598 research outputs found

    Japanese Cartoon Fencer Building Characters Using Coreldraw 12.0

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    The development of computer technology so rapidly, the initial function as a tool insolving issues and problems in all fields and then enter the function as an entertainer. It ismarked with many products in the world of computer-based entertainment. One of theentertainment world is much in demand is a comic or cartoon. The use of computers toproduce a professional cartoon was done starting with the cartoons that made Hollywoodthe United States that use computerized. Making computerized cartoons provide manybenefits to the animator since with the help of software that has special tools to givecertain effects that can not be created manually. With these cartoons make more livelyand interesting. In making this application the author using CorelDraw 12 program

    Penaksir Rasio dan Produk Eksponensial yang Efisien untuk Variansi Populasi pada Sampling Acak Sederhana

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    Estimators discussed here are three estimators for estimating population variance in simple random sampling without replacement, i.e. exponential ratio estimator using variance of auxiliary variable, and exponential ratio and product estimators using mean of auxiliary variable. This work is a review of article written by Asghar et al. [Revista Colombiana de Estadistica, 37 (2014): 213-224]. These estimators are all biased and mean square error (MSE) of each estimator can be obtained. Furthermore, these MSE are compared to each other. The most efficient estimator is the one which has the smallest MSE. An example is given to show the efficiency of the estimator

    Minat Penggunaan Perangkat Lunak Penghitungan Biaya Standar Pelayanan Minimal Kabupaten/kota

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    Background: The Indonesian Ministry of Health developed adistrict essential health package (EHP) costing software in2009. However, this has not yet been utilized due to poordissemination. It is necessary to conduct a study evaluatingthe opinion of health professionals towards intention to usethis software and ensure its usefulnessAim: This paper aims to assess user acceptance of districtEHP costing software by integrating Technology AcceptanceModel (TAM) and End User Computing (EUC) satisfaction.Method: A descriptive study was used. A total of 139respondents were involved in this study. They were policymakers and budget analysts of EHP in district health offices,and also primary health care workers and district hospitalworkers in all districts of Yogyakarta. Data were collected toassess the perceived usefulness, ease of use, content, format,accuracy, timeliness, attitude toward use and behavioralintention to use. Path diagram analysis was conducted.Result: The study showed that the respondents have theintention to use the EHP software. Usefulness and satisfactionhad the greatest positive influence on higher intention to useEHP costing software and were found to be statisticallysignificant, (0.29 and 0.22 respectively). Both the usefulnessand ease of use had positive influence on attitudes, (0.45 and0.23 respectively). Ease of use, content, accuracy andtimeliness gave a positive effect to satisfaction.Conclusion: Intention to use the EHP costing software wasmostly driven by perceived usefulness and satisfaction.Adequate human resources and hardware need to be in placefor its implementation

    Teacher Praises and Students' Engagement in Efl Classroom (a Case Study of Seventh Grade Students at One of Junior High School in Bandung)

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    The study analyzed the use of praise and its influence toward students' engagement. Qualitative approach was employed in this study. The obtained data were analyzed by using the theory of effective praise by Conolly et al (1995) and also the theory of characteristics of students' engagement by Jones (2009). The data of this study were obtained from classroom observation. The result of this study showed that the way teacher gives praise to the students is in line with the theory of effective praise. The observed teacher in this study gave praise to the students in four steps: description of appropriate behavior, rationale, request acknowledgment, and positive consequence. In addition, the result of the study also showed students' positive engagement after being praised by the teacher. There were five characteristics of students' engagement that appeared during classroom observation: positive body language, consistent focus, verbal participation, students' confidence, and fun and excitement. In conclusion, the use of praise would influence students' positive engagement if it was given properly

    Mekanisme Penerapan Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan (Corporate Social Responsibility) Dalam Kegiatan USAha Pertambangan

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    The existence of the company in the community can provide the positive and negative aspects. The company provides goods and services needed by the community and the work. But on the other hand it is not uncommon to get people from the impact of the company's business activities. Encourage changes in society in order to create a new view on the implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Indonesia, which was awarded the abundant natural resources including minerals mining. The purpose of the study the author wanted to convey in this study: first, know the set corporate social responsibility in Indonesia. Second, know the mechanism of implementation of corporate social responsibility in the mining business.This type of research can be classified in this type of normative research using data sources that comprise the primary legal materials, legal materials and secondary legal materials tertiary.From the results of this study concluded. First, setting the CSR contained in Article 74 of Law No. 40 of 2007 on Limited Liability Companies, Article 15 and Article 34 of Law No. 15 of 2007 on Investment, and Article 2 paragraph (1) of Law No. 19 of 2003 of State Owned Enterprises are packed in the Minister of State Owned Enterprises State No. PER-08/MBU/2013 of Fourth Amendment Regulation of the State Minister for State Owned Enterprises No. PER-05/MBU/2007 about Partnership Program with the State-Owned Enterprises Small Business and Community Development Program, Government Regulation No. 47 of 2012 on Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Company Limited, and the Decision of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia Number 53/PUU-VI/2008. Second, steps in implementing CSR consists of the identification, planning, preparation, financing, implementation, documentation, auditing and reporting CSR

    Peranan Satuan Reserse Kriminal dalam Penyidikan Tindak Pidana Mutilasi di Wilayah Hukum Kepolisian Daerah Riau (Studi Kasus Mutilasi di Kabupaten Siak)

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    Siak is one of the districts in the province of Riau. The Police Siak consisting of 10 policeoffice is in charge of controlling the police agency every crime that occurs in the area. At latelyin the area have the criminal act of mutilation, in which the person in doing so sadistic actionsagainst the victim and the offense is very disturbing Indonesian society in general and inparticular the public Siak. The problem in this paper is what causes of the criminal acts ofmutilation in Riau Police Legal Jurisdiction, and how the role of the Criminal Investigation Unitin the investigation of criminal mutilation, whether the factors that become obstacles in theinvestigation of criminal offenses mutilation in Region Regional Police Law Riau Police Siak,whether the efforts of the Criminal Investigation Unit in addressing the factors that becomeobstacles in the investigation of criminal offenses in the area mutilation Law Riau Police, PoliceSiak, Siak, having done research using empirical methods / sociological, by source data isbacked up by the primary data of primary and secondary data, and after data is collected, the datawere analyzed by means of qualitative and concluding with the deductive method.Based on the research results of the causes of the criminal acts of mutilation in RegionalLaw Riau Police, Police Siak, Siak is due to the instigation of parents to pass on a dark science, astrong desire of the child to gain knowledge of the immune father, because of economic factors ,lack of parental supervision of their child victims, and lambanya performance of the police tofollow up the report, then the role of the Criminal Investigation Unit in the investigation carriedout under the rules of the existing legislation, and the role undertaken belong to the actual role.Then the factors that become obstacles in the investigation of criminal mutilation faced by theCriminal Investigation Unit at the Regional Law Riau Police, Police Siak, Siak is a factor of itsown law, law enforcement apparatus, facilities and infrastructure factors and environmentalfactors or natural, and efforts undertaken to overcome these obstacles is to overcome legalfactors alone no attempt was made, to address the law enforcement apparatus, the first problemof a lack of seriousness, boss investigators provide motivation to each investigator, and tosupervise, the second problem of lack of qualified investigators in the investigation, the CriminalInvestigation Unit in cooperation with the Police Bengkalis, then to overcome infrastructurefactors, the first problem the lack of cars, no attempt was made but still use the car available, thesecond problem of lack of funds, investigators using their own funds and funds specified, the lastto address the environmental or natural factors, investigators continue to work hard to find partsof the body that is not intact and then to overcome the difficulties in identifying the investigatorsends the victim's body parts to Bhayangkara Hospitals Pekanbaru. Suggestions author, it isexpected that all relevant parties running role and functions well
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