26 research outputs found

    Highly Versal Torsors

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    Let GG be a linear algebraic group over an infinite field kk. Loosely speaking, a GG-torsor over kk-variety is said to be versal if it specializes to every GG-torsor over any kk-field. The existence of versal torsors is well-known. We show that there exist GG-torsors that admit even stronger versality properties. For example, for every dNd\in\mathbb{N}, there exists a GG-torsor over a smooth quasi-projective kk-scheme that specializes to every torsor over a quasi-projective kk-scheme after removing some codimension-dd closed subset from the latter. Moreover, such specializations are abundant in a well-defined sense. Similar results hold if we replace kk with an arbitrary base-scheme. In the course of the proof we show that every globally generated rank-nn vector bundle over a dd-dimensional kk-scheme of finite type can be generated by n+dn+d global sections. When GG can be embedded in a group scheme of unipotent upper-triangular matrices, we further show that there exist GG-torsors specializing to every GG-torsor over any affine kk-scheme. We show that the converse holds when chark=0\operatorname{char} k=0. We apply our highly versal torsors to show that, for fixed m,nNm,n\in\mathbb{N} and a fixed semilocal Z[1n,e2πi/n]\mathbb{Z}[\frac{1}{n},e^{2\pi i/n}]-ring RR with infinite residue fields, the symbol length of Azumaya algebras over RR having degree mm and period nn is uniformly bounded. Under mild assumptions on RR, e.g., if RR is local, the bound depends only on mm and nn, and not on RR.Comment: 41 pages. Comments are welcom

    Rationally Isomorphic Hermitian Forms and Torsors of Some Non-Reductive Groups

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    Let RR be a semilocal Dedekind domain. Under certain assumptions, we show that two (not necessarily unimodular) hermitian forms over an RR-algebra with involution, which are rationally ismorphic and have isomorphic semisimple coradicals, are in fact isomorphic. The same result is also obtained for quadratic forms equipped with an action of a finite group. The results have cohomological restatements that resemble the Grothendieck--Serre conjecture, except the group schemes involved are not reductive. We show that these group schemes are closely related to group schemes arising in Bruhat--Tits theory.Comment: 27 pages. Changes from previous version: Section 5 was split into two sections, several proofs have been simplified, other mild modification