirmation or for measurement of the lens and source redshifts. Seven are ``strong lens'' candidates which appear to have multiple images of the source. Three are cases where the single image of the source galaxy has been significantly distorted into an arc. The first two quadruply lensed candidates were reported in Ratnatunga et al 1995 (ApJL, 453, L5) We report on the subsequent eight candidates and describe them with simple models based on the assumption of singular isothermal potentials. Residuals from the simple models for some of the candidates indicate that a more complex model for the potential will probably be required to explain the full structural detail of the observations once they are confirmed to be lenses. We also discuss the effective survey area which was searched for these candidate lens objects.Comment: 26 pages including 12 figures and 10 tables. AJ Vol. 117, No.